山下 久美 ヤマシタ クミ Kumi Yamashita
vol.23, pp.79-98, 2006-03

Insects familiar to young children are very easy-to-handle educational material, being inexpensive and not being troublesome. Insects are being bred at many preschools. Thus, teachers were queried on the reason for breeding insects, and it was learned that breeding was for the purpose of "informing young children of the ecology of insects,""teaching them of the importance of life." and "nurturing in them the thoughtfulness for others." However, since a study has not been performed hitherto on whether or not insect breeding truly has an effectiveness on such matters, an interview survey was accomplished on 100 young children. In the replies of 30 children of a preschool which routinely bred insects, the effectiveness of insect breeding experience was clearly perceptible as a result of a comparison with the replies from 70 children of preschools which had never bred insects. Children of the preschool that bred insects had greater knowledge of insect ecology and were able to understand that once dead an insect could not be revived in comparison with children of preschools that did not breed insects. The sympathetic feelings of children towards insects that died were observed. Although a feeling of thoughtfulness toward children younger than themselves was also discernible, this matter requires additional research.
五十嵐 修 イガラシ オサム Osamu IGARASHI
vol.23, pp.1-52, 2006-03

In einem wichtigen Aufsatz (1982) hat Johannes Fried Einwande gegen die Interpretation des karolingischen Staates von Kategorien der Abstraktion und Institutionalisierung her erhoben. Fur ihn reduziert sich das Reich (regnum) auf Konigsherrschaft, bietet nur einen Ausschnitt aus der politischen Daseinsform. Obwohl diese Frage schon von H.-W.Goetz ausfuhrlich diskutiert worden ist, habe ich hier versucht, diese Problematik auf der Basis des heutigen Forschungsstandes nochmals zu uberprufen. Meine Ergebnisse: 1. Das von Zeitgenossen als regnum bezeichnete Gebilde umfaBte das Reichsgebiet und das hier siedelnde Volk. Das war umfangsreicher als ein nur dem Konig unmittelbar zuganglicher Herrschaftsverband. Regnum war eine wahre politische Gemeinschaft. 2. Die Thronfolge beweist den Character des Regnums als politische Gemeinschaft eindeutig. In Thronfolgefallen tritt populus oft in den Quellen als Wahler. Die karolingischen Quellen berichten, dass an der Wahl das Volk beteiligt war. In der Tat sind naturlich nur die Optimaten als reprasentive Schicht des frankischen Volkes an Thronfolgen beteiligt, diese Nachrichten zeigen aber sehr gut den Charakter des Regnums als politischer Gemeinschaft. Diesen Charakter zeigen auch die Reichsversammlungen. In seinem beruhmten Werk De ordine palatii gibt Hinkmar von Reims wichtige Informationen uber die Reichsversammlungen. Nach ihm bestand es die Gewohnheit, nicht ofter als zweimal im Jahr Reichsversammlungen abzuhalten. Sicher ist, dass auch auf diesen Versammlungen das Volk eine Rolle spielte. 3. Regnum war die jeweilige politische Ordnung, weil es in karolingischer Zeit den Brauch gab, bei der Thronfolge die Herrschaft unter die Sohne des verstorbenen Konigs aufzuteilen. 4. An keiner mir bekannten Stelle in karolingischer Zeit bedeutet ecclesia den Staat. Man darf nicht den karolingischen Staat "Kirche" nennen. Nur sinnbildlich kann man ihn als "Kirche" bezeichnen. 5. Wir konnen auch feststellen, dass in nur seltenen Stellen die Zeitgenossen den Staat als imperium bezeichnen. Auch nach der Kaiserkronung Karls des GroBen (800) war der allgemeine Ausdruck fur den Staat wie bisher regnum.
春木 育美
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.28, pp.93-106, 2011-03

The currency crisis in 1997 transformed foreign worker policies in South Korea.The government adopted a wide range of measures in order to escape from theunprecedented depression. The implementation of "the employment permit systemfor foreign workers" in 2004 and "the visiting employment system" in 2007 dramaticallychanged its stance on foreign worker policies in South Korea. Even though strictregulations were imposed on unskilled foreign workers, it was relaxed by opening theway for full-time positions with certain limitations. The considerable change in whichKorea legitimately accepted unskilled foreign workers, not as trainees, occurred dueto the severe deficiency of workers in small businesses, rapid decline in birthrate, andaging of society. Thus, there was an increasing concern for further labor shortage inthe future.
中林 隆明 ナカバヤシ タカアキ Takaaki Nakabayashi
vol.22, pp.77-95, 2005-03

Educational policies in modern Japan, especially in the early Meiji period, were led by Tanaka Fujimaro, Deputy Minister of Education. At the first time, France was the model of education policies in Japan. Its example was Gakusei (national educational system) enforcement (Imperial Ordinance). In those days, Tanaka participated in the Iwakura Mission, led by Iwakura Envoy Extraordinary and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the United States and European countries, as commissioner of Education Department. He eagerly conducted educational research in both continents with his staff during 1872-73. And again, he traveled to the United States to take part in the Exposition Fair in Philadelphia, in commemoration of American Centennal Foundation year in 1876. At both times he was impressed with American flexible educational systems, including libraries, small school districts and social institutions, and a variety of state initiatives. In 1879, he enacted the Imperial Educational Ordinance based on the principle of independence for local communities in elementary schools and educational institutions. As a result, his policy was denied by the government of the day, and he was transferred to another post (Minister of Justice).
秋本 倫子
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
no.30, pp.59-82, 2012

A worldwide best seller Yoru to Kiri (the original German title : EIN PSYCHOLOGE ERLEBT DAS KONZENTRATIONSLAGER, the Enlish title: Man's Search for Meaning) was written by a Jewish psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl. It was first translated into Japanese by Tokuji Shimoyama, a clinical psychologist and a professor emeritus at Sophia University (an ex-professor of Toyo Eiwa University). Since its publication, it has been read by many people over generations. The book has tremendous power toinspire and to encourage. After he was released from the Nazi concentration camps, he continued to work as a psychiatrist, taught at universities, gave lectures around the world, and lived to be 92. He is a miraculous psychiatrist and a psychologist of a kind that cannot be found anywhere.The aim of this paper was to re-read Yoru to Kiri and examine both from the perspective of modern trauma psychology (1) what kind of psychological reactions, defense mechanisms or coping behaviors Frankl resorted to while he was imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps, (2) how he overcame the trauma and adapted to his life after the war, and by referencing some literature on his life and on Holocaust survivors' psychology, (3) what kind of defense mechanisms or coping behaviors were effective in surviving extreme situations.Results:(1) It was found that Frankl showed at least some traumatic symptoms: extreme fear, denial or undoing, dissociation, repetitive and intrusive reactions (nightmares and obsession) , paralyzed or limited emotions, reduced interests, irritability and anger. The nightmares persisted till his ninties. (2) Frankl was not only using the coping behaviors as the Holocaust survivors in the literature, but he 82 was also rich in resources: intelligence, being a psychiatrist, warm and loving family elationships, and Jewish faith. More than anything, he supported himself by his firm convi ction that the life is worthwhile living no matter how harsh it may be.Conclusion: Frankl may have been a gifted person in many ways. But more than anything, he was willing, instead of giving in to the "fate", he was willing to take responsibility to find the right answers and fulfill the tasks given to him. He lived with this belief all his life and has been other people's lives meaningful.
高橋 基治 タカハシ モトハル Motoharu Takahashi
vol.28, pp.33-56, 2011-03

It has widely been believed that when it comes to learning a new language as asecond/foreign language,"the younger the better"is the rule that applies. On the otherhand, recent studies have demonstrated that although younger learners may have anadvantage in mastering native-like pronunciation, adults might actually learn second/foreign languages more easily and quickly than younger learners in such areas asvocabulary acquisition and syntax.The claim that an authentic pronunciation of a second/foreign language isunattainable after a certain age has been supported by certain kinds of evidence.However, at the same time, it is also true that there are, in actuality, some individualswho have acquired a native-like accent even after the so-called "critical period."With this conflicting evidence in mind, in this paper, I will discuss theprobability of obtaining native-like phonological performance by reviewing the existingempirical and theoretical literature on Second Language Acquisition, especially thatwhich focuses on the Critical Period Hypothesis and foreign accent. In addition, I willconsider the viability of direct phonological instruction as a subject in school basedon the information and insights gained through this review of key studies in the field.
津守 滋
人文・社会科学論集 (ISSN:09157794)
vol.23, pp.53-78, 2006-03

In the East Asian region de facto economic integration has been increasingly progressing since the nineties. Against this backdrop the possibility of forming an institutional framework for this "natural economic zone" has been deliberated to further promote the mutual interdependence of trade, investment and other economic relations. In December 2005 the leaders of ASEAN+3 (Japan, Korea and China)+India, Australia and New Zealand gathered in Malaysia to explore the possibility of giving birth to an "East Asian community". In order to get a clue as to whether East Asia would and could establish eventually a kind of "pluralistic comprehensive security community" beyond an economic community, the following political and security problems should be examined. Firstly, whether differences of stances and policies in the political and security issues could pose a hindrance to this kind of undertaking, and, if yes, to what extent? Secondly, whether the deepening and widening of economic integration could lead to integration in the political and security sphere? Thirdly, what should be done to form eventually a political and security community in this region? Whatever the answers to these questions may be, the past 2 Malaysian Summits in December 2005 marked a milestone in the direction of the emerging regionalism suitable for East Asia.