田口 玄一
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.2, no.1, pp.2-8, 1994-02-15 (Released:2016-03-24)

TM, Taguchi Methods, uses OA Orthogonal Arrays, and ANOVA, Analysis of Variance, as in DOE, Design of experiments. The difference between TM and DOE was discussed in this article. TM uses OA as an inspection device to check existance of interactions among control factors by assigning those factors to OA so that main effects are firmly confounded with various interactions as much as possible. Because TM is intcrested in the reproduciability of technology developed within laboratories by using mostly specimens or simulation models on actual products. The S/N ratio used in TM are based on the mathematical analysis called quadratic expansion,more generally Hermitian form expansion, but not on regression analysis used in traditional DOE. TM also strongly recomends to usc a dynamic S/N ratio to measure the functionality of generic function. TM docs not want to use a static S/N ratio related with objective function or any quality cahracteristics, as far as possible.
谷本 勲
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.38-48, 2012-02-01 (Released:2016-10-17)

In recent years, quality demands have become increasingly stringent. Demands on the order of ppm and even demands for no defects at all are taken for granted,but means for assuring ppm-order quality have yet to be established. Prior attempts to establish such means have focused on process management and inspection, but when management and inspection are combined they become more intricate and complex, and the independence of quality assurance from process management is lost. These problems then become a major obstacle to productivity improvement. They seem to be rocking the foundation of the Japanese management, which is based on the simultaneous pursuit of quality and improvement (cost reduction). Working from the idea of producing products of uniform quality, this study attempts to establish a ppm-order quality assurance system by inspecting each product to see that it is identical to a known good product, utilizing the MT method of quality engineering. It presents new ideas for ppm-order quality management through ensuring the independence of quality management and quality improvement activities from quality assurance and applying ideas of on-line quality engineering and parameter design.
金築 利旺
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.8, no.4, pp.23-30, 2000-08-01 (Released:2016-08-31)

Today, eggs are considered a good food because of the low price and availability in large quantity. Our company is producing and selling thick baked eggs under the name "ltamagoyaki". The product is sold to stores or customers to be put together with sushi or bento(such as a lunch box). It is made through a production line that includes the processes of mixing,baking, packaging and sterilizing. It is said that 70 to 80 percent of taste (savoriness) of this sponge-like product is contributed by physical properties rather than chemical properties. In this study, technology development was conducted to improve the physical property related to mechanical measurement instead of using sensory test.
田口 玄一
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.7, no.1, pp.5-9, 1999-02-01 (Released:2016-12-24)

R.A.Fisher studied the concept of Likelihood in stead of the methods of Mathematical Statistics given by Neyman and Pearson. The writer also studied likelihood as the measure of odds or its measure of guessing error instead of distribution of unknown parameter. Fisher made a mistake introducing Lebesgue measure in parameter space. There is no such Lebesgue measure in parameter space. Likelihood should be used for comparing the odds among each value of parameter values instead of distribution of parameter values.This paper introduced the new ideas to compare only likelihood among each value of parameter.
長谷川 良子
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.21, no.6, pp.44-50, 2013-12-01 (Released:2016-10-17)

Authorship discrimination was studied by applying the Recognition Taguchi (RT)method to the works of four prominent Japanese writers. The RT method was proposed on the assumption that it would be applied to data of identical dimensions, such as pixel data or time-series data, so other types of data must be normalized. Two new normalization methods, one using the median and range and the other using the median and standard deviation, were proposed and compared with normalization by the standard deviation alone, which had been proposed previously. With any of the three normalization methods RT analysis successfully identified the four writers, but normalization by median and range was shown to be the best of the three methods. The conclusions reached were that the RT method can be used for authorship discrimination, and that when the RT method is applied to data of different dimensions(differrent units or characteristics), its discriminative capabilities can be improved by applying one of the newly proposed normalization methods.
金築 利旺 原田 真介 桑原 修 岩垂 邦秀 奥 展威 矢野 宏
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.21, no.1, pp.21-28, 2013-02-01 (Released:2016-10-17)

A second experiment in the application of quality engineering to sweet-potato cultivation was carried out. The first experiment took two years: an L18 orthogonal array experiment was carried out in the first year and then a confirmatory experiment was carried out in the following year. In the second experiment, the confirmatory experiment was carried out under conditions prepared in advance so that the orthogonal array experiment and the confirmatory experiment could be carried out simultaneously, which enabled the whole experiment to be finished within one year. The sweet potatoes were evaluated by analysis of variance;calculations were performed to determine interaction effects among months of cultivation, the size of the harvested potatoes, and relevant control factors and noise factors. As a result, it was found that months of cultivation and potato size are closely related. Relationships between months of cultivation and potato size were derived for each control factor level, enabling cultivation conditions to be selected for harvesting sweet potatoes of any desired size.
五十嵐 二伯 宝泉 誠 上田 厚海
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.3, no.4, pp.49-57, 1995-08-01 (Released:2016-03-24)

For our in-house quality engineering education, the participants conduct parameter design workshop using a KAMI-Copter (Paper helicopter) as an example to enhance their better understanding. In the initial workshops, the generic function of the KAMI-Copter was discussed and clearly defined. After many workshop trials, we discussed the best approach to measure the output, selection of controllable and uncontrollable factors, ways of combining controllable factor levels with the signal factor, etc. …. As used in the workshop with good reproducibility of conclusions.
高橋 和仁 高坂 槙治 星谷 清春 矢野 耕也 西内 典明 矢野 宏
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.8, no.1, pp.24-30, 2000-02-01 (Released:2016-06-10)

When developing machining processes, it is necessary to select the optimum machining conditions (such as tool conditions, cutting speed or feeding speed), as well as select an efficient machine and process to be used. Quality engineering methodology recommends evaluating the performance of machining milling or drilling processes by directly or indirectly observing the energy consumption. In this study, the evaluation of machining a stainless steel part was made by measuring the total power consumption of the main motor. However, the gain was not very reproducible. Therefore, the variation of the energy consumed during idling time was included in evaluation. The results showed a good reproducibility of gain. Under the optimum conditions, the dimensions after machining were uniform and the surface roughness was also improved.
篠原 主勲 榊原 大智
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.32-40, 2020-10-01 (Released:2023-01-17)

In search of a ball throwing technique for bowling perfect game, the quality engineering approach was used to determine a robust technique that would not depend on the lane condition. Noise factors such as the dynamic friction coefficient of the lane which the bowler cannot control, and control factors which the bowler can control, were selected; appropriate throwing levels were found by quality engineering; and these appropriate levels were adopted as a set of basic levels. The basic levels can then be tuned on the basis of pocket and pin action heuristics to derive the optimal throwing trajectory. Strikes can be obtained by maintaining the optimal trajectory while tuning only the speed of the ball to deal with factors that the bowler cannot control, such as the dynamic friction of the lane.
田口 玄一
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.5, no.1, pp.3-7, 1997-02-01 (Released:2016-12-24)

ln order to define Signal-to-Noise Ratio as a measure of functionality in all engineering fields where we have to deal with waves, we need some mathematical methods to handle complex numbers, The basic mathematics to use Hermitian form expansion are explained in this article.
嘉指 伸一 宮崎 勇
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.1, no.3, pp.25-32, 1993-08-15 (Released:2016-03-24)

With the advancement of electronic and electrical components, higher density printed circuit boards are on the way. ln order to competitive, it is essential to optimize the robust functions for future boards. ln the past, we have been using quality characteristics such as "Bridge" and "Non - soldering" to evaluate performance of soldering. This time, we have conducted a parameter design to study the robustness of basic function of soldering process. We were able to develop technology for future soldering process. The details are reported hereafter.
吉野 節己
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.3, no.2, pp.17-22, 1995-04-01 (Released:2016-03-24)

Not only sprouting culture but plant growth condition has been decided in most cases by judging the desirable characteristics such as big growth and abundant harvest. However, the sprout is cultured under inhibitory condition which is shading culture. So it tends to breakdown and decay before long. The sprouting condition has been also accompanied with evaluations including the principle contradiction, that is, "The one which grows up early decays rapidly and the one which is late growth does not grow to be big. " Here, the optimization was conducted by parameter design considering weight change versus the culture time to be dynamic SN ratio on the growth curve as an evaluation to decide the sprouting condition.
矢野 耕也 山村 英記
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.25, no.2, pp.42-49, 2017-04-01 (Released:2018-04-01)

One method of evaluating functions in quality engineering is transferability. In injection molding technology in particular, transferability expresses uniform filling of the mold with resin, which is a fundamental or 'intrinsic' function, but it is also positioned as a target function that considers only visible results such as dimensions, and this yields an inadequate grasp of the function. There nevertheless remains a stubborn demand for transferability evaluation in manufacturing processes other than injection molding, and in image processing and the like. The transferability approach was therefore taken in the present study,which applied Mahalanobis-Taguchi methods to a case with only one set of unit space data to reconsider the results a former injection molding parameter design, with the object of demonstrating transferability evaluation and its usefulness from the viewpoint of the Mahalanobis-Taguchi system.
杉山 昭 堀 信夫 徐 世中 矢野 宏
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.13, no.1, pp.44-50, 2005-02-01 (Released:2016-09-30)

Previous studies on the optimization of injection molding from various standpoints have shown that transferability alone provides only an extremely small gain and repeatability cannot be determined with adequate reliability, The reason was considered to lie in the processing of nonlinear effects. This time we reanalyzed transferability and shape retention by the standard signal-to-noise ratio, using a crystalline resin test piece. As a result, it became clear that uniform fillability is essential for transferability, and if this condition is not satisfied,shape retention is unsatisfactory.
鴨下 隆志 広瀬 武範 中村 哲夫 矢野 宏
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.4, no.2, pp.49-57, 1996-04-01 (Released:2016-03-24)

In order to study the calibrating method and the error after calibration for a measuring system, the method to determine the dimensional measuring error of a component part through experimentation was discussed. The procedures of this method followed the guidelines described in JIS Z9090, measurement-General rules for calibration system, a standard established based on the concepts of quality engineering. The calibration was conducted by such new concepts. Up to present, the determination of measurement error has been ambiguous. But from this study, it was concluded that error can be rationally determined by one of the three practical cases of picking up the sources of error. lt is also stated in this paper that quality engineering approaches can be applied to determine the expanded uncertainty which is included in ISO Guide of the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement.
金本 良重
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.6, no.5, pp.33-37, 1998-10-01 (Released:2016-06-10)

In the transmission of information, it is necessary to modulate the input signal. The frequencies of the signals for voice or music are generally low and the waves cannot be effectively transmitted remotely. For a good transmission, signals are modulated to high frequency waves. AM and FM are the modulation methods used for analog wave transmission. In the AM modulation, amplitude is changed whereas in the FM modulation,frequency is changed. Since the latter is more robust against noise, it is widely used for radios, TVs,transceivers or business radios. In the FM system modulation, voltage is used as the signal to change frequency. In this report, parameter design was conducted for the stabilization of an FM modulation circuit. In the traditional parameter design approach for electric circuits, power is used as the signal and is also measured as the output. However, it is inappropriate because the amplitude of both the input and the output are the same. In this report, a new generic function was proposed by considering frequency as the output frequency, and power was treated as noise.
立林 和夫
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.2, no.1, pp.14-21, 1994-02-15 (Released:2016-03-24)

There are several things interfering with the implementation of Quality Engineering in R&D and production departments. I am in charge of promoting implementation of Quality Engineering in Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Therefore, I have heard many criticisms about Quality Engineering by engineers and managers. I would like to talk about "things interfering with the implementation of Quality Engineering". The reason I chose it as the last theme for my series is because it is important to organize and analyze them in order to spread Quality Engineering.
安田 美穂 齊藤 幸哉 畠山 鎮
一般社団法人 品質工学会
品質工学 (ISSN:2189633X)
vol.14, no.1, pp.101-107, 2006-02-01 (Released:2016-09-30)

In semiconductor fabrication processes, it is desirable to utilize on-line quality engineering to establish stabilized fabrication processes through optimized process control. In this study, for the purpose of establishing on-line engineering in semiconductor fabrication processes, a system that many people can utilize was studied and verified through practical use. In work analysis and loss calculations, an attempt was made to eliminate hesitation and improve working efficiency by standardizing data and creating tools that made the data more usable and more generally applicable. Through practice in actual processes and establishment of these methods, an increase in the use of on-line quality engineering was observed, and it was also shown that on-line quality engineering could uncover various problems present in process control.