石井 忠厚
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.55, pp.29-56, 1991
五十嵐 沙千子
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.83, pp.108-91, 2005-09-30

In den heutigen Gesellschaftstheorien (wie Liberalism oder Communitarianism) ist die Problematik der Offentlichkeit schon als Selbstverstandliches impliziert. Es bleibt aber m. E. heute noch erforderlich zu uberlegen, mit welchen Kriterien die Gultigkeit des offentlichen Raums beurteilt werden soll. Die Frage von Jurgen Habermas, wie die reale Gesellschaft fur alle Mitglieder gerechtfertigt werden kann, ist immer noch wichtig. Im folgenden wird eine Untersuchung zur Thematik der Offentlichkeit in der heutigen Informationsgesellschaft mit Hilfe der grundlegenden Arbeit von Jurgen Habermas erarbeitet.
篠崎 三男
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.88, pp.47-69, 2007

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the political and military activities of Athens in the Black Sea region (Pontus) in the second half of the fifth century B.C. Pericles' Pontic expedition ca. 437 B.C. marked an epoch in the relations between Athens and Greek communities of the region (Plut. Per. 20. 1-2). Demonstrating the unchallenged Athenian sea power, this enterprise brought the whole area of the Black Sea under the Athenian control. Afterward a considerable number of Pontic poleis joined the Athenian maritime league. These newly acquired allies were assessed for payment of tribute in 425/4 B.C. (IG I^3 71, IV, 11. 126-172). We can conclude that through the 430s and 420s B.C. Athens tried seriously to establish the hegemony over the Black Sea region.
定方 晟
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
no.78, pp.106-130, 2003-03-31

1 0 0 0 IR 額田王覚書

窪田 薫
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.12, pp.47-60, 1969

Princess Nukata (630〜715 or more), one of the greatest poetesses in Japan, was a priestess in the Court. Her first poem (Manyo, No. 7) remaining in the Manyo-shu (万葉集) is a tanka (a Japanese ode with 31 syllables) reciting yrically her dear recollection of the cottage life in her adolescence when the ritual of the priestesses-in-Court was held at Udi (宇治) in 644 A. D. They thatched the hut with spiritual miscanthus which they had cut for themselves upon the beautiful autumn field. There in the mysterious cottage, she probably, as a hostess-of-god, accepted Prince Ohoshiama(大海人) as a guest-god, conceiving Princess Toiti (十市). Her second poem (M., No. 9) was made in 659 when the amily of the Queen Saimei (斉明) visited the spa of Ki (紀) located at the sea-side with scenic beauty. This tanka has been very famous for its enigmatical letters giving hitherto no satisfactory solution. According to my decipherment, the uzzling poetry reads as follows : Thou shalt keep serene, oh, the Calm Sea! Th' My Crown Prince might stand under the oly Oak To perform the Archery Rite divining New Year. When the capital was removed to Afumi (近江) on the Lake Biwa (琵琶湖) in 667, the King Tenti (天智) ordered her to make odes (M., No. 17,18,19) for the chorus to pacify the master-spirit of Mt. Miwa (三輪山), standing by the old capital. We find with interest, in those odes of hers, flattery to the awful master of the mountain and high-handed attitude to the less dire spirit of the hanging clouds. With respect to her lineage of much doubtfulness, the diagram shown on the next page is my speculative proposal to be repared for the settlement.
篠田 昭夫
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.10, pp.40-A32, 1968

After bearing up against the successive humiliating experiences through his boyhood and youth till he made his debut as a popular writer in "Pickwick Papers," Charles Dickens had been running up a ladder of success with lively steps ; and it is "David Copperfield," his half-autobiography, that at the point of reaching the very pinnacle of worldly success, he produced composedly, remembering his following a thorny path in his younger days. Therefore, it may be said as a matter oi course that the whole of the novel is gently coloured by 'tranquil brightness.' But this remark only explains the garment enveloping this book. I should say that we ought not overlook the fact that a sensation of resistance as compensation singularly expanded in the mind of Dickens, as natural results of his keen sensibility receiving an incurable severe wound from great hardships in his boyhood, and that it casts its gigantic shadow on all of his works including this book. In "David Copperfield," it seems to me that the author's anti-social sentiment rises to the surface more distinctly than the other books, for it is incarnated through his rare mental condition like beautiful St. Martin's summer. And Uriah Heep is an image which was shaped through the process of this being condensed. He has a stubborn hostile feeling against the world arising from his extreme self-love, that is, 'vicious narcissism.' On his above-mentioned mental attitude steadfastly constructed from the miserable experiences in his boyhood, the image of the author's same one is thrown ; and accordingly, the more diabolical he grows, the more frantically the author's hidden desire to revenge blazes. Nevertheless, Dickens's fiery sentiment as this is destined to be suppressed by force, for where symmetry or harmony is disturbed art never crystallizes. Such being the case, Uriah Heep, furious as he is, isfinally left out in the cold as a barnacle. I infeJ that after all he is only invested with the function as an object of the author's intense satire and hatred, from the following matter : David Copperfield, a hero of this book, who is the author's alter ego and a model of diligence and sincerity, gives a crushing defeat to Uriah in gradually capturing Agnes Wickfield, the mirror of virtue, by his enchantment. And at the same time it sounds natural to me that the wild passions whirling around inside the too much vigorous author gush out into the tone of the descriptions of him as stated above.
國府田 武
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.56, pp.113-136, 1991
志水 義夫
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.77, pp.41-58, 2002

Kojiki is intrinsically a work of lineage, and a work of lineage possesses immmanent "narrative power" whose function is to explain words in the text to such an extent that a series of images emerges, to generate a story. Kojiki (vol.2 and vol.3) show that in Tennnouki we find two types of description : type-A is the description for thereading itself, Type-B, on the other hand, is the one for the purpose of story-telling. In regard to the interactions between these two, Type-A includes and governs Type-B ; Type-B stays within and seldom gets out of Type-A's Through this classification, a new lineage-governed text structure emerges as a stoy. Aithough Kojiki vol.1 does not exactly follow the same description method, it obviously consists of these two types of description. Kojiki vol.1 should also be regarded as a work of lineage. In this paper on "Kuni Umi Shinwa" we studied and confirmd the relationships between the lineage-text of the Izanaki-Izanami encounter followed by the creation of our land, and the corresponding images of why, how, when and where this couple of deities asted in each event.
定方 晟
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.74, pp.11-43, 2000

In 1982 I published a book titled 'The Legend of King Ashoka' which is in fact a Japanese translation of the Divyavadana's portion narrating that legend. This was a translation for ordinary people, so I made a rather free translation. I try now to make a scholarly translation. This forced me to prepare a readable text, because the present text (Cowell and Neil's edition) has grammatically incorrect forms here and there. As a first trial of this new translation, I pick up the portion of Prince Kunala's story from the legend. I wish this text will become more popular among the students of Indology, and I hope my work may make some contribution to that popularization.
片桐 康宏
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.74, pp.111-125, 2000

1962年9月, ミシシッピー州北部オックスフォードにあるミシシッピー大学へ, ジェームズ・H・メレディスという名の一人の学生が, 初の黒人学生としての入学を果たした。この入学は, なにもメレディス本人の勇気によってのみ果たせたものではなく, 時のジョン・F・ケネディー大統領政権によるキャンパスへの連邦軍投入, そして二つの尊い人命を失った結果, 可能となったのである。この「ミシシッピー大学事件」(ないしは「メレディス事件」とも呼ばれる)に際しては, 州知事ロス・R・バーネットを中心としたミシシッピー州政府が, メレディス入学に対する徹底した抵抗を見せたものの, 最終的にバーネットによる州権論の援用-すなわち, 連邦政府と自州民との間に州の権限を差し挟み, 連邦裁判所によるメレディス入学命令を効力の及ばないものとする, 「インターポジション」理論の展開-は, 連邦軍に象徴された連邦政府の圧倒的な力の前に崩れ去ることとなる。同時にまた, 1950年代なかばよりアメリカ南部社会を嵐の中に巻き込んできた, 黒人による公民権運動史の文脈において, この「ミシシッピー大学事件」は, 合衆国憲法で保障された黒人の市民的諸権利行使への抵抗手段として, 州権論を持ち出すことの非有効性を, ミシシッピー州のみならず南部諸州へ知らしめることともなった。「ミシシッピー大学事件」から40年の歳月が流れようとしている今日, ジョン・F・ケネディー大統領図書館(マサチューセッツ州ボストン)から公開された大統領執務室における録音テープ, ならびに本稿執筆者自身によるミシシッピー州でのオーラル・ヒストリー・インタビューの一部を基に, 「ニュー・フロンティア」を標榜する一方において, 南部が抱える人種問題への介入に踏み切れないでいる若き合衆国大統領ケネディーと, 人種差別主義者としての面子を保ちながらも, 武力を伴う形での連邦政府との全面衝突をなんとしても避けたいと願うミシシッピー州知事バーネットとの間に繰り広げられた, 舞台裏での駆け引きを描き出すことを, 本稿執筆における目的とする。なお本稿は, 1999年度および2000年度東海大学学部等研究教育補助金個人研究プロジェクト(「1950-60年代アメリカ深南部州における公民権と州権-ミシシッピー州主権委員会の史的考察を中心として」)における, 研究成果の一部でもある。
齋藤 道子
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.71, pp.75-89, 1999

The state (国guo) in ancient China generally consisted of one city. Yet, the actual details of the state (国) in the Spring and Autumn period have not been described in a comprehensive way. This study tries to illuminate several details of the state system in this period, through which we can get a much clearer picture. First, the inhabitants living within the walls thought of their state as not only being inside the walls but also within the inner part of the borders (竟 jing). The maximum distance between the border lines (竟) and the walls was about 20〜25 km. Second, the space within the borders (竟) was dominated by the ancestors of the rulers. Consequently, the rulers had to inform their ancestors of their movement within and without the territory. Without permission, foreigners were forbidden to enter the state space.
星野 尚文
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.86, pp.45-56, 2006

Kakae-Yashiki is the residence which a samurai purchased from a farmer. Hirosaki Han owned Kakae-Yashiki in Yanagishima village and Kameido village, and paid a tax (Nengu) to both villages. When Hirosaki Han was asked for a transfer of Kakae-Yashiki in October 1869 by the Reclamation Office, Hirosaki Han planned to transfer it with a higher amount of money, but Yanagishima village and Kameido village showed anxiety about nonpayment of tax and objected to transfer it. The transfer was not realized after all. On the other hand, Kakae-Yashiki which Nagoya Han owned in Akasaka Tokyo was transferred to the Army. The reason that a transfer realized is because there was this residence in a tax-free place.
小林 千草
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.1-19, 2005-03-31

In this paper, I annotate on "Juracu-Saigyoko" (聚楽再行幸), a chapter in the Sengoku-Script Taikousama-Gunki (大かうさまぐんき). In the process of annotation, I study the following words and phrases using the method for the historical linguistics and expression-formation studies. i konpan (今般) ii tsujigatame (つじがため) iii narimono (鳴り物) iv nakaichijitsu (中一日) v tadasiku (正しく) vi keishu (景趣) vii nokoriosi (残り多し) viii kotoni (ことに) ix kidoku (奇特) x obosimesi (思し召し) xi ienokaze (家の風) xii umegaka (梅が香) xiii chitose-wo-heteyo (千歳を経てよ) xiv medetakarikeru-miyotokaya (めでたかりける御代とかや) The word "kotoni" has a different shade of meaning from its usual way. uch meaning, however, is also used in the letters of Taikou-Hideyosi. In the phrase "medetakarikeru-miyotokaya", the author OTA Gyuichi expresses his ambivalent feelings to the power, Taikou-Hideyosi.