古澤 直人 Furusawa Naoto
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.80, no.3, pp.129-187, 2013-03

The accepted theory about the Heiji Disturbance has been rejected timeand again sincethe 1980s, especially in 2004 and afterwards by Mr. Yasuo Motoki. The first aim of this monograph is to test Mr. Yasuo Motoki's theory. The second is to investigate the formation of the motives behind the Yoshitomo Rebellion in the Heiji Disturbance. (1) As a result ofverifying and evaluating the historical context, the Motoki theory proved tobe mistaken. The prize to Yoshitomo should be estimated as being "too small". (2) The account in "Gukansyo (愚管抄)" of Yoshitomo is reliable, and when we consider Yoshitomo's rebellion, we should think of the problem betweenYoshitomo and Kiyomori (清盛) not as being between individuals but rather as a problem between <families>, and must fully respect "Gukansyo". (3)Speaking of the marriage issue between the Yoshitomo family, the Kiyomori family andthe Sinzei (信西) family,Yoshitomo proposed to the 3rd son of the Sinzei family, but was rejected by Sinzei. After that, Yoshitomo was immediately confronted with a marriage between the Sinzei and Kiyomori families. This incident damaged Yoshitomo's self-respectand this is presumed to have greatly increased Yoshitomo's hostility towards both Sinzei and Kiyomori. (4) Although there had been clear differences between the Yoshitomo and Kiyomori families before the Hougen Disturbance, these differences spread steadily after the Hougen Disturbance in spite of Yoshitomo's acts of courage. It is presumed that Yoshitomo held the view that the situation with regard to the Kiyomori family could not be recovered through the usual means.
古澤 直人 Furusawa Naoto
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.80, no.4, pp.283-337, 2013-03-15

Nobuyori Fujiwara has not been considered a powerful figure in Japan's history, but, thanks to Mr. Yasuo Motoki's reappraisal of Nobuyori since 2004, our understanding has changed and Nobuyori Fujiwara is now judged to have exerted much more power than we thought. In current academic circles, Motoki's views exert a strong influence. This paper is part of the writer's research on the rebellion, and an investigation of the motives behind the rebellion is its first aim. To test Mr. Motoki's ideas is the second. The results are as follows.(1) The reappraisal of Nobuyori Fujiwara cannot be supported.(2) In considering the rebellion, Nobuyori and Shinzei (信西) should not be considered as individuals but as <families>, and we should follow the descriptions given in "Gukansyo (愚管抄)".(3) It seems that Nobuyori felt a sense of crisis before the many able sons of the Shinzei family and when he looked at the next generation, he could not regain the status quo ante through the usual means. (4) The Shinzei family's advance into aristocratic circles evoked strong animosity, especially towards the 2nd or 3rd sons of the middle class aristocratic family. This is presumed to be the background against which Korekata (惟方) and Narichika (成親) and other participants joined forces in the rebellion.
後藤 浩子 Goto Hiroko
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.83, no.4, pp.105-136, 2016-03

This paper analyzes the formation of the concept of a "museum" in eighteenth-century France. During the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV, the Royal Academy of Paintings and Sculpture formed a professional art institution, which consisted of artists, connoisseurs and conservators. This institution worked out a plan for a Grand Gallery under the supervision of d'Angiville, who was the general director of buildings, arts and manufacturing under Louis XV. This plan, however, was suspended by the French Revolution, and an art museum was then established after a large struggle between the Gironde and the Montagne. This paper analyzes how arts professionals, borrowing their framework from the field of natural history, invented the "museum" and re-evaluated fine art created during the period of "unenlightenment".
田中 英明
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.89, no.2, pp.583-616, 2022-03-20

This study discusses modern money by examining the relationship between the modern money theory (MMT) approach and the theory of credit money. L. Randall Wray and Stephanie Bell (Kelton) base their monetary theory on the state, or chartalist approach to money of Georg Friedrich Knapp and A. Mitchell Innes. They also inherit from Hyman Minsky the notion of a hierarchy of monies, or a debt pyramid. However, Knapp, Innes, and Minsky revealed that bank debt acts as credit money by being accepted to discharge debts. Due to the organization between banks, central bank money, not state money, is at the top of the hierarchy. Modern central bank money is credit money for discharging its debts, not as a promise to pay gold. Therefore, there is an endogenous supply mechanism in which money is created and destroyed in response to financing demand. The policy implications of MMT must be revisited in the light of these central bank roles and actions.
小峰 隆夫
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.77, no.3, pp.5-24, 2010-03-15

This article is an attempt to answer three questions. The first is why the Japanese economy suffered a heavier blow than the U.S. from the Lehman shock. The answer is that it was not only due to the fall of exports but also to the adjustment of inventory investment and the “acceleration principle” for plant investment. The second is how we should evaluate the economic policy of the Japanese Government following the Lehman shock. The conclusion of this article is that the evaluation should not be very high, considering the delay in the Government’s recognition of the seriousness of the economic situation. The third is what policy orientation should be adopted to transform the economy from net export-led growth to domestic demand-led growth. This article outlines the difference between net exports and exports, and recommends that exports, imports and domestic demand be expanded at the same time to realize growth led by domestic demand.
藤原 千沙
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.89, no.3, pp.195-224, 2022-03-25

The aim of this paper is to examine the issue of holding multiple jobs. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Government has changed Japanese labor policy from prohibiting employed workers from holding secondary jobs to allowing them to do so in principle. The reason for the policy shift was explained to be to promote flexible work arrangements. However, according to Nobuko Hara’s work on welfare reform since the 1980s, work flexibility leads to low working hours, with insufficient and unstable income, and makes it difficult for single mothers to live and care for their children. In this paper, I review a general study of multiple job holders along with the work of single mothers and their childcare. I then examine the survey data collected by the Single Mother Research Project. The data from July 2020 to July 2021 suggest that some single mothers are holding secondary jobs because one job alone fails to provide enough income to rear children. It is also suggested that through holding secondary jobs, single mothers are protecting themselves from the risks of leave of absence due to COVID-19, reduced working hours, and unemployment. Holding multiple jobs for single mothers, however, has a negative impact on childcare due to time input to their children being reduced.
臼杵 陽
経済志林 = 経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.79, no.4, pp.113-140, 2012-03-20

In this article, I discuss a recent trend in studies on a Palestinian political leader, al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni (1895-1974) with special attention to the relationship between Hajj Amin and the Nazis (National Socialists) during the Second World War. Hajj Amin's enemies have accused him of collaborating with the Nazis. Appointed the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the early 1920s, he escaped arrest by the British authorities from Palestine in 1937 for his role in the Palestinian Arab revolt in 1936. He went into exile in Nazi Germany and stayed there until the end of the war, after the failure of Rashid Ali Kaylani's coup in Iraq in 1941. Recently a lot of new studies have been published to emphasize his political role under the Nazi regime. These studies claim that Hajj Amin shared the Nazis'hatred of the Jews. Some researchers also assert that Nazi ideology persists among radical Arab nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East and that the collaboration between the Nazis and Hajj Amin during the war introduced the political and ideological ideas of Nazism into an Arab and Islamic context, especially after September 11, 2001. Against this background, this article tries to re-touch the picture of Hajj Amin's role from Arab and Palestinian perspectives.
奈良本 英佑
経済志林 = 経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.77, no.3, pp.361-384, 2010-03-15

The British Palestine Government started its official radio station the "Palestine Broadcasting Service" (PBS) in 1936. Previously to that, the Italian "Radio Bari" initiated Arabic language service to the Middle East in 1935, and a little later the Germans began broadcasting Arabic language radio to the region in 1938. Then in 1939, the Second World War broke out, and Palestine came to occupy a key strategic position, especially during the period from 1941 to 1943 when the fierce fighing between the Allied and the Axis forces in North Africa took place; therefore, not a few British leaders hoped to turn the PBS into a central machine for counter propaganda to Italian and German broadcasting toward the Middle East. The Palestine official radio, however, never played a major role in the propaganda war in the Middle East. It was another radio station in Palestine, established secretly by the British Army in 1941, that undertook this role. Why? The author discusses the reasons for this.
中谷 安男
経済志林 = The Hosei University Economic Review (ISSN:00229741)
vol.87, no.1・2, pp.21-50, 2019-09-20

This paper explores the relationship between the results of the automated scoring system based on CEFR-J and human raters’ assessments. As a pilot study for further investigation dealing with more subjects, this study examines 3 different levels of CEFR-J writing test tasks for 37 participants. First, two independent raters evaluated a total of 111 test samples by using the CEFR-J assessment guidelines for each individual level. These results were compared with the assessment of a CEFR-J automated level judging system that utilized leveraged error types and text quality measures. The results show that although the indicators used for correlation are low, the consistency between each method of evaluation tends to be better at a higher level: B1.2.1. The qualitative analysis of the test samples with large discrepancies indicates that it is effective to use both human raters and methods and the automated level judging system when deciding candidates’ final scores and giving feedback on results.
涌井 秀行 Wakui Hideyuki
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.82, no.3, pp.109-142, 2015-03

2011年3月11日,東日本大震災は東北地方太平洋沿岸を総なめにした。とりわけ巨大津波は東京電力福島第1原発を襲い,全電源喪失,炉心溶融による放射能被害は取り返しのつかない環境汚染を引き起こした。今も「故郷を返せ」「海をかえせ」の怨嗟の声が渦巻いている。東日本大震災は,戦後日本のシステムの機能不全=「にっちもさっちも」いかなくなった事態のいわば句点。ではないのか。時代状況は,1923年の関東大震災後の状況と酷似していると思う。復興が叫ばれそれが進むなか,1929年の世界大恐慌は昭和恐慌となって出現し,戦前日本経済・社会は壊滅的な打撃を受けた。そして,その打開策は大陸への侵略戦争に突き進むことであった。1931年満州事変から始まる「一五年戦争」である。そうした状況下に出版された著作が,山田盛太郎『日本資本主義分析』(以下『分析』と略記)である。それは,資本主義発達の歴史叙述を意図したものではなく,副題に〈日本資本主義における再生産過程把握〉とあるように,マルクス再生産論を日本資本主義へ具体化するという方法をとり,日本資本主義の軍事的半封建的な型を析出し,階級対抗の〈必至〉と,型の分解による資本制崩壊・変革の見通しを立てた著作である。いま,日本は失われた20年のまっただ中にいて,抜け出せないでいる。その打開のために中国/韓国との緊張関係を意図的に高めながら,自民党公明党政権は軍国主義的な方向へ日本を導いていこうとしている。拙稿は酷似した状況下,山田盛太郎の『分析』と戦後分析の著作を手掛かりに,戦後日本資本主義の構造規定をし,日本の構造変革の要の問題を提起しようとするものである。山田盛太郎『分析』は,何よりも変革の課題と担い手を提起するために日本資本主義の全体構造の把握をめざし,それに成功した書物である。しかし戦後に関してはそうした1冊のまとまった著作はない。だが,筆者は,山田『分析』と戦後の著作をトレースしたうえで,戦後日本資本主義の全構造把握を試みた。山田の指摘・把握の要点は,「従属=自立論争」の渦中,1967年土地制度史学会・秋季大会で提起された「土地国有論」にある。「高度に発達した資本主義国」日本の幻想が生まれるなか,工業と農業の両立する自律=自立的国民経済(再生産)の構築を山田盛太郎は提起した。山田は,1ヘクタール程度の「零細地片私的所有=零細農耕」を改革しなければ,「膨大な中・下層農民の累積する窮乏化」を固定化し,労働者の「低賃金の基盤を温存」させることになる,と道破した。筆者の見解はこの提起が放置されたために,「失われた20年」のただなかに日本は今いるのではないか。その見える姿が,農業の無残な姿であり,食料自給率40%,民族の命を自力でつなぐことができない様である。それは農村と都市の「限界集落」,労働者の強烈な「格差」となって表れている。その変革課題,すなわち歪んで「高度に発達した資本主義」国変革の国民的課題は(1)東アジア経済圏を目指すなかでの国民経済の再構築(対米従属の揚棄)と(2)再構築の中心課題である農業の再生である。On March 11, 2011, the East Japan great earthquake hit the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region. A huge tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. All power supply was lost and three meltdowns occurred. Radioactivity released by this accident caused environmental pollution, from which recovery is still not possible. A great East Japan earthquake was a symbol of malfunction and structural crisis in the Japanese system after the WW2. There is a close resemblance between the situation this time and the situation after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. Although people shouted for revival, the Great Depression resulted in the Showa Depression of 1929. It dealt a destructive blow to Japan's economy and society. This later resulted in Japan causing the war of aggression; a "15year war." Yamada Moritaro published his "analysis of Japanese capitalism" in this situation. His work attempts to analyze the foundations of Japanese capitalism. Using this analysis of fundamentals, he was able to elucidate the basic structure and prospects of Japanese capitalism. Japan is now in the period of the lost 20 years, and we cannot find a way to escape from this situation. For the solution, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party administration is intentionally attempting to draw Japan into militarism by causing a deterioration in the relationships with China and South Korea. I hope to provide the structure of Japanese capitalism after WW2 and the important points of change. The national subject of change in a country with "highly-developed capitalism" is as follows. The first, is reconstruction of the national economy under the East Asia economic area and the second is solution of the land problems.
萩原 進
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.76, no.3, pp.175-194,図版2p, 2009-03

One of Ichiyo Higuchi's early short novels, Umoregi, portrays the tragic life of a Satsuma potter. The protagonist, Raizo Irie, dreams of becoming a great Satsuma potter, but is too poor to build a pottery atelier. He is a dreamer, who will never earn profits from pottery, so his sister Ocho supports him by working as a maid. One day, Raizo is lucky to meet a wealthy sponsor who was a fellow potter during their apprenticeship. Ocho falls in love with this sponsor. Raizo finally succeeds in creating an excellent Satsuma piece. However, he discovers that the true intent of the sponsor is to make Ocho into a prostitute to get money, and he smashes the Satsuma pottery into pieces. This article analyzes this novel by casting light on Satsuma pottery in the Meiji period.
坂本 憲昭
経済志林 = 経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.84, no.1・2, pp.37-63, 2016-09-27

This paper examines the opinion that the future of the high-rise apartment is the same as the history of the housing complex. As a result of having checked the age change of the local residents in each area with many housing complex, the large-scale apartments or the high-rise apartments, it is found that the ratio of people over 65 years old of the high-rise apartments in the early period is increasing. To continue the movement of inhabitants based on the process of the housing complex, the practice of the next factors are necessary. [Internal factor] Keep high asset value of high-rise apartments by the large-scale repair and renovation work. [External factor] Support measure to the families.
後藤 浩子
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.80, no.1, pp.1-31, 2012-09

In the research field of Irish history, William Petty (1623-87) has been seen as an English absentee who was granted land in Ireland during the Cromwellian era as a result of the Down Survey he carried out. Also, in the history of economic thought, he has been recognized as a founder of political arithmetic. Only scant attention has been paid to the relationship between his writings and his background. Recent research on Petty, however, has not only created an awareness of the importance of his concern to have Ireland improve and progress but has also given considerable attention to the context of his writings. In broad terms, his writings can be understood as a politico-economic theory of settlements for the purpose of the governance of the British Empire. This paper principally aims to analyze the formation of governmental reason (raison gouvernementale) in Petty's writings. To begin with, we define Michel Foucault's concept of governmentality (gouvernementalité) and his view on the formation of politico-economic thought in Great Britain, and compare this with the opinions of J. G. A. Pocock. Then, we analyze the influence of Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes on Petty, and, finally, we describe him as a founder of the Irish tradition of governmental reason.