瀬賀 正博
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1999, no.49, pp.85-106,en5, 1999

The main purpose of this paper is to make clear the function and the actual effects of legal document <I>Myobo-kammon</I> (_??__??__??__??_) which had influence over the trial, especially the <I>Jin-no-Sadame</I> (_??__??_, the conference at the <I>Jin</I>) in <I>Heian</I> period.<BR>The legal documents <I>Myobo-kammon</I>, which is drawn up by judicial officials or jurists (<I>Myobo-ka</I>, _??__??__??_), is generally understood as a draft of sentence of court, and there, these documents give priority to the interpreta-tion and application of <I>Ritsu-ryo</I> codex (_??__??__??__??_). It is regarded as one of the most important material to study on relation between jurisprudence and judicature under japanese <I>Ritsu-ryo</I> system. Therefore I think that this is an important material to think about the character of administration of justice in ancient and middle ages of our country. However there remain many problems to solve on <I>Myobo-kammon</I> itself. It is necessary to approach the problem what position Ritsu-ryo codex occupies in the legal history of our country from the aspect of operation of law.<BR>Following problems are discussed in this paper.<BR>i) the function of <I>Myobo-kammon</I> at legal proceedings; <I>Myobo-kammon</I> had two different functions, one submitted to the court of justice has the function as a proposal of assessment of case, another one has the function as a sort of legal consultation.<BR>ii) the actual effect of <I>Myobo-kammon</I>, in other words, to what extent can this kind of documents bind authorities who are also judiciaries; essentially <I>Myobo-kammon</I> had however no binding power.<BR>iii) the authority of opinion proposed by <I>Myobo-ka</I>; in the <I>Jin-no-Sadame</I>, authorities are more likely to find in the <I>Myobo-kammon</I> merely a confirmation of what is in their minds already. Nevertheless authorities make <I>Myobo-ka</I> who is specialist of law present his judgement. We must carry out a further examination of this problem.
松園 潤一朗
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.61, pp.51-81,en4, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

辻 正博
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2005, no.55, pp.1-49,en3, 2006-03-30 (Released:2011-04-13)

大野 秀夫
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1990, no.40, pp.135-152,en8, 1990

Here, in this essay, it will be suggested that the "Genossenschaft" and its theory in England was one of important themes for Maitland, particularly late in his life. It seems to me that Maitland's studies in history of corporation in England consist of three parts; (1) township and borough, (2) trust and corporation, (3) state and corporation. It is too ample and too difficult to trace and examine his studies on corporation in whole, as his other studies. Then, here, we will outline his theory of corporation, especially in relation to trust and corporation. Through our discussion, we will perceive its importance, its "the greatest exploit of English jurisprudence", its function as supplement of incorporation. Lastly, as a result of development of trust in modern England, it might be pointed out that England had and is to have a unique theory of state, as contrasted with the Continent.
畠山 亮
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2001, no.51, pp.101-124,en7, 2002-03-30 (Released:2009-11-16)

Recent studies of the late medieval Japanese constitutional history focus on regional communities, and place special focus on the fact that the structure of social order was autonomous and self-enforced by the people themselves. These viewpoints are based upon the concept of the Kubo, which has a meaning of keeping the village community peace. Examining the term Kubo mainly, I will reconsider the position of the feudal lord in the late medieval village community.From the research of the Kubo in Suganoura during the Muromachi era, I found that the concept of the public (Oyake, [_??_]) in the late medieval regional community has a strong relationship with the govern-mental authorities. This means that we have to attach more importance to the substance of the Kubo - the governmental authorities, to say more, being the lord of the manor.Considering above, I carried out the research on the position of the feudal lord by examining Kujo Masamoto, who was a lord of Hine-no-sho. Kujo was struggling with the Hosokawa family (Shugo, _??__??_) and the heads of the Negoro-temple for the dominance of the Hine-no-sho. Kujo's power base was not as strong as Hosokawa's, but the regional community never prevented Kujo from being the lord of the manor. This was because of the legitimacy derived from his position as the Kubo. I can also find that the Negoro-temple possessed the necessary qualities for the position as lord, as they had not only sufficient military forces but also religious authority accepted by the regional community. The Negoro-temple therefore succeeded Kujo as the next lord with few complications.In conclusion, although recent studies place too much emphasis on the said concept of the Kubo, it is impossible to clarify the whole constitutional situation during the late medieval period from these onesided views. It is therefore necessary to regard the feudal lord from a more holistic perspective, in other words, by attaching importance not only to the concept of the Kubo but also to the substance of it.
水林 彪
Japan Legal History Association
vol.1997, no.47, pp.1-62,en3, 1997

Le pr&eacute;sent article a pour but de montrer que l'&eacute;tude de la fable racont&eacute;e dans le <I>Kojiki</I> (<I>Le Dit des choses anciennes</I>) constitue une t&acirc;che indispensable &agrave; la v&eacute;ritable compr&eacute;hension de I'Etat antique japonais (<I>Ritsury&ocirc;sei-kokka</I>). L'ensemble, pr&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute; d'une introduction et suivi d'une conclusion, est compos&eacute; de quatre parties. Apr&egrave;s avoir indiqu&eacute; dans l'introduction l'objectif de cette &eacute;tude, nous avons proc&eacute;d&eacute;, dans la premi&egrave;re partie &laquo;L'Etat antique selon Ishimoda Sho&raquo;, &agrave; un examen critique des travaux de ce grand historien qui ont profond&eacute;ment marqu&eacute; l'image et la compr&eacute;hension actuelles de I'Etat antique japonais pour signaler qu'il manque tout de m&ecirc;me, dans ses &eacute;laborations, une pi&egrave;ce essentielle concernant l'aspect id&eacute;ologique de I'Etat antique en gestation entre la fin du 7<SUP>e</SUP> si&egrave;cle et le debut du 8<SUP>e</SUP> si&egrave;cle. A travers l'analyse du discours prononc&eacute; en 697 par I'empereur Monmu &agrave; l'occasion de son intronisation (deuxi&egrave;me partie &laquo;La justification de la royaut&eacute; selon la fable du<I>Kojiki</I> &raquo;), &agrave; travers aussi celle de la grande f&ecirc;te Kinen pour la prosp&eacute;rit&eacute; et la fertilit&eacute; (troisi&egrave;me partie &laquo;La communaut&eacute; c&eacute;r&eacute;moniale&raquo;) et, enfin, &agrave; travers la consid&eacute;ration des divers titres accord&eacute;s au roi (quatri&egrave;me partie &laquo;La communaut&eacute; c&eacute;r&eacute;moniale et le lien roi-sujet&raquo;), nous avons mis en lumi&egrave;re le fait que l'arri&egrave;re-fond de tout cela nest en fait rien d'autre que l'histoire mythique relat&eacute;e dans le <I>Kojiki</I>. En somme, nous avons voulu souligner qu'il faut n&eacute;cessairement se tourner vers cette oeuvre fondatrice, si l'on veut saisir I'Etat antique sous tous ses aspects. Enfin, pour terminer, un regard critique dirig&eacute; vers l'histoire des recherches sur cette p&eacute;riode de I'histoire du Japon nous a permis de conclure &agrave; l'absence de r&eacute;flexions approfondies sur la fable du <I>Kojiki</I> dans le champ des sciences historiques. Nous avons voulu ainsi attirer l'attention sur la n&eacute;cessit&eacute; de reprendre tout le dossier afin de construire une autre image de l'Etat antique japonais.
岡 道男
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.34, pp.23-46,en4, 1984

Did Cicero intend his statesman to be understood as a 'new concept' (K. Büchner) when he called him tutor et procurator rei publicae and rector et gubernator civitatis (2.51)?<BR>Now numerous instances before and with Cicero of similar metaphors and their combinations applied to political activities make it quite clear that there is nothing new insofar as these phrases are concerned. So in view of their well-known metaphorical character 'minus......tritum sermone nostro' (2.51) should not be translated by 'not frequently used in our language i.e. Latin' but by 'not fully treated in our conversa-tion'.<BR>The study of the passages concerning the role of this statesman suggests too that it is chiefly based on auctoritas and is not appreciably different from that of the principes of the Roman republic. It is, however, very remarkable that the analogy of the reason swaying and controlling the mind, by which the imperium of a monarch is explained, seems also to have been used to describe the activities of this statesman (2.67ff.). Cicero, while conceding the superiority to the mixed form of constitution, maintains that monarchy is to be preferred to the other unmixed forms because of, among others, the fact that there will be no imperium at all unless it remains a unit. It could be inferred from this that what Cicero, when using this analogy, had in mind was a statesman who, while acting on auctoritas (2.69: ut sese......sicut speculum praebeat civibus), would be the sole leader in the state. This semi-monarchistic role is, however, clearly incompatible with the principles of the mixed form of constitution which Cicero pronounces the best and sees embodied in the Roman republic. This inconsistency, if it may be called so, could have resulted from his theorizing on an ideal statesman in line with Greek political theories while retaining him in the framework of the Roman republic.<BR>Now this statesman is set in opposition to a tyrant who is nothing but a deteriorated form of monarchy as is illustrated by the Roman history. This transformation of the best single form into the worst is most typical of all political changes. The mixed form, according to the Greek theories (mainly Polybios) outlined in the De re publica, is the most effective in maintaining equality and stability and thus preventing any change for the worse because it combines and balances the elements of the three unmixed forms; whereas Cicero sees the vital factor of stabilization in the statesman who cares for the practical interests and the self-respect of his fellow-citizens, foreseeing dangerous changes and taking necessary steps against them. Here Cicero, while following a familiar pattern of political discussions where a tyrant or tyranny is contrasted with a just king or other forms of constitution, reserves for his statesman a leading role in renewing and preserving the Roman state, and all who are present in the conversation are urged to become like him (2.45) since he is an exemplum (2.69), a model to be followed by all his fellow-citizens.<BR>The impression thus gained would be that of a 'new' statesman, but he remains nonetheless a traditional i. e. republican princeps, presented as he is in an idealized form. This method of theorizing on the traditional institutions (mos maiorum), idealizing and presenting them as exempla, is used again in the De legibus which was probably begun as soon as, or before, the De re publica was finished.<BR>It is not clear whether Augustus was influenced by Cicero's concept of this statesman. Granting that he adopted for his principate the latter's concept, then he pretended it was not new, for he emphasized his role in having restored the Roman republic and posed as a traditional princeps acting on auctoritas. In reality, however, his principate was nothing other than a kind of monarchy, a novus status, as Suetonius called it.
石井 紫郎
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.14, pp.8-30,1, 1964

Der Begriff des marxistischen "feudalen Grundeigentums" hat bisher die Entwicklung des geschichtlichen Studiums zur japanischen Fruhneuzeit geleitet. Aber in der letzten Zeit macht man auf dessen methodologischen Fehler ungeachtet Anhäufung der zahlreichen "positiven" Arbeiten aufmerksam. So, ich denke, es ist unentbehrlich, die prinzipielle Kritik am Begriff zu üben.<BR>Die Formel des Marx vom Feudalismus ist, daß (1) die Feudalherren den Grund zu eigen haben, (2) den die selbstwirtschaftenden Bauern besitzen, (3) daher notwendig es sich um den außerökonomischen Zwang handelt. In dieser Aussage aber sind (1) and (2) unter keinem empirisch-wissenschaftlichen Beweis gestellt. Es möchte eine Folge vom Grundgedan-ken des historischen Materialismus sein, daß besonders (1) ohne Beweis-führung vorausgesetzt bleibt. Und das Dilemma zwischen dieser Vorausse-tzung und der geschichtlichen Tatsache, Besitz der selbstwirtschaftenden Bauern, hat Marx in die Klemme gebracht, den Begriff, "nominelles Eig-entum" des Herrn, zu bilden, der im logischen Gegensatz zu seiner Definition des Grundeigentums (ausschleßliche Monopol des Grundes).<BR>Dieser Fehler ist eine Folge von der ungerechten Verallgemeinerung des neuzeitlichen Eigentumsbegrifs and des Zeitgedankens, der die Herrschaft als (für) "Ausfluß des Grundeigentums" angesehen hat, indem er die Adel unter dem Absolutismus für die mittelalterlichen Adel versehen hat.<BR>M. Araki, ein typischer marxistischer Historiker, sagt, daß (1) in der Frühneuzeit es die selbstständigen Bauern gegeben hat, (2) den die Herren "das Ganze der Mehrarbeit" durch den ausserökonomischen Zwang abgepr-esst haben, (3) daher die frühneuzeitlichen Herren die "feudalen Grundei-gentümer" sind, and die Frühhneuzeit die Feudalzeit ist. Wir müssen darauf hinweisen, daß die Logik dieser Aussage Arakis zu der oben erwähnten Logik des Marx umgekehrt ist. (1) von Marx entspricht (3) von Araki, and (3) von Marx entspricht (2) von Araki. Daher nimmt Arakis Aussage die Form der Definition des "feudalen Grundeigentums" an, wo die Definition des außerökonomischen Zwangs and dessen Existenz in der Frühneuzeit noting sind. Aber sie befinden sich in Arakis Darstellung nicht, in der der auBerökonomische Zwang a priori vorausgesetzt ist. So aus Arakis Logik folgt der Schiuß, daß alle Gesellschaften, wo es die selbstständigen Bauern gibt, ühberhaupt "feudal" sind. Um these Schwäche auszugleichen, ist die Abpressung des Ganzen der Mehrarbeit betont and das Determinationswort "klein" dem Begriff des "selbstständigen Bauers" hinzugefügt. Allein es ist natürlich kein Merkmal für den Feudalismus auch in der marxistischen Theorie, ob das Ganze der Mehrarbeit abgepresst ist oder nicht. Und in Arakis Darstellung ist es erklärt nicht, warum der feudale Bauer "klein" soll. Noch dazu ist "selbstständiger Bauer" Arakis verschieden von dem "selbstwirtschaftenden Bauern" Marxens in einigen Punkten.<BR>So ist mein, Schiuß daß um die gegenseitige Beziehung zwischen der Gewaltund dem Grundeigentum zu studieren, der Begriff des " feudalen Grundei gentums " ungeeignet ist, and ein newer Begriff, der anders als der neuzeitliche Begriff ist, gebildet werden muß.