小林 裕明
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.47, pp.89-106, 2010-03

R. Steiner's The Philosophy of Freedom(die Philosophie der Freiheit) puts moral imagination (die moralische Phantasie) at its center. This moral imagination is the intuition of individual idea. By this, the human is freedom, and individual. In this ideal intuition, the idea is mediated through the representation (Vorstellung) to the perception (Wahrnehmung), in such a way that the representation mediates as a motive between the feeling (Gefuhl) and the perception. Under this structure of the duple mediation, the idea and the action are mediated and conjoined through the motive according to the moral idea. Without the unity of idea and action, it isn't in the right, and the action without the mediation through the motive isn't free. In this way, freedom is all human self-development of (individual) Idea which corresponds to love. This structure of moral imagination necessarily leads to the weltanschauung of triple worlds, material-, soul- and spiritual world in his later works on the science of the spirit (Geisteswissenschaft). Because individual idea that is the core of human freedom is true actual only as the unity of these triple worlds, namely as the self that penetrates samsaras. The content of moral imagination is the necessity of samsaras (karma)=idea of the individual, and what is more, the idea of the nation and the age that flows in it. On the other hand, the form of moral imagination is faith. By faith, the human is freedom, and by freedom, the human loves the others.
若松 美貴代 中村 雅之 春日井 基文 肝付 洋 小林 裕明
鹿児島大学医学部保健学科紀要 = Bulletin of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University (ISSN:13462180)
vol.28, no.1, pp.21-30, 2018-03-31

近年,妊産褥婦の自殺,子どもの虐待の問題から周産期メンタルヘルスの重要性が注目されるようになった。より細やかな支援のためには妊娠早期から関わることが必要である。そのため2017年に母子保健法改正が行われた。妊娠早期から産後うつ病を予測できる質問紙が求められ開発が行われているが,日本で使用できるものは少ない。諸外国で広く用いられているPostpartum Depression Predictors Inventory-Revised(PDPI-R)が有効と考えられる。日本語へ翻訳し,信頼性,妥当性と産前産後のカットオフ値の検討も行われている。PDPI-Rは妊娠期から産後うつ病を予測できるだけでなく,妊産褥婦の背景を多角的に把握でき,支援する際のアプローチの手がかりにもなりうる。今後,本調査票が広く用いられ,産後うつ病,虐待,ボンディング障害の関係性についても明らかになることが期待される。In recent years, the issues of suicide and child abuse committed by pregnant and postpartum woman have focused attention on perinatal mental health. Three questionnaires for use after childbirth have been found to identify mothers at risk for postpartum depression and child abuse. However, for detailed assistance it is necessary to provide support early in the pregnancy. Therefore, the Maternal and Child Health Law was revised in 2017.A questionnaire that can predict postpartum depression from early pregnancy is required and some candidates have been developed. However, no such questionnaire has been validated for use in Japan. The Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory-Revised (PDPI-R), which is widely used in other countries, is considered to be effective for predicting postpartum depression. Therefore, we translated the PDPI-R into Japanese and examined its reliability, validity, and cut-off values during pregnancy and postpartum.The PDPI-R could not only predict postpartum depression during pregnancy, but also provided a multifaceted understanding of the backgrounds of perinatal woman. We hope that this questionnaire will be widely used in the future. It is expected that the use of the PDPI-R will help clarify the relationships among postpartum depression, child abuse, and bonding disorder.
木内 豪 神田 学 栗城 稔 小林 裕明
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.38, pp.381-386, 1994-02-28 (Released:2010-08-25)
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Growing cities have been deteriorating heat environment due to artificial coverage of the ground and artificial heat effluence. The authors focused on the watering on paved roads as one of elective and immediate measures against the situation and observed the elect on the micro climate in a city area in the last summer. The results showed that the difference in temperature and humidity at two points with and without watering were maximum 1.5 degree and 8%, respectively. In addition, the estimated heat balance at the points showed that the considerable latent heat and the lateral heat transport contributed to lower the surface temperature of the road due to watering.
和氣 徳夫 小林 裕明 福嶋 恒太郎 加藤 聖子

Ras/ERα/MDM2/p52/p21シグナロソームにはゲノム多様性が存在し対立遺伝子間発現量に差異があることを明らかにした。特にMDM2 p1プロモータ活性にはAEDが関与し、その機能に影響を与えていることが判明した。子宮体癌幹細胞で発現を更新する遺伝子を同定した。そのうち細胞表面で発現するものを標的に抗体を作成し幹細胞を同定するMACSシステムを構築した。