加藤 一郎
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.15, pp.97-113, 2003-03-01

Dum la dua mondmilito Josef Kramer laboris kiel SS koncentreja ofcisto en diversaj koncentrejoj, inklusive de Dachau, Mauhausen kaj Auschwitz. Ekde decembro de 1944 li estis la komandanato de Bergen=Belsena Koncentrejo. Liberiginte tiun ĉi koncentrejon, la anguloj arestis lin. La brita milita tribunalo juĝis, komdamnis kaj ekzekutis lin kiel la respondeculon de "la masivaj gasaj ekzekutoj" kaj "la masivaj murdoj kaŭze de malsato kaj epidemio". Sed, ĉu la Belsena tribunalo povis pruvi lian respondecon?
八代 隆政
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.13, pp.104-140, 2000

In the discussion of Pashto, two major dialectal groupings are considered – "Soft Pashto" or southwestern dialects spoken around Kandahar, Afghanistan; and "Hard Pashto" or northeastern dialects spoken in the Peshawar area, Pakistan. The latter has been most directly in contact with western Indian languages, e.g. Urdu and Punjabi.This report presents the results of my linguistic survey in Peshawar, including new data of Yusufzai dialects based on my field work. Then similarities and differences between Urdu and Pashto will be identified. It is intended as a beginning rather than an end-point.
ビン・ジャムビ ジャファール 福田 倫子
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.24, pp.84-104, 2011

The process of communication with the local people is very important when a student is studying abroad. Not only do they need language skills to communicate but also the skill to identify the differences in the cultural and custom background of the local people. When people from different cultural backgrounds are engaged in communication, it is widely known as cross-cultural communication. The success of any cross-cultural communication depends on producing an interaction that does not carry too much miscommunication between two different cultures.This study focused on the communication behavior of Malaysian students and their interaction in Japanese society. The purpose of this study is to identify whether cross-cultural factors caused communication breakdowns during the process of communication between Malaysian students and Japanese people (students and lecturers). The results showed that the more the student interacted in Japanese society, the less often cross-cultural communication breakdowns occurred. However, when taking into account the duration of their stay in Japan, the study suggests that there is no significant difference in mean scores. Perhaps an in-depth study should be done to look into this matter empirically.An implication of the study calls for encouragement and guidance to be given to foreign students to interact as much as possible with Japanese people so that communication skills can be learned directly from the interaction.
ビン・ジャムビ ジャファール 福田 倫子
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.24, pp.84-104, 2011

The process of communication with the local people is very important when a student is studying abroad. Not only do they need language skills to communicate but also the skill to identify the differences in the cultural and custom background of the local people. When people from different cultural backgrounds are engaged in communication, it is widely known as cross-cultural communication. The success of any cross-cultural communication depends on producing an interaction that does not carry too much miscommunication between two different cultures.This study focused on the communication behavior of Malaysian students and their interaction in Japanese society. The purpose of this study is to identify whether cross-cultural factors caused communication breakdowns during the process of communication between Malaysian students and Japanese people (students and lecturers). The results showed that the more the student interacted in Japanese society, the less often cross-cultural communication breakdowns occurred. However, when taking into account the duration of their stay in Japan, the study suggests that there is no significant difference in mean scores. Perhaps an in-depth study should be done to look into this matter empirically.An implication of the study calls for encouragement and guidance to be given to foreign students to interact as much as possible with Japanese people so that communication skills can be learned directly from the interaction.
大久保 由紀 八藤後 忠夫
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.17, pp.1-29, 2004

An investigation for 279 university students, resulted in the following conclusions.1) Resistance to "abusive language" was shown to be significantly higher in the control group than in the object group. The working hypothesis was formed from this result.2) High resistance in the object group was significantly shown only in the "the nursing family".3) Both object and control groups had a high resistance score of toward language on "physical region". A low resistance score was also confirmed both groups on language concerning "the region on the actions of the partners" and "the region on the inner matters of the partner".4) In all inter-group comparisons, Resistance to the language use concerning "people who are not so intimate with the subject" was significantly high. Especially in cases of "dispute".5) University students of nursing and psychology and welfare (the object group) had low resistance. However, it is be not appropriate to postulate their lack of their sensitivity toward "abusive language" from this.
中村 博一
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
no.24, pp.285-303, 2011

Nollywood is one of the key issues in the contemporary African media worlds. Since 2001 I have conducted my research on video culture in Sokoto, Northern Nigeria. In this article I trace some developmental processes of popular market literature and video-movie among the Hausa-speaking people, and try to analyze kungfu video-movies produced in Sokoto, as resulting from watching Hong Kong movies for several decades.
山本 卓 藤井 仁奈
言語と文化 (ISSN:09147977)
vol.21, pp.140-156, 2009-03 (Released:2011-11-04)

Dans Délire I, un des chapitres d'Une saison en enfer, le monologue de la Vierge folle raconte la relation du couple, Vierge folle et l'Époux infernal. Nous allons analiser la structure de la narration pour éclaircir la relation de ce couple, et la présence du locuteur qui apparaît momentanément au début et à la fin de ce chapitre.