河上 倫逸
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1974, no.24, pp.1-41,en3, 1975-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

(1) Oberflächlich gesehen, haben wir nur wenige Forschungen über die Staatstheorie der historischen Rechtsschule. Das kommt hauptsachlich daher, daß Savigny selbst keine Schrift uber dieses Thema hinterließ, weil er die Staatswissenschaft nicht für Jurisprudenz hielt. Jedoch können wir, wie Strauch sagt, Savignys Staatstheorie rekonstruieren, obgleich Savigny auch die anderen Probleme als Hauptthemen behandelte.(2) Um seine Staatstheorie konkret zu rekonstruieren, muß man die folgenden Sachverhältnisse bestatigen. i) Savigny war Konservativer, and er forderte es von jeder es Generation, die organische Staatsentwicklung vor dem Konflikt zwischen den alten and neuen Tendenzen zu verteidigen. ii) Aber trotz seiner Ablehnung der Revolution leugnete er nicht die allmähliche Reformation des Sozialsystems. Man kann Savigny weder als politischen Quietisten noch als Reaktionar bezeichnen.(3) Savignys Meinung nach beruht die Notwendigkeit des Staates selbst darauf, dab etwas, das die Herrschaft der einzelnen Willkiiren beschrän-ken solle, zwischen and Uber die Einzelnen hingestellt werden müsse. So ist erstens der Staat selbst etwas solches Dazwischengestelltes. Aber spaterhin dachte Savigny von den unabhängigen Einzelnen, die zum Schutz ihrer Freiheit notwendigerweise des Staates bedürfen, der sich nicht auf die Gewalt sondern aufs Recht gründet. Daher ist zweitens der Staat nach Savigny das Erzeugnis des Drangs des Volksgeistes.(4) Bei der Forschung der historischen Rechtsschule sind bisher die Probleme der Gesetzgebung wegen des MiBverstandnisses der Thibaut-Savigny Bestreitung übersehen worden. Aber these Probleme haben die besondere Bedeutung inbezug auf seine Staatstheorie. Tatsächlich gesagt, wandte Savigny nicht gegen die Gesetzgebung überhaupt ein, sondern gegen die auBervölkische, bloß politische Gesetzgebung.(5) Savigny dachte, daß sick der Staat auf das Volk gründet, jedoch kann man ihn nicht als einfachen Nationalisten bezeichnen. Denn das Volk bei Savigny ist das Naturganze, worin der Staat wirklich entsteht and fortwahrend sein Dasein führt, and worüber von Wahl and Willkiir .der Einzelnen keine Rede sein kann. Mit anderen Worten kann selbst der Herrscher fiber die organische Staatsentwicklung nicht hinweggehen. Und in diesem Punkt kommt Savignys Begriff der Freiheit hervor. Der Unterschied der Freiheit vom Despotismus wird nach Savigny ewig darin bestehen, daB der Regent im Despotismus eigenwillig and willkurlich schaltet and das Volk als toten Stoff, den er bearbeiten soil, betrachtet, and daß der Regent in der Freiheit dagegen Volkes Natur and Geschichte in ihren lebendigen Kräften ehrt and es als Organismus höherer Art betrachtet, zu dessen Haupt Gott ihn gesetzt hat, mit dem er innerlich eins werden soll.(6) Aber dieser Begriff des idealen Volkes ist wirklich der eingebildete Begriff der Gebildeten, besonders der Akademiker. Savigny schloß die niederen Klassen von dem politisch bedeutungsvollen and handelnden Volk wegen ihrer geistigen and also zugleich, politischen Unreife aus.(7) Endlich kann man die oben erwähnte Staatstheorie Savignys nach dem Schema der geschichtlichen Entwicklung des Staatsgedankens von der negativ historischen Auffassung bis zur romantischen behandeln. Und es zeigt sich hervor, daß Savigny nicht als Bahnbrecher der gänzlich neuen Ideen, sondern hauptsächlich als Zusammensteller and Ordner der in ihren Grundzügen bereits vorhandenen Anschauungen auftrat.
白石 玲子
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1982, no.32, pp.141-166,en9, 1983-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

In "the System of House" (Iye-system) of Japan, when a female House-Head (Onna-Koshu) married, this marriage was called "Nyufu Kon-in" which the husband entered into the wife's "House" (Iye). The law about which of the husband and the wife became the new House-Head after marriage varied from the early days of Meiji to the enforcement of the Civil Code of 1898.The Proclamation No. 263 of "Dajokan" (the Council of State) in 1873 ordered that the wife had to transfer her status of the House-Head to her husband immediately after marriage. But we can see from "Ukagai-Shirei" (inquiries from the prefectures and instructions by the government) that the law of this proclamation could not be carried out perfectly and it was modified gradually. There were some cases that the wives remained the House-Head after marriage.In the process of the codification of the Old Civil Code, this problem developed as shown under. The first draft of 1888 regulated that the husband became the House-Head. But the modification after that made the wife the House-Head and the husband a existance of the representative of the House-Head. This was succeeded to the Old Civil Code promulgated in 1890.But the Controversy on the Civil Code arose and the Old Civil Code became void. Then the New Civil Code was codified and came into force in 1898. We'll call it the Meiji Civil Code (Meiji Mimpo).The Meiji Civil Code regulated that the husband became the House-Head as a rule, but it recognized exceptionally that the wife remained the House-Head by the representation of the intent of the parties. But the relation of the rule and the exception of the Meiji Civil Code was reversed by the Family Register Law (Koseki-ho) of 1916.Why did the law about the status of the House-Head after the marriage of a female House-Head(Nyufu Kon-in) vary as mentioned above? In order to answer this question, we must take notice that the status of the House-Head and the property of the "House" were indivisible in "the System of House".When a female House-Head married and she transferred her status of House-Head to her husband, the whole property of the "House" belonged to him. By the way, the property of the "House" of those days was the economical foundation of the family's living. If the husband who became the House-Head wasted the property, the family's living would be endangered. In order to prevent this danger, it could not but be recognized that the wife remained the House-Head in spite of the contradiction to the ideology of "the System of House" in which men predominated over women.
石部 雅亮
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1961, no.11, pp.78-118,I, 1961-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

On the development of the divorce law in Germany Luther and his followers gave a great influence. This essay is written to make clear the structure of their theories and the social, political and theoretical foundations on which they are based.Luther criticises the sacramental doctrine of Meadeval Catholicism and comes to the conclusion that of the seven sacraments only three, namely Baptism, Penance and Lord's Supper have been prescribed by God, though Penance might not be called a sacrament. All the other sacraments are denied by him, because they are not founded on the Bible. The sacramental power of the Church has been misused by Popes. And they are mistaken in teaching that a merely external act of the believer can secure the grace of God. Luther lays stress on faith. That is the reason why his religious thought is called a faith-religion in contrast with the sacrament-religion of the Catholic Church.According to Luther, marriage is not a sacrament, but a wordly matter. The question of marriage is subject to temporal authorities, and not to the ecclesiastic authority. Consequently he rejects numerous restrictions concerning marriages decreed in the canon law as unbiblical and cruel, and he thinks they have only been introduced by the Popes for financial reasons. Luther charges some of the impediments to marriage in the canon law, namely the impediments of (1) degrees of consanguinity and affinity which have been extended too widely, (2) different religions, (3) crime, (4) marriage with copula carnalis, (5) monastic vows, (6) ordination, (7) publica honestas. In the canonical theory, there is no marriage, where one of these impediments exists. Therefore, on these grounds a husband and a wife often obtain the same result as when they are divorced. The word "divorce" was used in the canon law to mean the declaration of the nullity of marriage. Luther sets a limitation to the grounds for the nullity of marriage.Apart from the question of the nullity of marriage we find that the Canonical theory maintains the rule of indissolubility of a valid marriage, only with a simple exception : divorce is granted for the cause of fornication by the court of the Church. But this only divorce known to the Church is a divorce from bed and board which, although it discharges the husband and wife from duty of living together, does not cut marriage ties between them.Luther attacks violently this canonical theory of divorce. While the canon law has only the divorce a menso et toro, Luther grants the divorce a vinclo matrimonii. This is one of the most important differences between the divorce theory of Protestantism and that of Catholic ?? sm.The grounds for divorce which Luther recognizes are adultery and desertion, and either a husband or a wife is permitted to divorce from the other on one of these grounds. In the society where, under the influence of the Catholic doctrine, the opinion prevails that marriage is conceived as monogamous and permanent, the judicial divorce is of a permissive character. As an exception to the general principle of permanency of marriage, a marital relationship may be dissolved before the death of one of the parties, and to the innocent party the way to the initiation of a new marriage is opened. Divorce is not possible without the express permission by a court or a pastor. Where a cause for divorce exists, the court (consistorium, since the question of marriage comes under the jurisdiction of this office of the temporal ruler) has to confirm that th marriage ties are cut off for the cause of divorce and that the existence of this cause is the fact open to the public and then it has to give a permittimus or torelemus, i. e. a licence to a new marriage to the innocent party. Until the age of Enlightenment, Lutheranism maintains this opinion on the question of the system of divorce procedure.Among the divorce theories of Lutheran theologians are two groups ;
伊藤 貞夫
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2005, no.55, pp.121-154,10, 2006-03-30 (Released:2011-04-13)

瀧川 叡一
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1994, no.44, pp.1-41,en3, 1995-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

"Civilprocedure" (1885), showed to Mr. Kirkwood, said, Hikiainin (_??__??__??_) is a intervener in civil process. I found several judgements of Maebashi-Shishinsaibansho (court of first instance), from 1877 to 1882, now preserved by Maebashi-district court, gave decisions against or in favor of Hikiainin as interveners. This usual practice was not derived from French law, but from the precedent of court in Tokugawa era.This paper analyzes the grounds of the above-mentioned derivation, and explains legal character of Hikiainin in the early Meiji period.
石岡 浩
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.59, pp.1-52,en3, 2010-03-30 (Released:2017-03-01)

小林 繁子
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.65, pp.113-138,en7, 2016-03-30 (Released:2022-03-05)

本稿は、近年進展の著しい歴史的魔女研究の動向を整理し、その論点と課題を明らかにするとともに、隣接諸分野との接続、発展の可能性を提示することを目指すものである。魔女研究には、裁判・支配の実態と、魔女の表象という大きく二つの問題領域が互いに関連しあいながら存在している。前者においては、犯罪史研究の隆盛に刺激を受け、魔女犯罪を刑事司法一般に位置付ける試みがなされている。また魔女犯罪の政治性を巡って提唱された「道具化」論は、人類学的・民俗学的知見に基づいた近世社会・国家の魔術性という前提を得て相対化されつつ、これを支える地域研究の事例が蓄積されている。国家形成と魔女迫害との関連を問う研究においては、地域研究に基づき学識法曹の役割、共同体内における在地役人の位置づけなど、近世的支配をより立体的に描き出す指標として魔女研究が有効であることが示された。 後者の問題領域においては、知識人の悪魔学テキストのみならず絵画やビラ・版画などが分析対象となっている。作り手と受け手の相互作用に対する分析視角には、メディア学や社会学における転回の影響が認められる。ジェンダーを巡る研究においては、これまで等閑視されてきた男性魔女の存在も取り上げられるようになった。日本でも個別の研究成果は現れているものの、今後はそれらを研究プロジェクトとして統合・総括することが望まれよう。
松原 健太郎
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2007, no.57, pp.189-212,en12, 2007 (Released:2013-04-01)

Legal historians concerned with traditional Chinese society have been interested in the "lineage" or "descent group" for a number of reasons. To name but two, one is the understanding of how property rights were organised through descent, and the other is to work out how social organisation through these groups was related to the rule of the imperial state bureaucracy. The seminal works of Maurice Freedman that came out in the late 1950s formulated an influential picture that integrated answers to both lines of inquiry. Based on the idea of the "lineage village", where agnatic and territorial groupings coincided, Freedman's formulation singled out the lineage, brought together and asymmetrically segmented through the distribution of property rights, as a dominant social organisation in southeastern China. However, his arguments have been criticised both in terms of their descriptive accuracy and by way of theoretical challenges against his structural-functionalist assumptions. This paper looks into how new lines of inquiry concerning lineages / descent groups were opened in conjunction with these criticisms, and reviews the current state of scholarship. Moreover, this paper combines this with the fruits of research into the Chinese lineage that come from Japanese and Chinese scholarship, both of which have been inspired by Freedman on one hand but have gone through unique processes of development on the other. Through such an exercise, this paper tries to show new directions of inquiry into the significance of the Chinese lineage, that engage with some fundamental issues of incorporation, local social organisation and property rights.
榎村 寛之
vol.59, pp.53-79,en5, 2010

源河 達史
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2004, no.54, pp.61-80,en8, 2005-03-30 (Released:2010-05-10)

Die sichere Quellenbasis ist die Grundlage der modernen Historiogra-phie. Diesem Leitgedanke entsprechend ist die philologische Quellenfor-schung in den letzten Jahrzehnten stets eines der Hauptanliegen der historischen Kanonistik gewesen. Bezüglich des Gratianischen Dekrets war es ein Aufsatz Kuttners, der die Grundlage dafür bildete. In seinem 1948 erschienenen Aufsatz De Gratiani opere noviter edendo hat Kuttner aufgrund seiner enormen Kenntnisse über die Dekrethandschriften die Schwäche der Standardedition, der Edition Friedbergs, in concreto auf-gezeigt and gleichzeitig die Historiker des kanonischen Rechts aufgefor-dert, ungeachtet der Schwierigkeiten der Zeit eine neue kritische Aus-gabe hervorzubringen.Seitdem ist es allgemein bekannt, class die Edition Friedbergs fehler-haft ist and keine kritische Ausgabe darstellt. Trotzdem ist die Frage, ob man sich wirklich an eine erneute Editionsarbeit machen sollte, nicht unumstritten. Zwar wollen auch diejenigen, die die Friedbergsche Edition fur befriedigend halten, damit nicht behaupten, dass these Edition eine kritische Ausgabe darstelle. Sie behaupten nur, class die neue Edition aller Bemühungen zum Trotz keinen großen Unterschied zur Edition Friedbergs aufweisen würde. Es handelt sich also nicht um einen theoreti-schen Anspruch, sondern nur um eine praktische Lösung. Wenn sich aber eine "kritische" Edition als kaum anders erweisen sollte als eine nicht "kritische" Edition, wird der große Aufwand an Zeit and Kraft in die Editionsarbeit zwangsläufig in Frage gestellt.Wenn man trotzdem auf einer neuen Edition bestehen will, dann muss man sich zuallererst über den entscheidenden Unterschied klar werden, der zwischen einer "kriti-schen" und einer nicht "kritischen" Edition bestehen soil. Die Frage lautet, ob man in diesern Zusammenhang überhaupt von einer communis opinio dazu sprechen kann.Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird ein Blick auf die Debatte urn die editio romana als Basistext der englischen Übersetzung wohl nützlich sein. Die von Christensen getroffene Wahl wurde von Weigand harsch kritisiert. Daran dürfte man erkennen können, dass es sich bezüglich des Unterschieds zwischen einer "kritischen" and einer nicht "kritischen" Edition selbst unter den besten Kennern urn unterschiedliche Konzep-tionen handeln kann, zumal die Voraussetzungen, die eine "kritische" Ausgabe erfüllen soll, als wesentliche Kriterien für die Auswahl des Basistextes anzusehen sind.Deshalb muss die folgende Frage erneut gestellt werden: Was bedeutet das Epitheton "kritisch" nach dem modernen wissenschaftlichen Begriff? Beim Versuch, these Frage zu beantworten, geht die vorliegende Studie von der klassischen Frage der Textkritik aus, nämlich, der Frage nach der Richtigkeit einer Lesart. Der Ausgangspunkt ist dabei eine Rubrik (Summarie) Gratians, für die es in der handschriftlichen Überlieferung gewichtige Varianten gibt.In der Friedbergschen Edition des Gratianischen Dekrets lautet die Rubrik von C.15 q.1 c.8: Inobedientia uel concupiscentia non habet culpam in corpore non consentientis. Einer Fußnote Friedbergs zufolge kommt für das letzte Wort dieser Rubrik (consentientis) die Variante sentientis in vier Handschriften (BDEH) vor. Da Friedberg bei seiner Editionsar-beit acht Handschriften (A-H) heranzog, müßte in den anderen vier Handschriften (ACGF) die Lesart consentientis vorkommen, and weil er die zwei Kölner Handschriften A and B für die besten hielt, liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass Friedberg sich bei seiner Wahl der Lesart haupt-sächlich auf den Zeugen von A stützte.
大庭 脩
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1971, no.21, pp.61-95,V, 1972-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

Soon after Tokugawa Yoshimune (_??__??__??__??_) acceded to Shogunate on 1st year of Kyoho (_??__??_), 1716, he began to be much interested in the study of law and collected rare books of Japanese classical codes.On the other hand, he collected chinese books. First, he gave permission to the import of some kind of prohibited books on christianity-the books of technology and natural sciences written by those Cathoric priests who came to China at the last stage of Ming (_??_) dynasty. He then bought many Chinese books of code and geography. Among these Chinese codes, he had the most interest in Ta-ch'ing-Hui-tien(_??__??__??__??_) The first copy in Japan of Ta-ch'ing-Hui-tien was brought into Nagasaki (_??__??_) in 5th year of Kyoho, and he bought it. He further ordered Chinese merchants to bring one more copy, and he got it two years later. He ordered Fukami Kyûdai-u (_??__??__??__??__??_) to translate Ta-ch'ing-Hui-tien into Japanese. Kyûdai-u was the son of Fukami Gentai (_??__??__??__??_), and was Yoriai Jusha (_??__??__??__??_) like his father Gentai. Gentai's grandfather was a Chinese named Ko-ju-Kaku (_??__??__??_ Kas-shou-chiao), and Gentai had worked at Nagasaki as an interpreter. He could speak good Chinese.Kyudai-u went to Nagasaki with the firstly imported copy and began to translate it, asking about the difficult passages to those recently arrived Chinese merchants there. He stayed at Nagasaki from December of 6th to Feburary of 12th year of Kyoho.During these years, while engaged in the translation, he helped Yoshimune to buy useful Chinese books, and helped to get from a Chinese answers to those questions about China which was given by Ogi-u Hokkei (_??__??__??__??_ or Soshichi _??__??_) at the command of Yoshimune. Shin cho tan ji (_??__??__??__??_) by Shu hai sho (_??__??__??_Zhû-pei-zhang) is one of records of those questions and answers. The Chinese who answered Kyudai-u's questions concerning Ta-ch'ing-Hui-tien was Son ho-sai (Sun Fu Zhai _??__??__??_). We can prove the fact by his application for a license of trade, which is recorded in Wakan kibun (_??__??__??__??_). He applied for a license of trade for the reason that he liked to get a Chinese specialist about laws and official service to understand the discription in Ta-ch'ing-Hui-tien, for he could not illustrate some particular parts of the book, because he was a merchant and had no experiance as a government official. He left Nagasaki in November of 11th, and came back from China in December of 12th of Kyoho with Sin sho-an (Chèn Xié an _??__??__??_).Sin sho-an, with his name (_??_) Bing (_??_), another name (_??_) Dèng wei (_??__??_) (Syoan itself being his pen-name (_??_)), had domicile in Hang chou(_??__??_). and stayed at Nagasaki until 16th of Kyoho with Son-ho-sai.On 15th year of Kyoho, Yoshimune ordered Sin sho an to correct any possible mistake in Ogiu Hokkei's (_??__??__??__??_) revised copy of Táng lü-su-i (_??__??__??__??_) which done in 10th of Kyoho. Sin pointed out some words and phrases to be corrected and gave in the margin of Ogiu's book his opinion of each of Ogiu's point of mistake just above where the mistake was seen, and further more made a separate note gathering all these adaptations. Ogiu's revised copy and Sin's note are both kept in the library of the Imperial Household Agency.Shin sho an brought back a copy of Táng lü-su-i to China and showed it to L-i ting i (_??__??__??_)who was the Minister of Justice (_??__??__??__??_). And Li-ting-i wrote a preface to this important classical code. At that time, Táng-lü-su-i was very rare in China, perhaps it was impossille to find its complete copy. And on 21th of Kyoho, Sin visited Nagasaki again and brought a copy of Li-ting-i's preface written by his own hand. We can also see it in the same Library of the Imperial Household Agency.