1 0 0 0 OA 参事院の設置

野崎 昭雄
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.21, pp.11-18, 1974
藤井 茂利
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.13, pp.27-36, 1969

A certain On-Gana found in the ancient Japanese documents may be derived from Korean Language. In order to prove the hypothesis, I have tried to examine some Chinese characters and, as a result, I am assured that Chinese Characters, '叱' '伐' and '支' used as OnGana (seen in Nihonshoki), are derived from Korean Language. In this paper, I intend to examine the Chinese Characters, '旱' and '干' through the ancient Japanese documents, and explain the usage of them as On-Gana.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.84, pp.228-214, 2006-03-30

Michel Foucault strongly practiced his power criticism throughout his life and his power criticism was based on the basic concept of "Power/Knowledge" which focused on the strong and inevitable relations between power and knowledge in the diverse field of human sciences of Western civilization. However, late in life, he declared that the general theme of his research had not been power but the subject. What does this declaration mean? Did he abandon his power criticism by turning to the new ethics of the self? In this study, especially analyzing his later works, I investigated the substance of this change to reveal that Foucault never abandoned his principle of power criticism. I also took up the earlier works which treated the individual as the passive subject, and I verified that Foucault analyzed such a subject as an executor of the Will to Knowledge, and as a important component of power. So, his analysis of the subject has not been different from power criticism. Foucault's analysis of the subject fundamentally supported his critical theory of power and was consistent throughout his life.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.96-79, 2005-03-31

L'Absence du fondement normatif pose les problemes les plus populaires et serieux a la pensee de Michel Foucault. Nancy Fraser, par example, accuse Foucault de n'avoir ni fondement normatif, ni solution de rechange, ni espoire pour l'avenir de notre societe. Mais Foucault a toujours critique la psychanalyse, la medecine, la raison, notre humanite, le sujet, la discipline, la politique, le pouvoir, et presque toutes les institutions. Comment il peut les critiquer ? Quelle est la base ou le criteTe de son critique, c'est-a-dire, le fondement normatif de Foucault ? Dans cette etude, j'ai essaye de trouver ce fondement en analysant l'idee de (pouvoir-savoir) de Foucault. Cette idee contient une direction critique pour accuser le savoir de violation des objets a connaitre. Autrement dit, pour le sujet du savoir, c'est la violation de l'Autre. Pour Foucaut, c'est un effet du pouvoir mauvais et negatif. fiviter la violation de l'Autre peut etre pense un imperatif negatif. Mais on peut poser cette imperatif comme le fondement normatif solide de la critique de Michel Foucault.