川崎 瑞穂
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
vol.10, pp.121-141, 2014-09-06 (Released:2018-12-10)

In the Arakawa-Shiroku area (located in the City of Chichibu, Saitama prefecture), there is an old kagura (local Shinto-based folk performing art), called "Shinmeisha-Kagura". Because of the lack of documentation, it is difficult to understand this kagura's history. "Sankanza", one of the Kagura repertoires, depicts a legend in which Jingiakogo conquered the ancient Korean peninsula (so-called "Sankan-seibatsu"). Interestingly, this musical program "Choren" includes a melody from the drum and fife corps from the late Edo period, for example, a melody in "Oranda-Gakutai" (from Chiba prefecture). In addition, under international influence after World War II, this program was reorganized by Hamanaka Yadenji, a mentor of the successors of this Kagura. In this paper, I would like to clarify the process of the development of Shinmeisha-Kagura in modern times through the analysis of "Sankanza".
清水 美里
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
vol.5, pp.203-225, 2009

This study examines the formation of the narrative of 'Hatta Yoichi' in the post WWII period. Hatta Yoichi, a Japanese engineer who undertook the development project of Kanantaishu and built the biggest dam in Asia during the Japanese Colonial period of Taiwan, has been introduced as "Japanese who loved Taiwan" and as a symbol of Japan-Taiwan friendship. In this study I analyze the transcripts of the interviews I conducted with the Chia-Nan Irrigation Association, Hatta Gishi Fusai wo Shitai-Taiwan to Yuko no Kai (the Association of honoring Mr. and Mrs Hatta and having friendship with Taiwan) and presidents of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jiu, Chen Shui-bian and Lee Teng-hui from 2007 to 2009. I reveal that the discourse of 'Hatta Yoichi' has been formed and transformed under the impact of the politics of Japan-Taiwan relationship.
佐藤 健二
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
vol.4, pp.3-18, 2008-10-11 (Released:2018-12-10)

In this essay, I have summarized and systematized my own points of view that had been discussed in my previous papers on sociological methods of life history. Firstly, the orality should be considered as a construct of plural characteristics, specifically "contexts of the present," "indigenous subjectivities," and "socio-historical characteristics of the field." The second point is the positive point of view in regarding "the individual as a field." This viewpoint organizes the grounds for the practice of fieldworks and monographic approaches. The third point is the positioning of the appropriate character of the sociological research, construct as compared with the criminal investigation by a police detective or the counseling by a social worker. The objective maintenance of "an appropriate distance" between the interviewer and the interviewee is essential for the achievement of calm and realistic understandings. In conclusion, I have proposed the new idea of "society as a relational-database," which corroborates the viewpoint of "the individual as a field."
八木 良広
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
no.8, pp.63-69, 2012-09-08

This article is my report on current A-bomb issues and the current social conditions of the hibakusha's life. It is made up of two sections. In the first section, I explain the current issues in the field by showing one recent movement of the hibakusha groups, the action of which I am concerned with. That is, recently it is becoming easier to undertake dialogue with hibakusha. Although it is necessary for us to foster activity that conveys hibakushas' experiences of the bombs to subsequent generations, and promote the construction of a "New Narrative" about them, there is an important problem we must consider. Next, in the second section, I describe my research experiences and future subjects. We need to take account of our research posture in order to have a dialogue with them. Recalling research experiences and considering interactions with subjects are the same task, and it is important to describe and look carefully at them. Furthermore, I refer in this essay to the social significance and meaning of academic research.
平野 邦輔
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
no.7, pp.89-109, 2011-09-10

本稿では、日系アメリカ人がマイノリティとしての自分達の立場を考えた際の「私達」という概念の包括性と境界について考察を行う。特に、全米日系アメリカ人市民協会(Japanese American Citizens League:JACL)の1994年からの同性婚に対する公的な賛成に至った論理展開に注目し、JACL会員、その他の日系人組織の活動家、そしてセクシャルマイノリティの日系人がマイノリティという言葉を考えた際、マイノリティとしての「私達」という概念が、他のカテゴリー集団をどう含むのか、とりわけセクシャルマイノリティの人々の問題をどのように「私達」の問題と考えているのかについて、新しい社会運動の視点から、2008年8月のフィールドトリップで得たインタビューデータとJACL機関紙であるPacific Citizen誌を主に使用し分析を行う。日系人集団におけるマイノリティがマジョリティに受け入れられようと働きかけるとき、マイノリティは既存の概念よりもより包括的な「私達」の概念の代替案を提示する言説戦略を用いて、パラダイムシフトを図る。つまり、周縁に置かれた者ほど、中心に含まれる人々をも含む包括的な「私達」の概念を使用し、中心の人間達の「私達」という概念に訴えかけ、今度は自分達が周縁に置かれないための代替案を提示してゆく。日系人組織内部では、人種・性的指向が、つまり純血/混血・異性愛者/その他の性的指向保持者、の2項対立が、それぞれ集団内部での中心-周縁構造を構成する要素として相互に作用し合っている。日系人集団においては混血であるよりも非異性愛者であるほうが、より周縁に置かれる構図が成立しており、「私達」の概念は、非異性愛者が提示する場合が最も包括的となる傾向がある。
川崎 瑞穂
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
no.9, pp.107-123, 2013-09-11

In the Arakawa-Shiroku area (located in the City of Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture), there are old kagura (a Shinto-based folk performing arts particular to the location), called "Shinmeishakagura". Because of the lack of documentation, the understanding of kagura's history is difficult. Yadenji Hamanaka (one of the successors of this performance tradition) holds much knowledge of the traditional past. This paper will explain the traditions and shed light on some interesting aspects of kagura. Concerning the understanding of the successors, kagura is known to get its influences from kabuki, and many successors of kagura performance understood this. In the research of this paper, I clarify that kagura contains a very complicated background of influences. This result leads us to the conclusion that there is a stratified structure in the successors' understandings of their art.
橋本 裕之
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
no.4, pp.19-33, 2008-10-11

The absolute confidence in the effective use of orality is the essence of the fieldwork in human sciences and social sciences. In other words, the questions and answers in the fieldwork constructs the major part. However, this seems to reflect the limits of orality also in the current conditions of fieldwork. I have in the past implemented a fieldwork in Ohashi of Matsudo city in Chiba prefecture about the dance of three lions (shishi) and experienced a very strange happening with the horns that adorn the head of the lion. With this report on the episode, I have been led to examine and provide the limits of the effective use of orality. I can present the key to the innovation of a cognitive model of the fieldwork that has been acknowledged as being dependent on orality. Actually the potential model is not dependent on the unnatural cognitive expansion based on the conversational dialogue model. What I mean is that not only the knowledge as in "knowing that," the knowledge as in "knowing how" is also considered as important. And finally, I provide the necessity of understanding the discourses presented by those who are involved in the context of the rehearsal process.
酒井 アルベルト
日本オーラル・ヒストリー研究 (ISSN:18823033)
no.4, pp.85-105, 2008-10-11

非行に走る子供たち、つまり13か14歳の子は正にそれだよ。迷っていてどうすればいいのか分かっていない。日本の学校では授業を理解できないし、宿題を手伝ってくれる人もいない。ブラジルに送られたら、向こうに適応できないから余計駄目になる。また日本に帰っても仕事がないから外でブラブラしている。何をすればいいの?もちろん泥棒ね。他に何もすることが出来ない! Rさん1990年代に始まった南米諸国から日本への労働者の動きにおいて、近年の滞在の長期化・定住化に伴い、深刻な問題の一つとして認識されているのは第2世代の言語教育である。「デカセギ」と呼ばれているこのコミュニティの大半はポルトガル語を公用語とするブラジル出身者、次いでペルー人をはじめとするスペイン語圏のラテンアメリカ出身者から構成されている。本稿は、筆者が行った調査をもとに、デカセギの定住化の傾向を母語に関わる言説から議論するものである。「ポルトガル語」や「スペイン語」が語りの中でどのようなシンボルとして、またどのような位置にあるのかを分析し、「母語を話す」行為の枠組みを読み解くことを試みる。そこで、いくつかのストーリーを分析し、その結果「疎外要素としての母語」と「コミュニティの統合要素としての母語」という対照的な語りが浮かび上がった。