真保 良吉 小川 修 清水 秀夫 後藤 佐吉
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.103, no.1191, pp.325-330, 1987-05-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

For the purpose of obtaining fundamental thermodynamic data for the carbothermic reduction of alumina, two types of experiments were carried out. In the first type of experiments, alumina was reduced with graphite powder at 2173K in a graphite crucible in an atmosphere of argon in the presence of iron at 2173K. In the second, a liquid Al-Fe-C ternary alloy was equilibrated with both graphite and Al4C3 in a graphic crucible in an atmosphere of argon at temperatures between 2073 and 2373K.Alumina was reduced fairly fast and the aluminum content in the resultant Al-Fe-C alloy increased with time for at least the first 90min, but the evaporation of aluminum from the alloy and the formation of Al4C3 through the reaction between Al in the alloy and C from the crucible caused the aluminum content to decrease gradually. From the equilibration experiments it has been found that the activity coefficient of Al in the Al-Fe-C alloy and the equilibrium alloy composition can be adequately obtained by applying the regular solution model to the liquid alloy and by using the data of a functions available from literature along with the standard Gibbs energies of formation of the existing chemical species in the system.
崔 亨燮 呉 在賢
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.82, no.941, pp.755-762, 1966-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

To study the correlation between the characteristics of fracture surface and the electrochemical properties of aluminum-silicate minerals, cleavage planes of kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite have been predicted from crystal structures of these minerals, and then the arrangement of atoms exposed to the surfaces along these ckavage planes have been assumed.The electrochemical phenomena of these minerals in the solid-solution interface are discussed with respect to the weighted average charge per metallic atom on the assumed cleavage planes. The weighted average charge has been calculated as a function of oxidation number of the metals and number of oxygen atoms coordinated to these metallic atoms.It is found that the pH of the isoelectric point of kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite decreases as the weighted average charge increases. Together with the above three minerals, corundum and quartz are found to be in good linear relation between the pH of the isoelectric point and the weighted average charge, indicating that the arrangement of metallic atoms on the fracture surface of minerals plays an important role upon their surface properties.The effect of surface oxygen atoms on the pH of the isoelectric point of minerals is also discussed briefly.
大塚 尚寛 小林 良二
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.98, no.1127, pp.1-6, 1982-01-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

In order to determine the fracture toughness of various rocks, the splitting tests under the stiff-load are undertaken on eight kinds of rocks, namely OGINO tuff, KIMACHI sandstone, IZUMI sandstone, EMOCHI andesite, INADA granite, fine grained AKIYOSHI marble, medium grained AKIYOSHI marble and TOHOKU marble.The rock specimens (200mm×150mm×20mm) in which have a slot are prepared in this test. The crack initiation and the process of crack propagation are studied by the measurement of splitting load, crack opening displacement and crack length. The values of fracture toughness KIC of various rock specimens are determined with the compliance method, and the relationships between fracture toughness and mechanical properties are investigated.The main results obtained in this studies are as follows;(1) As a result in this test, it is seen that the fracture behaviours of rock specimens are divided into two groups. That is, the fracture crack of rock specimens of one group initiates after the maximum load point in the splitting load-crack opening displacement curve and propagates in a straight line, as OGINO tuff, KIMACHI sandstone, IZUMI sandstone, EMOCHI andesite and INADA granite. The fracture crack of rock specimens of other group initiates at the boundary of grains in rock before the maximum load point and the fracture crack in rock specimens propagateslowly along the boundary, as medium grained AKIYOSHI marble and TOHOKU marble.(2) From the relationship between fracture toughness and mechanical properties of various rocks, it becomes clear that fracture toughness of rocks increases in proportion to compressive strength, tensile strength and shear strength, and that fracture toughness decreases with the porosity of rocks increas.
西脇 三樹雄
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.81, no.931, pp.981-988, 1965-11-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

The Ma On Shan Mine, the metamorphic contact iron are deposit, located in Kowloon peninsula, has been operated since 1906. However, in 1952 as the grade of the are was getting gradually low, the Japanese mills refused to take it successively unless the, grade up operations were under control of our company. In 1953 the Mutual Trust Co. Ltd. which is the ownner of the mine asked our company to operate the mine as the joint venture, and the agreement was concluded in that year. The first processing plant having the capacity 120, 000 tons of concentrate per annum, was completed and started its production in 1954. In 1959 the open cast was mined out and the mining site had to be removed into the under ground. At the same time the processing plant was capacitied up partially. In 1963 the 110M adit was driven through. In 1965 the production was raised up to 150, 000 tons of concentrate per annum, and the facilities and equipments of the plant have been increased accordingly.
橋本 建次
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.98, no.1134, pp.733-740, 1982-08-25 (Released:2011-07-13)
2 1

A number of studies have recently been carried out in which the abrasive and erosive wear rate of the materials by the mineral grains was determined. In this paper the effects of various variables on these wear are summarized.M ain contents are as follows:1) Introduction: Difinition of wear, Classification of wear testing methods- three-body sliding friction between loose mineral grains and materials (flat-flat plate and flat-circle plate), two-body sliding friction between materials and minerals (fixed and loose abrasive), rolling and impacting between materials and loose mineral grains (ball or rod mills), rotating of materials in loose mineral grains, impacting of loose mineral grains against materials and impacting of materials against loose mineral grains-, Relations between different testing methods.2) Factors influencing abrasive and erosive wear: Knoop and micro Vickers hardness of minerals and materials, Correlationsbetween wear rate W and hardness ratio (material hardness Hm/mineral hardness Ha)-W∝(Hm/Ha) n-, Wear-resistant factors except hardness- Youngs modulas, tensile strength, fatigue strength, impact strength, etc.-, Effect of mineral grains size while the wear rate are proportional to the grain size, after the critical size (about 10-300 pm) it is almost constant-.3) Wear characteristics: Initial and steady wear processes-in steady wear the wear rate are proportional to sliding distance or impact time-, Influence of velocity V-W∝ Vn, where n value are 0-0.5 in two and three-body sliding friction testing methods, 0.8-1.3 in ball mill, 2-6.5 in testing methods of impacting of loosegrains against materials (metal: 2-3 and non-metal: 3-6.5)-, Influence of impact angle in erosive wear-the ductile materials exhibits maximum wear rate at low impact angle, but the brittle materials produces its maximum at high angle (for example, rubber: 0°, steel: 15-25°, castiron: 40-50°, glass: 90°).

1 0 0 0 OA 武蔵白岩鉱山

岡部 恭
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.100, no.1160, pp.993-997, 1984-10-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

Musashi-shiraiwa mine is a underground mining limestone mine which is located at naguri-mura, western part of Saitama prefecture.Annual production of the mine is 170, 000 tons of limestone are and mining method of it is sublevel stopping.This paper describes on the following points(1) Outline of the mine 1) location, 2) development, 3) geology and mineral deposits, 4) motive and changes of adoption for underground mining method(2) Opening 1) pre-surveying, 2) plan of opening, 3) norm for structure of are brock, 4) operation of drifting(3) Mining methods and operation(4) Transportation(5) Ventilation(6) Transmission
中尾 智三郎
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.72, no.822, pp.927-932, 1956-12-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

In this paper, some problems such as roasting, crushing, leaching of wolframite and the precipitation, of leached solution are treated. Some fundamental methods for the treating of scheelite are also presented. Though the efficiency of elimination of S and As is very important in the roasting process, it is also necessary to think about the relations between the roasting condition and pulverizing or solubility of elements in the ore. To the mechanism of crushing of wolframite, fundamental theory can he applied, but at the technical case mass effects must be discussed. The leaching efficiency of are depends mostly upon the grain size of are and the quantities of leaching reagents. Impurities in the are are also leached, and then crystallize out, but each impurity has essential beharior in such process. Scheelite can be refined by several technical methods. Decomposition with mineral acid is a ordinay method, but fusion or leaching with soda ash are very interesting methods.
加瀬 薫
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.72, no.822, pp.915-918, 1956-12-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

The operation at Sunamachi plant was commenced from 1944, and the output of the metallic tungsten was 7 t per month. The plant was severely destroyed by bombing in March, 1945, but it was reconstructed soon after the war. The present production of metallic tungsten is about 3.5-4.5t per month.The raw material is wolframite and tungsten in it is leached as paratungstic ammonia. The leached solution is thickened to crystallize out the parasalt, and the salt is reduced by the two steps of heating with hydrogen gas. At first it is reduced to blue oxide (W4O11) at the temperature of 410-450°C and then is reduced to metallic state at more higher temperature .
正路 徹也 佐々木 望 金田 博彰 武内 寿久禰
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.96, no.1103, pp.1-6, 1980-01-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

The high grade of cobalt characterizes the deposit of the Shimokawa copper mine which is one of the most famous bedded cupriferous pyrite deposits of Japan. Unfortunately, however, the cobalt has not been recovered, because the concentration of cobalt is difficult. In order to show the distribution of cobalt in the ore, the microscopic observation and the electron microprobe analysis have been carried out. The main ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, monoclinic pyrrhotite, sphalerite, cobalt pentlandite, and cobaltian mackinawite in the descending order of abundance. Among them, pyrite is the most important carrier of cobalt, and cobalt pentlandite is subordinate. The cobalt of the copper concentrate depends upon the small mingled grains (less than 20μm) of cobalt pentlandite which is closely associated with chalcopyrite. On the other hand, the pyrite concentrate owes its cobalt amount to cobalt-rich pyrite. On the basis of the texture of ore and the crystal form of pyrite, the mode of occurrence of pyrite is divided into seven types as shown in Figs. 1 (a)-(g). The R-type pyrite having a rounded form is the richest in cobalt among them, and contains a average cobalt concentration of 0.8 wt.%.These natures of ore suggest that the cobalt of the coppem concentmate may be recovered as a by-pmoduct of the copper smelting, and that the cobalt of the pyrite concentrate may be recovered as a cobalt concentrate consisting of R-type pyrite.
金子 正男
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.69, no.783, pp.321-340, 1953-09-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

At the Kamioka Mine, the stoping method of main stopes, formerly shrinkage or cut and fill, has been gradually replaced by sub-level stoping method, using long blast holes (radial horizontal holes since 1946, or vertical downward holes). Long blast holes are about 10-15 m in depth and 46 mm' in diameter, blasted by milli-second delay electric detonators.This report describes mining and drilling method and its cost in following chapters:-(1) General geology(2) Process of the study(3) Method of drilling of long hole(4) Method of sub-level stoping(5) Conclusion
下村 弥太郎 山口 梅太郎
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.81, no.921, pp.68-74, 1965-02-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

Prilled ammonium nitrate manufactured in this country has been applicable for AN-FO blasting. This paper is the second report of fundamental studies on AN-FO blasting using the recently improved prilled AN. The studies were consisted of experimental AN-FO blasting tests in a mine formeasurements of the cap-sensitivity and the detonation valocity and laboratory tests of loading AN-FOto bore-holes by an ejector type AN-FO bore-hole charger.AN-FO tested was more cap-sensitive in comparison with the AN-FO reported in the first report. Two bound No.6 blasting caps had a possibility to ignite 94 a 6 AN-FO charge in a sealed steel stube. Detonation velocities of AN-FO measured by Dautorich method were from 2, 0000 to 3, 000m/s.By compressed air jet loading, AN prills were crushed and filled in a bore-hole at high density, 0.85-1.0, to the density of original AN-FO, 0.81.The diameter and the length of loading hose, namely hose resistance, is very much effective on the loading speed of the compressed air loading system of AN-FO. The diameter of borehole is a major affecting factor for the state of AN-FO loaded in a bore-hole such as the density. While, the loading air pressure and the distance between the top of loading hose and the face of charge in a bore-hole are minor factors for the state.Loading techniques of AN-FO by compressed air system is rather experimental and should be established by practical operation in each mine.