現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.24, pp.215-232, 2002-07

王 琰
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.32, pp.69-86, 2005-03

浦上 麻衣子
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.55, pp.253-263, 2012-12

This paper discusses the concept of the face in Levinas's Totality and Infinity. The face of the Other plays important role in Levinas's thinking, and makes a connection between religion and ehics. In this paper, I explore a source of the face in his Jewish work, Difficult Freedom. This approach will show that the face of the Other means the voice of the social justice.
毛 久燕
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.59, pp.19-36, 2014-12

This work, an investigation of Dongsheng Puppet Play Troupe in the Zhoushan Archipelago, had an insight into the history of Chinese Puppet Plays during the Great Cultural Revolution period. In terms of the national trends, it was not only Puppet Plays, one kind of folk performing arts, that was targeted for criticism as one of the four olds (old thought, culture, customs, habits) in those days. The presentation of the traditions drama that is a main component of Puppet Plays was prohibited, but also the stage, doll heads and tools were almost all burnt and suffered devastating damage. The influence lasts to the present. However, there are few concrete documents and records about the damage, and until now there was hardly a study about it. In this work, we examined the Dongsheng Puppet Play Troupe in the Zhoushan Archipelago as an example to concretely analyze and investigate the influence of the Great Cultural Revolution on Puppet Plays, from the perspective of replacing the do away with the‵four olds‵ movement and traditional dramas with the revolution model dramas in modern times, as well as the influence on the living of those old performers in the Zhoushan Archipelago.
伊藤 敦美
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.22, pp.203-219, 2001-11

This study investigated the relationship between cognitive structure and ability to solve arithmetic and mathematics word problems. The aim of this paper is to explain the differences between "children who can" and "children who can't." Fifth and sixth grade elementary school students and university students were the subjects of this study. A questionnaire was given that measured ability to solve word problems, and interviews were given by the author to assess cognitive structure quality. The results of the study showed correlation between questionnaire scores and interview scores, demonstrating that the ability to solve word problems is related to cognitive structure. In addition, it was found that some of those who at first appeared to be "children who can" were confused by confusing word problems. The difference between "children who can" and those who only seem to be "children who can" was found to lie in schema quality. It was shown that the difference between "children who can" and "children who can't" was in the existence or absence of schema.
浦﨑 貞子
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.34, pp.107-122, 2005-12

After the official announcement of Niigata Minamata disease, Niigata Prefecture established a task force immediately, and gave women instructions on "pregnancy regulations" and "prohibition of breast-feeding." As a result of these instructions, only one case of fetal Minamata disease was reported in Niigata. The judicial trial concerning the Niigata Minamata disease has been reconciled politically and it appears that this problem has been settled. However, when we take a closer look at the problem from the point of view of gender, it is obvious that "Reproductive Health and Rights" was not taken into consideration. Consequently there are many issues which remain unresolved. Therefore, we examined the process by which these "regulations" were established from the viewpoint of "gender" and "Reproductive Health and Rights" in relation to current environmental issues.
小林 裕明
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.47, pp.89-106, 2010-03

R. Steiner's The Philosophy of Freedom(die Philosophie der Freiheit) puts moral imagination (die moralische Phantasie) at its center. This moral imagination is the intuition of individual idea. By this, the human is freedom, and individual. In this ideal intuition, the idea is mediated through the representation (Vorstellung) to the perception (Wahrnehmung), in such a way that the representation mediates as a motive between the feeling (Gefuhl) and the perception. Under this structure of the duple mediation, the idea and the action are mediated and conjoined through the motive according to the moral idea. Without the unity of idea and action, it isn't in the right, and the action without the mediation through the motive isn't free. In this way, freedom is all human self-development of (individual) Idea which corresponds to love. This structure of moral imagination necessarily leads to the weltanschauung of triple worlds, material-, soul- and spiritual world in his later works on the science of the spirit (Geisteswissenschaft). Because individual idea that is the core of human freedom is true actual only as the unity of these triple worlds, namely as the self that penetrates samsaras. The content of moral imagination is the necessity of samsaras (karma)=idea of the individual, and what is more, the idea of the nation and the age that flows in it. On the other hand, the form of moral imagination is faith. By faith, the human is freedom, and by freedom, the human loves the others.
大宮 誠
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.52, pp.33-50, 2011-12

This paper is a research on the plan, system and actual conditions of the sea route navigation during the Asian Pacific War (1941-1945). Owing to Japan's need for import resources and food from overseas, the Japanese government made the materal mobilization plan. As a result the Ship Steering Committee was created to control the ship operation. But becasuse of the intensification of the war, the sea areas surrounding Japan were blockaded one after another. Thus, the sea route between the Sea of Japan and northeast Korea became much more important to carry supplies.