西尾 宣明
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.39, pp.409-421, 1999-12-31

This study examines the relation between the TV program "Ningen-Shikkaku" and "Ningen-Sikkaku" written by DAZAI osamu. Their similarities and the characteristics of modern popular cultures such as what is found on TV are discussed. Also the high quality of Japanese pop culture and its significance are investigated and an approach to understanging the culture is suggested.
杉山 克杖
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.45, pp.15-26, 2005-12

Othello is called as one of the Shakespeare's`Four Great Tragedies', and they have been called`character tragedies'which means that the causes of these tragedies depend on their heroes'character. In the back of the tragedy, Othello, there exists the traditional view of the black moor which is seen in Iago's abuse against Othello and the Brabantio's view. The audience in Shakespeare's days must have shared the same prejudice with Iago, and at the same time they must have been perplexed by the heroic character of a black moor whom Desdemona loved, and whom Duke, most of the senators and Cassio praised as noble, valiant and great of heart. This paper discusses why Othello is so easily deceived by the words of his`ancient', Iago. Why didn't Othello believe his most beloved wife, Desdemona, but his subordinate,`ancient', Iago? The paper concludes that the true cause of the tragedy, Othello, is in the white people's consciousness of being white, not in Othello's inferiority complex of being black or his consciousness of being black.
作野 理恵
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.51, pp.55-70, 2011-12

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847) is a composer from the beginning of the 19th century, the romantic period in western music history. Although Mendelssohn composed more than 720 works and definitely left a mark on music history, his works have not been evaluated very highly by music critics. His works are not generally well known and are not performed all that often. Mendelssohn was born into a very wealthy family, which was unusual when compared to other composers. Because of his good fortune and comfortable life is it possible that music critics have undervalued his works? Is it true that Mendelssohn's life was without worry?Through the course of research into Mendelssohn's background and musical worksit became obvious that his works have been misrepresented and misunderstood. After Mendelssohn's death, the great composer Richard Wagner(1813-1883)slandered Mendelssohn and his works in a music magazine. The reason was because Mendelssohn was Jewish. Unfortunately, these harsh criticisms of Mendelssohn's works then became the prevailing thought of his works in Europe. In fact, during the rise of the Nazis from 1933 to 1945, theplaying and publishing of Mendelssohn's works was prohibited in parts of Europe. As a result, because of the fate of history, Mendelssohn's music was judged inferior for long periods of time. In fact, Mendelssohn's compositions, which were products of his high level of sophisticationand pious faith, can be seen as profound, impressive and, instead of conservative, rather progressive.
伊藤 宏
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.49, pp.101-116, 2009-12

This paper is the final chapter of the reports concerning the verification of the kind of "media agenda" shown by the Asahi Shimbun when reporting on development and use of nuclear energy in Japan. This research analyzes the period from 1995 to the present, and sums up the change in "media agenda" until now.As a result, it became clear that the Asahi, at the end of the 20th century, presented a completely opposite agenda for nuclear power plants and the nuclear fuel circle from the initial agenda. Japan's nuclear energy policy had already reached a point of no return when the Asahichanged the contents of the agenda: basically opposing the development and use of nuclear energy. Naturally, as for the Asahi's agenda for discussion presentation of the present, it cannot but be received the restriction of that accomplished fact.
深沢 徹
研究紀要 (ISSN:09110690)
vol.24, pp.33-50, 1985-03-01
ベセット アラン 権 瞳 佐藤 恭子 有馬 淑子

WIER Hershey
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.41, pp.49-64, 2001-12-31

Balance is a valuable characteristic in many of life's pursuits, and so it is, I propose, in the arena of computer-assisted language learning (herein, CALL). In my research I found both proponents and opponents of CALL, thus my approach is to strike a balance between technological and traditional teaching methods, with an aim at yielding the best of learning worlds to my students. Opponents of CALL purport that this method topples the most fundamental pillar of language learning, that of face-to-face human interaction. Another argument against CALL is fear that computers will replace human teachers in the language learning classroom. I will endeavor to dispel some fears surrounding CALL, detail some advantages of CALL, and present the concept as an appetizer, so to speak, rather than a full course meal.
植野 雄司
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.50, pp.71-83, 2010-12

This article makes a critical examination of studies of religious phenomena from a reductionist point of view, in order to illuminate the methodological problems inherent in the academic study of religion in a Western context. This paper begins by investigating issues related to some of the classical theories of the origins of religion, discusses methodological problems in the reductionist social scientific study of religion, and concludes by presenting a line of thought different from the generally materialist view of the world commonly shared by anthropologists, represented by such studies labeled as humanistic anthropology.
西本 匡克
研究紀要 (ISSN:09110690)
vol.27, pp.37-46, 1988-03-01
作野 理恵
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.55, pp.11-26, 2014-12

In the 19th century, dance music in Vienna prospered since people enjoyed dancing regardless of their social status. During the time of the Viennese Classic period from 1750 to 1830, the music of Haydn(1732-1809), Mozart(1756-91), and Beethoven(177-1827) was followed by the music of Schubert(1797-1828), one of the first of the Romantic School. This was, in turn, followed by the music of Bruckner(1824-96), and Brahms(1833-97), and other Post-Romanticists who were active in Vienna. However, Johann Strauss II(1825-99) established a new music culture in Vienna despite working in Vienna during the same time period. Although the music of Johann Strauss II was popular music, it also had the support of many great composers. Despite being music for entertainment, his works were evaluated highly by other artistic musicians. An analysis of the works of Johann Strauss II was taken to understand the essence of his music as well as the reasons why he was so highly respected by other composers. The conclusion is that the music of Johann Strauss II had an unmatched "nobility" or "refinement." This was a result of his tenderness and intelligence, originating in his Viennese background.
佃 繁
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.56, pp.29-42, 2015-12

The purpose of this study [Tsukuda 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014] is to make it clear that both Luhmann's system theory and modern philosophy treat the same problem as `the world's complexity'. Luhmann argued that we need to differentiate a system from its environment to reduce `the world's complexity'. In the post-Kantian philosophy, `the world's complexity' is related to the mind-body problem. Analytic philosophers of language such as Quine and Davidson have tried to solve this problem. Alfred Tarski was a Polish logician, mathematician and philosopher. He presented his theories of truth in "The Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages"(1933) and greatly contributed to analytic philosophy. This paper investigates Tarski's method of defining truth for languages. Tarski himself applied his truth theory only to formal languages. Davidson, however, exstended Tarski's method into his approach to theories of meaning for natural languages.
苅野 正美
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.56, pp.83-96, 2015-12

This paper discusses the results of a qualitative research about 13 junior college students regarding their comprehension to the characteristics of various SNS networks, and their perception of the risk of using versus their experiences utilizing SNS. I did the Quantitative text analysis by the software of KH Coder and examined the risk usage behavior and risk perception in SNS. The main points of this paper are as follows: for young people, 1) SNS is a familiar means to communicate with others and is made use of not keeping up with fashion. 2) Also, they have recognitions that the personal information such as a` face photo' and a` name' or words including negative thoughts should not be shown in SNS.3) Nevertheless, they had posted the personally identifiable information up or they had been posted.
西川 節行
プール学院大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13426028)
vol.41, pp.125-138, 2001-12-31

The Sakai region, which consists of Sakai City, a city of 800,000 people and several surrounding local communities, forms a core industrial area of the southern part of the Mega-Kei-Hanshin Industrial Belt, and is also famous for its golden days in the middle ages as a prosperous international trading port. Sakai needs a vital activation plan of the regional economy along with the recent economic trends of globalization. This is a proposal for the region to activate its regional economy by inviting direct foreign investment to the region.