高塚 慶次 宮本 慎一 田宮 高宏
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.72, no.11, pp.1373-1384, 1981

夜尿症の病因を解明するには, 小児の膀胱機能の年齢発育に関する知見が不可欠である. 機能的膀胱容量と平均尿流量率とは容易に測定でき, かつ, 正常小児の膀胱機能を評価する上で, 有用な指標である. 前者は強い尿意のあつたときの排尿量, 後者はそれを排尿時間で除した値として求まる.<br>この方法により, 4歳~14歳迄の正常小児102名に対して, 水負荷後の排尿量と平均尿流量率を測定し, 分散分析法によりデータを解析した. 結果は以下の如きであつた.<br>1) 機能的膀胱容量は4歳から14歳迄, 年齢と共に増加する.<br>2) 男子では同年齢の女子に比較し, 僅かながら膀胱容量は大である.<br>3) 平均尿流量率は, 略々排尿量の平方根に比例する.<br>4) 平均尿流量率は年齢に伴つて増加する. このことは, かなりの程度に, 年齢増加に伴う排尿量の増加によるものであるが, 共分散分析により, 年齢そのものに伴う増加のあることを, 確認した.<br>5) 女子の平均尿流量率は, 同年齢男子に比べ大である.
及川 敬喜 前山 泰典 伊藤 一元
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.63, no.5, pp.353-370, 1972 (Released:2010-07-23)

A case of priapism is reported and discussed.1) The case is a 27 years old Japanese male, with idiopathic priapism associated with severe pain. Previously, he experienced transient episodes of priapism for two weeks. The duration of one of them was eight days.Kymopsin 50 u per day was intramuscularly injected for 27 days, and no surgical treatment was done during admission. The effect was remarkable. Further, sexual intercourse after discharge was satisfactory with normal erection and sexual desire.2) In the literature, some cases of medical treatment with α-kymotrypsin or fibrinolysin are reported, and Arfonad showed an excellently successful case in securing normal erection by this treatment. A great part of operative treatments such as aspiration for cavernosum of penis or sapheno-corporeal anastomosis were also good but sometimes accompanied by incomplete erection. The aspiratson method was more effective than the anastomosis.
吉田 英機
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
vol.73, no.11, pp.1416-1421, 1982

1976年11月から1978年11月までのほぼ2年間に126例の結婚前青年期における医学生の精液所見について検討した. 精液量は3.0±0.9ml (me an±SD, 以下同様), 精子濃度は azoospermia が1例あつたためその例を除外した125例の測定平均値は106±50million/ml総精子数は313±165million/semen であり, 運動率は62±12%, エオジン活性率は80±8%, 奇型率はメチレンブルーによる単染色による測定であるが11±2%であつた. また総運動精子数は, 192±111million/mlであつた. さらに幼小児期の流行性耳下腺炎の既往を有する群と既往のない群との精子濃度および総精子数の比較では両群に何ら差は認められなかつた.<br>一方9例について1977年12月から1978年11月の一年間に亘りほぼ継続的に精液の提供をうけ, 精液所見の季節的変動について検討したところ, 精液量, 運動率, エオジン活性率および奇形率には著明な変動は見られなかつたが, 精子濃度は6月と7月の夏期に著明に低下し, 9月と10月の秋期に増加し, 総精子数および総運動精子数も同様の傾向を認め, ヒトにおいても精子濃度には季節的変動の存在することが強く示唆された.

2 0 0 0 OA 射精の研究

木村 行雄 宮田 宏洋 安達 国昭
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.11, pp.877-886, 1971-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
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The nervous pathways controlling the two phenomena, seminal emission and closure of the internal urethral orifice were studied experimentally, using male mongrel dogs.Methods: The nerves examined in this study were the nerve fibers entering the lower mesenteric plexus, the splanchnic nerves and the lumbar nerves. The peripheral cut end of these nerves was electrically stimulated continuously with pulses of 0.5-5V in amplitude, 0.5-2msec in duration and 1-40cps in frequency.For seminal emission and ejaculation, posterior urethrogram was recorded by the method described in a previous report. For measurement of contraction of the internal urethral orifice, a latex balloon fitted at the tip of a No. 6 polyethylene tube was inserted into the internal urethral orifice and alteration of the pressure in the balloon was recorded.The results obtained were as follows:1) Selective Stimulation on the Nerve Fivers enterining the lower Mesenteric Plexus.In this study the nerve fibers descending on the anterior wall of the aorta into the plexus were tentatively nominated as the central branch of the lower mesenteric plexus and the fibers entering from the lateral portion into the plexus as the lateral branch of the plexus.When the central branch was stimulated, seminal emission occurred and contraction of the internal urethral orifice was not noted. On the other hand, when the lateral branch was stimulated, emission did not occur but the marked contraction in the internal urethral orifice was observed.2) Stimulation of the Splanchnic Nerves.Seminal emission was caused by stimulation of the greater splanchnic and the third lesser splanchnic nerves. The degree of emission was more remarkable on stimulation of the latter nerve. In regard to contraction of the internal urethral orifice, it was observed that when the 4th-6th lesser splanchnic nerves were stimulated the internal orifice contracted. In particular, contraction was most marked when the 5th lesser splanchnic nerve was stimulated. Accordingly, it was thought that seminal emission and contraction of the internal urethral orifice during ejaculation were controlled by the different nerve pathways upper the lower mesenteric plexus.3) Stimulation of the Lumbar Nerves.In this study, seminal emission was examined alone.Slight emission was observed when the anterior roots of the 1st and 2nd lumbar nerves were stimulated. A remarkable emission was found to occur when the anterior root of the 3rd lumbar nerve was stimulated. Emission was not observed on stimulation of the other lumbar nerves and the posterior roots of the lumbar nerves.
福井 準之助
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.68, no.11, pp.1046-1071, 1977-11-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

Voiding urodynamic studies (V. U. D.) were performed in a series of 75 children with infravesical obstruction other than neurogenic bladder by simultaneously recording the abdominal pressuer, urethral pressure, vesical pressure, anal sphincter tone, electromyograms (EMG) of the anal sphincter and urinary flow rate with a 6-channel polygraph. In addition, patients were tested for sacral nerve reflex wherever deemed necessary by means of urethral pressure profile (U. P. P.) and anal sphincter EMG. Through statistical analysis (by the student t-test) of data obtained for 35 voiding parameters in the V. U. D., attempts were made to clarify the voiding urodynamic characteristics in various disease states as well as to characterize the tracing patterns of individual voiding factors. The results obtained are as follows.1) Urethral hypertoniaUrethral hypertonia with spasms of the pelvic floor musculature: Both in males and females, urethral resistance was increased during micturition due to spastic pelvic floor musculature. In spite of consequent application of abdominal contraction in the facilitation of voiding, a lowered urinary flow rate and protracted urination were noted (Table 2-A). The voiding urodynamic pattern seen in this group of patients was characterized by elevation of urethral pressure and emergence of spikes in the tracing of anal sphincter tonus during urination with concomitant increments of spike discharge and increased amplitude in the anal sphincter EMG (Figs. 3-a and 3-b).Urethral hypertonia without spasms of the pelvic floor musculature: Voiding was apparently aided by the abdominal muscular contraction to overcome the increased posterior urethral resistance, yet, the urinary flow rate remained low. Vesical after-contraction was fairly frequent in this group of patients, and this finding is of particular note when viewed with respect to the detrusor-urethral smooth muscle organization. No significant difference could be observed for any voiding parameter between females in this group and a normal female control group (Table 2-A), and a greater pressure was noted to be required in males than in females for dilatation of the posterior urethra (Table 2-B). In the polygraphic tracing of voiding urodynamics, a normal relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, increased vesical and urethral pressure and a lowered urinary flow rate were evident during urination (Figs. 4-a and 4-b-i, ii and iii).2) Congenital bladder neck obstructionCongenital bladder neck obstruction with spasms of the pelvic floor musculature: The condition in this group of patients was characterized by stenoses in the two areas of the urinary tract, i. e. the bladder neck and the posterior urethra (chiefly the membranous urethra), with a greater loss of energy at the former site in voiding. A high vesical pressure is eventually required to facilitate urination by overcoming augmented resistance at these sites (Table 2-A). The study has revealed a greater pressure was required to open the posterior urethra in males than in females (Table 2-B). There was evidence for elevation of vesical pressure and only a slight increase of urethral pressure; hence a noticeable difference between these pressures. The tracing of anal sphincter tonus showed spikes during voiding. Coinciding with them were interference waves in the EMG of anal sphincter. The urinary flow rate remained low (Fig. 6-i and 6-ii).Congenital bladder neck obstruction without spasms of the pelvic floor musculature: Energy loss associated with urination occurred primarily in the bladder neck, the condition requiring a high intra-abdominal pressure to open this region of the urinary tract. There was also a high vesical pressure required to facilitate completion of voiding by overcoming the increased resistance of bladder neck. Patients showed low urinary flow rates (Table 2-A). Polygraphic tracings showed a remarkably elevated vesical pressure with a peak in the initial cour
鈴木 明
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.79, no.3, pp.527-533, 1988 (Released:2010-07-23)

細胞骨格蛋白の中間径フィラメントは, 細胞の癌化の過程をとらえる指標とひとつとして, 最近注目を集めている. 腎癌は近位尿細管上皮細胞から発生すると言われているため, 上皮細胞由来のサイトケラチンは, 腎細胞悪性化の適切な指標と推測される. また, ビメンチンは, 中胚葉由来細胞に特徴的に認められる. 今回, 我々は腎癌患者7例の手術によって摘出された腎の組織を用い, 二次元電気泳動法および免疫組織化学的方法を施行し, サイトケラチンおよびビメンチンの癌化に伴う変化を検討した. 塩基性型サイトケラチンの亜分画を検討したところ, 腎癌はサイトケラチンNo. 4のみの存在が同定されたが, 正常部髄質ではサイトケラチンNo. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6の5つの亜分画を検出し得た. また, 正常部皮質ではNo. 1, 4の2つの亜分画を検出した. 酸性型サイトケラチンを検討したところ, 腎癌と正常部組織のサイトケラチン表現型は非常に類似していたが, 腎癌ではサイトケラチンNo. 12が欠損していた. 一方, ビメンチンは腎癌の7例全例で認められた. 免疫組織化学的に検討しても, サイトケラチンとビメンチンの存在は, 腎癌全例で確かめられた. 以上の生化学的, 免疫組織化学的な特性から, 所謂腎癌は単なる腺癌ではなく, 肉腫のもつ性格をもあわせもっている腺癌であると考えた方が, 臨床的な特性を説明するうえにも矛盾がないように思われる.
古屋 聖児 横山 英二 熊本 悦明 塚本 泰司
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.74, no.1, pp.15-24, 1983 (Released:2010-07-23)

正常対照群7例と神経因性膀胱患者20例を対象として, 球海綿体反射の伝導時間を測定した. この伝導時間は, 陰茎または陰核, および後部尿道を電気刺激した後, 肛門括約筋が収縮する迄の潜時として計算される.1. 正常対照群における伝導時間は, 陰茎または陰核を電気刺激したばあいは32-45msec (平均38.1msec), 後部尿道を刺激したばあいは60-84msec (平均71.1msec) であつた. 従つて, 前者のばあい50msec以上, 後者のばあい90msec以上の伝導時間は異常と考えられる.2. 核上型神経因性膀胱患者12例の伝導時間は, 正常対照群と差を認めなかつた. しかし, 核型神経因性膀胱患者1例および末梢型神経因性膀胱患者6例では, 球海綿体反射の伝導時間に延長が認められた.3. 球海綿体反射の伝導時間の測定は, 客観的, 定量的な臨床検査法として, 神経因性膀胱のタイプや障害部位の診断に有用であると考えられる.
和田 一郎
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.62, no.5, pp.368-388, 1971 (Released:2010-07-23)

A morphological study of the colliculus seminalis has been made by means of retrograde urethrography in 654 cases, including 107 normal cases, 160 cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy, 22 cases of prostatic cancer, 47 cases of prostatism, 107 cases of seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis, 67 cases of neurogenic bladder, 45 cases of urethral stricture, 36 cases of male sterility, 17 cases of nervous urgency and 46 cases of enuresis. In addition. 80 other different cases have been subjected to a comparative study utilizing radiographic and endoscopic examination.Radiographic pictures of the colliculus seminalis were classified into 7 types (Type I: club-shaped, Type II: tadpole-shaped, Type III: spindle-shaped, Type IV: belt-shaped, Type V: egg-shaped, Type VI: negative contour, Type VII: irregular deformation).In normal cases, Type I was observed in 58%, Type II 24.3%, Type III, IV and V of a few percent. Type VI was observed in about 50% of benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostatic cancer. Type VII was frequently observed in prostatic cancer, in 13.6%, and followed by vesiculitis, prostatitis and neurogenic bladder.The radiographic size of the colliculus seminalis was determined by the transverse diameter. By statistical analysis, above 6mm of the transverse diameter was indicated as an enlargement of the colliculus seminalis. In patients with seminal vesiculitis, prostatitis and male sterility, the transverse diameter showed a significantly larger size than normal cases with a wide distribution. This enlargement would be due to the inflammation or congestion of the colliculus seminalis. Moreover, radiographic pictures of the colliculus seminalis were unable to confirm by endoscopic observation.The first 5 types based on the radiographic study were considered to be formed by the difference in prominence of the colliculus seminalis and urethral crista to the lumen of the urethra.To obtain clear picture of the prostatic urethra, the author prefer to use the contrast medium with a low viscosity, and if high viscous contrast medium was used, diminishing the oblique angle of the body against the X-ray beam would be necessary.
里見 佳昭 仙賀 裕 福田 百邦 河合 恒雄
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.75, no.6, pp.909-916, 1984-06-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 1

腎細胞癌に対する化学療法の第4報として, インターフェロンの有効性について, リンパ芽球由来の human lymphoblastoid interferon (α型) を用いて検討した.1) 転移のある腎細胞癌患者19例に対し, 連日投与60回以上できた症例について効果を判定した. CRはなく, PR 2例, MR 3例, NC 4例, PD 5例で, 有効率は35.7% (5/14) と従来の抗癌剤にない高い有効率を示した. 現段階では腎細胞癌の第1選択薬剤として使用すべきと考える.2) 効果の発現は20回から60回投与の間で起こり, それ故, 効果の判定は60回以上投与後に行うべきと考える.3) 性, 年齢, 腫瘍の大きさは有効率を左右しない. low grade 症例は4/7の有効率であり, high grade 症例は1/7で, 特に low grade の腎細胞癌には第一選択剤として使用する価値のある薬剤である.4) 最大の副作用は全身倦怠と食欲不振で, しばしばこのために治療中止をせざるを得なくなる. 骨髄抑制はじめ他の副作用は軽微である.
平賀 聖悟
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.71, no.9, pp.1024-1046, 1980-09-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
1 1

ラットおよびヌードマウスを用いて精巣組織の精巣内同種移植実験を行ない, 移植片の生着および生着後の機能に関して組織学的判定基準を作成し, 移植片生着とその造精機能について年齢的および免疫的要因を中心に検索した. 移植片の生着成績はヌードマウス間>幼若ラット間>幼若→成熟ラット間の順序に良好であり, 成熟ラット間の移植では全例生着しなかつた. なお移植組織が未熟なほど生着は良好であつた. 幼若→成熟ラット間の移植に対する免疫抑制 (azathioprine, prednisolone) の効果は azathioprine 単独投与例以外は生着率が向上した. 成熟ラット間移植に対しhCGによる recipient 精巣の刺激は効果を示さなかつた. 移植片の機能に関しては, ヌードマウスへの移植片は造精機能の低下と導入の遅れを認め, 幼若ラットの精巣移植片は donor が若いほど造精機能の導入は良好であつたが長期移植例では一度導入された造精機能が再び低下した. Recipient が幼若ラットの場合には未熟精巣移植片の造精機能が donor と同齢の対照に対し促進していた. 免疫抑制剤の投与により移植片は機能低下の傾向を示した. 以上より精巣組織の生着および造精機能に関しては donor の年齢的要因が重要であり, 精巣組織の成熟に伴う阻血に対する耐性の低下と造精細胞の抗原性の発現が移植組織の生着とその後の機能に関与しており, さらに生着組織の造精機能の導入には recipient 側の内分泌環境が関与していることが示唆された.
伊達 成基
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.78, no.6, pp.963-972, 1987-06-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

私たちの教室では, 経直腸的リニア電子走査装置を用いた精嚢超音波穿刺術を開発した。本法は, 経会陰的精嚢穿刺を超音波リアルタイム画像でモニタでき, 精嚢内容液の採取による内容液の分析, 細菌学的検査, 細胞学的検査など種々の精嚢の検査および精嚢疾患の治療が可能となった。1981年1月より1984年6月まで, 私たちの教室において, 精嚢炎53例, 血精液症8例, 前立腺癌5例, その他2例総数68例に対し精嚢超音波穿刺術を試みた。その結果, 本法は以下の点において有用であることがわかった。1) 精嚢内容液の採取。(1) 精嚢内容液の分析による生理学の研究。(2) 精嚢炎, 血精液症の病理生理学の研究。(3) 精嚢内容液の細胞学的検査による, 前立腺癌における精嚢への浸潤の有無。2) 精嚢内薬液注入。(1) 精嚢炎, 血精液症の治療。(2) 精嚢レ線造影。精嚢超音波穿刺術は, 近い将来, 精嚢疾患に対する新しい診断法および治療法となりえることが強く示唆された。
平賀 聖悟 黒川 順二 内島 豊 荒木 重人 竹内 信一 牛山 武久
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.76, no.12, pp.1855-1868, 1985-12-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

小児VUR 12症例についてレ線透視下膀胱内圧測定 (CG-CM) を行なった. 対象の内訳は非閉塞性VUR 7例, 神経因性膀胱に伴なうVUR 5例の計18尿管であり, 次の結果を得た. 過去においても同様の検査が行なわれたが, 本検査法に基づくVURの分類が膀胱内圧曲線 (CMG) を中心にしておらず, 臨床例と適合しないところもあるので新分類を試みた. すなわち, CMGの静止圧時における低圧逆流をType I, 排尿反射時の高圧逆流をType II, 腹圧による意識圧時の高圧逆流をType IIIとした.VUR起始時の平均膀胱内圧はType I, 25.6mmHg, Type II, 41.4mmHg, Type III, 86.3mmHgであった. その時の平均膀胱容量はType I, 387.9ml, Type II, 245.6ml, Type III, 53.3mlであり, 非閉塞性VURで膀胱容量が大きく, 神経因性膀胱に伴なうVURでは小さい傾向が示された. 本検査法によるVUR起始時の grade はスクリーニングのために行なった one-shot の膀胱撮影乃至は排尿時膀胱尿道撮影と異なる頻度であった. VUR発現の過程におけるどの grade を真の grade とすべきかという問題が生ずるが, CG-CMによりVURの時間的因子を含めた機能的 grading が可能である. VURの各 Type における grade と水腎症の程度とを比較すると, Type Iでは両者がほぼ一致し, Type IIとType IIIでは grade に比し水腎症が軽度であった. VURの各 Type におけるCMGは, Type Iでは大部分正常型及至は弛緩型膀胱, Type IIから Type IIIへかけて痒性膀胱あるいは無抑制膀胱の割合が増加した. 本検査法の最終目標は小児VURの治療方針の決定にある. 臨床症例が少なかったため, 今回は明確な結論は得られなかったが, Type Iで grade の低い場合は経過観察でよいが, 高 grade のものは外科的治療を要し, Type IIから Type IIIへかけて保存療法の割合が増える傾向が示された.
山本 成之助 大森 周三郎
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.23, no.4, pp.224-242, 1934 (Released:2010-07-23)

In den letzten 40 Jahren hat man in Japan über 207 Fälle von Blasen-, und Urethralfremdkörper erfahren, wir haben clarunter 9 Fälle beobachtet. Die statistischen Beobachtugen darüber sind folgende:1) Alter; am meisten vom 21. Lj. bis 30. Lj.2) Geschlecht; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 2.5:1.3) Lokalisation des Fremdkörpers;a) 29.5 (in der Blase): 4 (in der Urethra): 1 (in der Blase und Urethra.)b) In der Blase; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 2:1.c) In der Urethra; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 7:1.d) In der Blase und Urethra: nur bei Männern.4) Arten des Fremdkörpers;Kerze und wachsartige Substanz 18.4%Nelatonscher Katheter 14.5%Ähren, Blätter, Stengel und Kern der Pflanze 11.3%Inhalt der Dermoidzyste etc. 10.1%5) Eindringungswege des Fremdkörpers;Durch die Urethra: Von der Blasenwand und Nachbarorgane sind 3:1.6) Ursprünge der Eindringung;Zwecks Selbstbefriedigung ca 45%Wegen nicht ärztlicher Behandlung 14%Wegen fehlerhafter ärztlicher Behandlung etc. 12%7) Über 92 Fälle von Blasern-, u. Urethralremdkörper eingedrungen zwecks Selbstbefriedigung;Alter; am meisten vom 21 Lj. bis 30 Lj.Geschlecht; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 5:18) Entfernung des Fremdkörpers; bei Entfernung des Fremdkörpers in der Blase war die Behandlung blutiger als die in der Urethra.
土田 悌三郎
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.22, no.6, pp.301-326_2,30, 1933 (Released:2010-07-23)

Recently I have experienced 6 cases of foreign bodies in the urinary bladders in our clinic and I have collected 156 cases of foreign bodies in the bladders from the literature in Japan with our 6 cases until 1932 with the following results.1. From a standpoint of age, it takes a large percentage of the cases between 21-30 (30%) and the proportion between man and woman is 3:12. Variety of the foreign bodies are as follow:a) Candle and candle-like substances are 20.4%.b) Rubber catheters are 14.2%.c) Thin metal manufactured goods are 12.3%.d) Roots and stems of plants are 10.5% and so on.3. The courses of foreign bodies into the bladders are of two ways, one is from urethra (120 cases) and another not from urethra (33 cases).4. Foreign bodies in the urinary bladder by masturbation show 46.6% and by the doctor's fault 10%.5. Substances which were used for masturbation are as follows.a) Candle and candle-like substances are 26 cases (44%).b) Thin metal manufactured goods and plants are 11 cases (18.6%).c) Rubber tubes are 4 cases (6.6%).d) Chopsticks and pencils are 4 cases, (6.9%).e) Clinical thermometer and glass-rods 3 cases (5.1%).6. 10 patients in those cases did not complain of any trouble for a long time after they had introduced foreign bodies into the bladders.7. In 79 cases formation of calculi with foreign bodies in the urinary bladders (82.3%) were found.8. For diagnosis of foreign body in the urinary bladder cystoscopy is necessary and enough, it is interesting to take X-ray photograph and when the foreign body is negative by X-ray, then pnenmocytography must be tried ofter washing the bladder with “Umbrathor” about 10-20c.c.9. Non-operative therapy is best and as a candle solvent (Xyrol) is convenient.
森 義則 水谷 修太郎
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.59, no.10, pp.857-864, 1968-10-20 (Released:2010-07-23)
6 7

Two cases of true hermaphroditism were experienced in two-year- and three-year-old siblings. Exploratory laparotomy and histological examination revealed that each sibling had ovary on the left side and ovotestis on the right side and that each had a fallopian tube on the ovarian side and maldeveloped spermatic cord on the ovotesticular side. They were both sex chromatin positive and their sex chromosomes consisted of XX. Their external genitalia were quite similar to each other.
原田 忠
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.78, no.12, pp.2173-2179, 1987-12-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

生体にマイクロ波を照射し, その熱作用を利用しようとする場合, 生体内で温度分布がどのようになっているかを知ることは重要である. アプリケータからのマイクロ波照射パターンを基礎的に検討する場合には, ファントームを用いた実験が行われる。また温度分布を測定する方法にもいくつかあるが, 今回は泌尿器科用アプリケータ3種を用いて, ファントームおよび温度測定方法について検討を加えた. 用いたファントームは, 牛肝, 食肉ハム, 0.25. 50および75%の生理食塩水を含有したガーゼ, および卵白で, 温度分布の測定は赤外線サーモグラフィー, 液晶プラスチック板, および卵白凝固法を施行した. アプリケータをファントーム内に埋没するように設置し, 2,450MHzのマイクロ波を100w, 30~120sec照射し, アプリケータ設置部のファントーム断面の温度分布測定を行い比較し, 以下の結果を得た. (1) 牛肝と食肉ハムの温度分布はほぼ同じ大きさであった. (2) ガーゼでは生食の含有率が高くなると温度分布も大きくなっていったが, 50~75%の生食含有ガーゼがほぼ牛肝と同じ大きさの温度分布であった. (3) 赤外線サーモグラフィー法による温度測定は, 非接触性に正確に測定できるが, 機器が大がかりで簡便性に欠けていた. (4) 液晶プラスチック板は手軽に正確に測定できた。(5) 卵白凝固法は三次元で照射パターンをとらえることが可能であったが, 発生する気泡によって変形したり, 測定温度に幅があることが欠点であった.以上の結果から, アプリケータを基礎的に検討する場合には, 食肉ハムを用い赤外線サーモグラフィー法で測定する方法が優れており, 臨床的応用直前にアプリケータの照射パターンを確認する場合などには生理食塩水50~75%を含ませたガーゼをファントームとして液晶プラスチック板で温度分布を調べる方法が適していると考えられた.
福井 準之助
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.67, no.6, pp.417-438, 1976-06-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

Simultaneous measurements of the voiding factors: vesical pressure, urethral pressure, intraabdominal pressure, tone of anal sphincter, E. M. G. of anal sphincter including external urethral sphincter partially and flow rate or velocity were made by using a six channel polygraph. The values of measurement and patterns of voiding factors were analyzed and their correlation was studied to make clear characteristics of the voiding mechanism of normal status and obstructive diseases.This report centers about the urinary flow rate in many voiding factors. Ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter is used for the measurement of urinary flow rate. The principle, structure of the flowmeter (Fig. 2-1, 2-2), the conditions of measuring technique (Fig. 4), the method of calibration (Fig. 6, 7, 8, 10), the limit of this method due to the error of measurement (Fig. 11) and the parameters which could be determined by this method (Fig. 12) were discussed.It was concluded that this apparatus was probably useful to measure the urinary flow rate and velocity nonobstructively.Fourteen parameters were taken from the relation between the urinary flow rate and vesical pressure.Based on those, the correlation by T-test between normal boys and girls, high and low voiding voumes, normal and abnormal subjects with lower urinary tract obstructive disorder including neurogenic bladder were investigated.The result1) The correlation between normal boys and girls.It was found that the effect of vesical pressure was immediately refected on urinary flow rate in girls. It was suggested that it is due to the specific anatomical and functional characters of the urethra in girls.2) The correlation between normal and disordered subjects in lower urinary tract.It was known that the energy, which was lost at the lower urinary tract in the latter, was extremely large. The average energy loss was in the order of neurogenic bladder, congenital bladder neck obstruction and urethral hypertonia.When the paper speed was kept constant, the urinary flow rate curve appeared as below (Fig. 13, 14, 15, 16).Normal subject: bell type waveStenosis of external urethral meatus: spike waveUrethral hypertonia: Plateau wave or plateau and spike waveCongenital bladder neck obstruction: plateau wave or plateau and spike waveNeurogenic bladder:Brain bladder: bell or plateau waveCord bladder:Automatic type: hill type and spike waveAutonomous type: intermittent serrated waveThe waves are changeable under the influence of urine output and catheters for vesical and urehtral pressure measurements. The classification according to the patterns is also only a supplementary method.
岡部 巖
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-9, 1952 (Released:2010-07-23)

1) Mentioning the certain motion of the anus by urination, I have described the variation of the inner pressure of the anus by urination as a curve in 75cases, The apparatus is made up mostly of a tambour and a kymographion with a pipet attached, which rubber cap is inserted in the anus, and by this apparatus the variation of the inner pressure of the anus is described in curves.2) In this paper the curve indicating anal pressure in case of urination and drawn on the description apparatus of my design was studied anatomically, and from the curve described, it was assumed that this curve was due mostly to the contraction and relaxation of the sphincter ani externus muscle, and further the differences between the curves described with this apparatus under certain conditions such as coughing, increasing stomach pressure or etc. was discussed.3) The curve of the inner pressure of the anus appearing on my ano-sphinctemeter by urination could be divided in several classification, but according to the curve described by interrupting urination intentionally, by arising of desire for urination after forcing a certain amount of liquor in the bladder or by delaying the discharge of the residual urine in the urethra, I came to the conclusion that the variation of the inner pressure of the anus occuring by urination depends on the closing action of the urethra, and that this movement has the following two purposes such as the interruption of urination and discharging of contents existing in the urethra.4) Considering the anatomical studies on perineal muscles, the portion closing the urethra, with which action the ascension of the inner pressure of the anus is accompanied, are within the sphere of the bulbocavernosus muscle and the run of its three layer of fibre and its connection with the sphincter ani muscle, it is assumed, to my belief, that when the sphincter ani muscle contracts at the sametime and equally in power with the bulbocavernosus muscle then the bulbocavernosus muscle compresses the bulbus urethrae and could press it perpendicularly toward the urethra. Further it is considered that this motion of closing the urethra is correlated with the motion closing the posterior part of the urethra.5) In cases complaining abnormality of urination, it was understood that the variation of the inner pressure of the anus had less value in meking urological diagnosis. The characteristic variation of inner pressure of the anus in female and in the aged was also studied.6) The reasonabillity of the plastic operation for incontinentia urinae (Flaque-Lowsley's Method) is made clear by my theory concerning the contraction of the sphincter ani muscle in closing the urethra.