土肥 信雄
日本教育政策学会年報 (ISSN:24241474)
vol.18, pp.110-116, 2011-07-15 (Released:2017-11-18)

The reason why I demanded to withdraw the notice "prohibition of a vote by a show of hands in a staff meeting" issued by the Tokyo's board of education is that the notice took freedom of speech and the authority of principal by force. The main function of educational government (the board of education) is to maintain the surroundings of education. It is absolute that educational government must not infringe on the authority of the principal and the content of education, because, educational neutrality will be lost. But recently educational governments have infringed on the authority of the principal and the content of education in many cases. The board of education caused this infringement. On the one hand, the board of education has absolute power and conveys policies down the hierarchy to those lower down. On the other hand, members in the board of education know little about the content of educational matters. So the secretariat of education bureaucratizes. When the board of education works effectively, the members of the board of education fully reflect popular opinion.
小玉 重夫
no.18, pp.8-17, 2011-07-15

During the post-war period the public education system in Japan had been considered to be clearly separated from the political system in two ways. First, education administration is separated from general administration in the name of the independence of education administration. Second, to secure the political neutrality of education educational practice by teachers had been considered not to be political. But these two assumptions have been gradually changed and reconsidered since the 1990s. It is at this point that politics of education is introduced. In this paper focusing on the post-Althusserian conception of ideology we try to capture the modern public education as a stake to which the political consequence of social reproduction is left. Following this conception school is not a neutral site which is independent of any political power, nor a political apparatus which contributes to predetermined social control. In this context the politics of education deals with both management and pedagogy, in other words, both school governance and school curriculum especially on citizenship.
山下 晃一
no.22, pp.42-58, 2015-07-15

The most recent reform of boards of education has shown three features of current education in Japan; firstly, the tendency of dependence on the power of the state regarding education; secondly, the difficulty of responsibility of education; finally, the limit of simply reflecting public opinion for education. We have to deepen our understanding for the significances of the spirits of idealism for the system of boards of education. In this ideal, that system must have its own terrain separated from general politics and can serve people as a practical sphere for their educational decision-making which will be appropriate and suitable for the future generations. It is one of the most important theoretical challenges to clarify and enrich the concept of politics of education. According to it, we can not only judge whether public opinion is reflected in education or not, but also grasp and describe the spatial dynamics of consciousness and action of people for educational decision-making. It can also be pointed out as an important practical challenge that each regional public sphere for politics of education should be cultivated through our new system of boards of education in Japan.
鈴木 寛
no.21, pp.8-24, 2014-07-15

The Act on the Organization and Operatin of Local Educational Administration, which was enacted in 1956, was revised drastically, but the reorganization of the system is stil halfway through. The initiative taken by politicians actualized by role-sharing and cooperation between politics and administration is the background of MEXT's new policy deliberation community and enrichment of policy formation process by delibrations based on evidence. To deepen discussion of what governance of education should be, we have to think from three zones and discuss the "proper educational administration size" which governance reaches. For the new educational governance, way to introduce "community-solution", must be considered, and the best mix solution of the problems of "government-solution", "market-solution" and "community-solution" is necessary. By referring to the author's proposal of community-school's idea at the time when he's an associate professor of Keio SFC and the budget's negotiation process and the public opinion's molding process when he was a Senior Vice-Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the author will propose an idea of educational administration system reform by cooperation between academia, the scene of education, government officials, media and politicians from a new point of view.
津田 昌宏
no.22, pp.118-131, 2015-07-15

This essay presents a review of the way of implementing educational poliy by the Obama Administration, which succeeds in upholding the spirit of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to improve social inequality by closing achievement gaps. Contrary to the Bush Administration's hierarchical style of implementing educational policy, Obama's way is fully putting educational interest group's activities and advice to practical use and constructing a policy network among them. Especially, the administration's strategy to improve labor-management relations accelerated the construction of policy network among 8 influential interest groups, including the National Education Association (NEA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The Administration believes the network will help improve social inequality. Inspired by this policy network among leading national organizations, the Obama administration acknowledged the importance of the teaching profession, and committed itself to comprehensive improvements of the profession, including the teacher preparation and pay system. These approaches lead to the cooperation between states and districts governments and labor unions like the NEA, and to promoting motivation for attaining the above mentioned ESEA goal. We can see an example of such developments in the State of Wisconsin.
澤野 由紀子
no.19, pp.8-22, 2012-07-15

Sweden is known as a country with a strong system of child care support in which children's right is secured. However, as population with foreign background increased to reach 19% in 2011, situation surrounding child care and education is changing rapidly. There are increasing number of children and youth at risk of child abuse and delinquency, which necessitate collaborative measures to be taken by different administrative sections in charge of children and youth at national, regional and community levels. In this paper, the author describes the background and process of multi-agency working involving different sectors in charge of children and youth, which is promoted in Sweden from the mid 20th century, together with the structure and concrete strategies of administrative integration for children and youth. The integration of administration for children and youth in Sweden has been realized bottom up starting from the needs of the people at community level. It is contrasting to the top-down approach which tends to start from re-organization of central government in order to integrate different ministries and agencies.
蔵原 清人
no.17, pp.106-114, 2010-07-10

In this paper, I examine "the National Assessment of Academic Achievement and Pupil's Studying Conditions" implemented by MEXT in terms of academic achievement assessment policies, and point out some problems. For this purpose, it is very important to carry out a study from the view point of public education. Why has the Japanese Government carried out this assessment? In my opinion, the government wants to educate pupils as manpower for Japanese economic growth, and to control Japanese teachers and the educational system. These policies contradict the fundamental aim of education, so they must not be continued as they are.
佐野 正彦
no.4, pp.38-55, 1997-06-25

Generally speaking, in Europe and the United States, when an employer recruits new and young employees without a higher educational background, they hardly think much of their academic achievement. By contrast, in Japan, even in occupational selection for blue-collar workers, an employer puts emphasis on academic background and achievement, regardless of knowledge and skills related to a certain job. So why, only in Japan, is meritocratic occupational selection strictly applied to all occupational stratification including blue-collar workers? The reason is to be found in the peculiar usage of the labour force in Japanese enterprises. One is deskilling of labour. In factories, as a result of pursuing profit from the division of labour, the skilled manual labour process has been divided to numerous simple units. Now labour in factories is made up of many simple jobs that everyone can do, and at any time any other employee can take over the job of his predecessor. Therefore, a new high school graduate isn't required to have any particular skill. In the labour market, there are no circumstances where a new graduate with vocational education or training in school can enjoy an advantage. He also is mainly evaluated on the basis of his academic achievement. The other is the necessity of Japanese enterprises to secure some core workers as foremen who can adjust themselves to frequent changes caused by technological innovation and to a variety of requirements from the enterprise. They adopt ability-oriented personnel management where a great number of employees are recruited each year, and then within a short term the majority who don't have perseverance to do hard and monotonous work are excluded from the enterprise. Moreover, only the minority of workers who have high flexibility is left as core workers and promoted from rank in the shop. High potentiality and broad trainability is regarded as important traits for personnel management. In order to secure candidates to be core workers in advance, therefore, Japanese enterprises need to adopt strict meritocratic occupational selection when they recruit new employees. These circumstances of Japanese enterprises have strengthened the schools' function in the selection and allocation of manpower, and to establish the system of meritocratic competition in schools.
松本 伊智朗
no.15, pp.77-87, 2008

This report discusses equality in education and role of schools from the viewpoint of child poverty and social exclusion. In particular, we examine the hardships and the disadvantages of children in care, and emphasize the role of the schools to tackle these issues. Schools have an important role to build a supportive human network for children in poverty.