田中 英明
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.89, no.2, pp.583-616, 2022-03-20

This study discusses modern money by examining the relationship between the modern money theory (MMT) approach and the theory of credit money. L. Randall Wray and Stephanie Bell (Kelton) base their monetary theory on the state, or chartalist approach to money of Georg Friedrich Knapp and A. Mitchell Innes. They also inherit from Hyman Minsky the notion of a hierarchy of monies, or a debt pyramid. However, Knapp, Innes, and Minsky revealed that bank debt acts as credit money by being accepted to discharge debts. Due to the organization between banks, central bank money, not state money, is at the top of the hierarchy. Modern central bank money is credit money for discharging its debts, not as a promise to pay gold. Therefore, there is an endogenous supply mechanism in which money is created and destroyed in response to financing demand. The policy implications of MMT must be revisited in the light of these central bank roles and actions.
小峰 隆夫
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.77, no.3, pp.5-24, 2010-03-15

This article is an attempt to answer three questions. The first is why the Japanese economy suffered a heavier blow than the U.S. from the Lehman shock. The answer is that it was not only due to the fall of exports but also to the adjustment of inventory investment and the “acceleration principle” for plant investment. The second is how we should evaluate the economic policy of the Japanese Government following the Lehman shock. The conclusion of this article is that the evaluation should not be very high, considering the delay in the Government’s recognition of the seriousness of the economic situation. The third is what policy orientation should be adopted to transform the economy from net export-led growth to domestic demand-led growth. This article outlines the difference between net exports and exports, and recommends that exports, imports and domestic demand be expanded at the same time to realize growth led by domestic demand.
藤原 千沙
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.89, no.3, pp.195-224, 2022-03-25

The aim of this paper is to examine the issue of holding multiple jobs. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Government has changed Japanese labor policy from prohibiting employed workers from holding secondary jobs to allowing them to do so in principle. The reason for the policy shift was explained to be to promote flexible work arrangements. However, according to Nobuko Hara’s work on welfare reform since the 1980s, work flexibility leads to low working hours, with insufficient and unstable income, and makes it difficult for single mothers to live and care for their children. In this paper, I review a general study of multiple job holders along with the work of single mothers and their childcare. I then examine the survey data collected by the Single Mother Research Project. The data from July 2020 to July 2021 suggest that some single mothers are holding secondary jobs because one job alone fails to provide enough income to rear children. It is also suggested that through holding secondary jobs, single mothers are protecting themselves from the risks of leave of absence due to COVID-19, reduced working hours, and unemployment. Holding multiple jobs for single mothers, however, has a negative impact on childcare due to time input to their children being reduced.
中谷 安男
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.87, no.1・2, pp.21-50, 2019-09-20

This paper explores the relationship between the results of the automated scoring system based on CEFR-J and human raters’ assessments. As a pilot study for further investigation dealing with more subjects, this study examines 3 different levels of CEFR-J writing test tasks for 37 participants. First, two independent raters evaluated a total of 111 test samples by using the CEFR-J assessment guidelines for each individual level. These results were compared with the assessment of a CEFR-J automated level judging system that utilized leveraged error types and text quality measures. The results show that although the indicators used for correlation are low, the consistency between each method of evaluation tends to be better at a higher level: B1.2.1. The qualitative analysis of the test samples with large discrepancies indicates that it is effective to use both human raters and methods and the automated level judging system when deciding candidates’ final scores and giving feedback on results.
村串 仁三郎
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.88, no.4, pp.5-60, 2021-03-20

Mt. Fuji was listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2013, and has become very overcrowded as a result.While the Mt. Fuji World Cultural Heritage Council was considering how to make appropriate use of Mt. Fuji as a world cultural heritage site, Yamanashi Prefecture authorities submitted a plan for the construction of a Mt. Fuji mountain railway in February 2020 to promote Mt. Fuji tourism.It is claimed that the plan is a good system to eliminate CO_2 emissions from cars by constructing a mountain railway on a toll road, called the Subaru Line, from the foot of Mt. Fuji at Fuji-Yoshida to the fifth station of Mount Fuji.Along with the construction of the Mt. Fuji mountain railway, the plan envisages the construction of infrastructure facilities such as station buildings, power plants, accommodation, restaurants, and toilets around the fifth station as well as the construction of a walking trail called "Otyudou." Furthermore, the construction of an intermediate station is expected, which means that there is a great risk of destroying the nature of Mt. Fuji and damaging the environment and its landscape.Despite the tourism season being limited to three months a year till now, this plan would extend the railway operations throughout the year, including the winter months, which is extremely dangerous due to the poor winter weather conditions.In the area around the fifth station of the Subaru Line, new development activities are hypothetically strictly regulated under the Natural Parks Act and the Cultural Properties Preservation Act. The Yamanashi Prefecture authorities have submitted the construction plan for the Mt. Fuji mountain railway in spite of these regulations. The reason behind this risky project is that it has the support of the Abe administration, which is pursuing an excessive tourism policy.The Fuji World Cultural Heritage Council and conservationists are opposed to this plan. In the midst of these circumstances, the coronavirus pandemic has brought political and economic activity to a standstill, and the progress of the project has been suspended. However, as the coronavirus pandemic comes to an end, it is possible that the opposition movement will be activated and bring the project to an end.
菅 富美枝
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.83, no.2, pp.1-41, 2015-11-30

During the recent reform of the Civil Code in Japan, there was some discussion about the need for clear provisions regarding the validity of contracts that are signed when one party has more bargaining power than the other. Such contracts quite often seem to be clearly advantageous to the former party. The practices engaged in when concluding such contracts also seem unfair. Although the proposed provision was dropped from the draft in the end, it is still believed that weaker parties, when negotiating a contract, should be protected from exploitation by stronger parties. In this article, the focus will be placed on the logistics of setting aside such contracts. It is concluded that what matters is not whether inequality exists between the parties, but rather whether the inequality can be assumed, on factual grounds, to have been abused. To put it another way, even in a situation where inequality in bargaining power exists, contracts can still survive if proper advice is proved to have been sufficient to eliminate the influence of the stronger party. This will motivate stronger parties to make arrangements for fair advice, and, as a result, weaker parties can be more empowered to enter into just contracts.
中谷 安男
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.87, no.3・4, pp.11-42, 2020-03-20

This study explores how persuasive literature review sections in Economics and Management Journals can be developed by using corpus data analysis. Although the importance of the critical review for developing a literature review section in research articles has been recognized, few studies precisely investigate the structure of these research genres. This study conducts a quantitative investigation of 100 representative research papers in social science by comparing the FBROWN and FLOB as reference corpuses. Keyword word analyses are introduced to examine relevant expressions in the research articles. The results indicate that the specific use of reporting verbs in a literature review has a significant effect on guiding readers in academic fields.
奥山 利幸
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.77, no.4, pp.385-411, 2010-03-15

The topology of closed convergence (Fell topology) has hitherto served as a standard model of neighboring preferences in economics. Grodal (1974) and Hildenbrand (1974) provided thorough analyses of the Fell topology for irreflexive, transitive, and continuous binary relations on a given set of alternatives. The purpose of this paper is to give a preliminary analysis of whether the Fell topology can be a rational model of neighboring preferences on the space of complete, reflexive, transitive, and continuous binary relations. I demonstrate, as an intermediate result, that the subspace of complete, reflexive, and continuous binary relations is closed, and hence compact, under the Fell topology.
馬場 淳
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.88, no.3, pp.115-136, 2021-03-20

The aim of this paper is to examine the structure and practical transformation of the Family Protection Act (No. 29 of 2013) against domestic violence (hereafter DV) in Papua New Guinea, taking the Melanesian response into consideration. First, I will describe how the Family Protection Act has a comprehensive, namely civil and criminal, legal framework against DV and its components in correspondence with the socio-cultural situation in Papua New Guinea. Second, focusing on actual operation in Manus Province, I will argue the process and reasoning regarding the transformation of the Family Protection Act from its original structure. The point is that the District Court and the police interpret and make use of the Act in relation to other existing measures, such as the Protection Order Rules (2008) and the District Court Act. This study is based on the author’s fieldwork conducted in Manus Province since the Protection Order Rules and the Family Protection Act came into force. The paper can also be considered as a case study for the comparative study of laws against DV in Melanesian countries, showing the Melanesian response to the international human rights regime in general.
丹羽 典生
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.88, no.3, pp.21-42, 2021-03-20

This paper describes the later life of the explorer Asaeda Toshio (1893-1968), who was born in Japan and was employed as an artist and photographer on several expeditions in the United States before the war. Details of his early life before he came to the United States and his activities on the expeditions have been revealed in previous studies. However, little is known about Asaeda's life after the expeditions, and there are few documents or articles on this part of his life that summarize the relevant facts. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to reconstruct the latter half of Asaeda Toshio's life after he ceased to participate in expeditions, during World War Two, up to the end of his life. By tracing the life of a peculiar Japanese American who lived in the U.S. during and after the war, I will also shed some light on the transformation of the world of natural history.
中山 幹夫
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.63, no.1, pp.55-108, 1995-07-30
