河島 茂生
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第25巻, no.第2号, pp.1-15, 2013-03

松村 芳明
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第24巻, no.第2号, pp.193-206, 2012-03

The youth-protection ordinance of Fukushima Prefecture includes articles which punish a person for putting materials (including books, videotapes, DVDs, etc.) harmful to youth in automatic vending machines. The Supreme Court of Japan upheld this regulation in a case on March 9, 2009. The automatic vending machine in which the defendant in this case put a DVD had a remote control system. This case note aims to examine this decision, including relevant precedent cases, in view of constitutional law. This case note concludes that the defendant in this case should have been found not guilty.
宮本 悟
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-17, 2014-10

北朝鮮では,建国以来,実質的に朝鮮労働党による一党独裁制が続いてきたが,最高指導者の交代はあった。そこで本稿では,金日成とその後継者である金正日の対米認識の違いによって,核問題をめぐる北朝鮮の対米外交政策が変化したことを明らかにする。第1次核危機では,金日成自身は核兵器開発をしないと公言し,米国との和解に期待をかけていた。しかし,金正日は,米国に対する警戒心が強かった。第2次核危機では,金正日は米朝対話を続けながらも,核兵器を保有することを決定した。第2次核危機において北朝鮮が公然と核兵器開発を始めたのは,金正日が金日成よりも米国に対して敵対的な見解を持っていたためといえよう。Although the one-party regime in North Korea has maintained its hold on the country, North Korea has experienced changes in leadership. We can assume that such changes of supreme leaders also make possible a change in policies toward the US and nuclear issues. Kim Il-Sung, the first supreme leader, looked for dialogue with the U.S. and denuclearization of the Korea peninsula. However, Kim Jong-Il, Kim Il-Sung's successor, had an adversarial attitude towards the U.S. during the first nuclear crisis in 1993. Kim Jong-Il declared that he would develop nuclear weapons during the second nuclear crisis in 2003 after Kim Il-Sung's death. We can see that Kim Jong-Il has made policies toward the US more hardline than those of Kim Il-Sung. We can say that that is why Kim Jong-Il personally had an adversarial attitude towards the U.S. from the first crisis onward.
左近 豊
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第21巻, no.第3号, pp.285-305, 2009-03

In this paper I propose a thematic exploration of the biblical book of Lamentations in light of the literature of survival that has arisen in response to the nuclear devastation of Nagasaki at the end of World War II. My guiding expectations are twofold. First, I am convinced that the uniqueness of this body of literature, once brought into the hermeneutical conversation of scholars and researchers, will open up new interpretive possibilities for understanding the book of Lamentations. Second, I believe that the book of Lamentations, itself a sequence of poems forged in the fires of survival, will, once read in the shadow of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have its own unique poetic balm to offer Japanese people.
寺崎 恵子
聖学院大学論叢 = The Journal of Seigakuin University (ISSN:09152539)
vol.第26巻, no.第1号, pp.63-78, 2013-10
