橋村 斉 原田 佳澄 舘 友基 木村 圭佑 櫻井 宏明

【はじめに】 地域包括ケア推進のために在宅医療・介護の推進が必要であり、各地で自助・互助の強化、社会参加の促進が取り組まれている。その中で、療法士が社会参加の促進を行うためには、療法士自身が近隣の地域活動を把握している必要がある。当院では、利用者が地域の中でその人らしく生きがいを持って取り組めるような地域活動を提案するために、松阪市内の地域活動について電子地図を用いて情報収集・記録しており、リハビリテーション科の職員が常時確認できるように管理している。今回は、その活動内容を報告する。【地域活動の情報収集・管理】 松阪市内の公民館・集会場などの場所と活動内容・開催日について、市のホームページや地域包括支援センターの生活支援コーディネーターより情報収集を行った。また、公共交通機関について、市内を運行するバス停の位置をホームページ上で調査した。収集した情報を一括で管理し、各々の位置関係を把握するため、電子地図(Google My Maps)上にまとめた。これにより、利用者の自宅周辺で開催されている地域活動が視覚的に判別できるようになった。さらに、市役所に各公民館の内部環境調査を依頼し、建物内各所の部屋の構造・段差の高さ・手すりの有無などを把握することができた。これらの情報により、移動距離や段差昇降の必要性など、地域活動へ参加するために達成すべき課題が明確になり、利用者と共有できるようになった。【地域活動の見学と環境調査】 当院利用者が多く居住する地区を中心に、一部の公民館に赴いて活動内容や現地環境を調査した。活動内容は大きく分けて趣味系・運動系の2種類があった。趣味系の活動は全体的に自由に休憩が取れ、自分のペースで活動ができる様子であったが、運動系は総じて実施時間が長く、求められる身体機能が高い印象であった。また、市内には80ヶ所以上の公民館があるが、バリアフリー構造の建物は1ヶ所のみであった。その他の公民館は築50年以上が経過しており、内部構造は和室が多く段差が多数で、トイレも和式が多くを占め、身体機能の低下した高齢者にとっては利用しにくい環境であった。 【展望・課題】 上記ツールを使用し、現在までに介護保険利用者6名に対して地域活動の紹介・参加に結び付けることができ、現在も電子地図の活用事例を増やし、入院患者への適応拡大を図っている。今後は、当院のホームページ上に電子地図を公開し、当院以外の医療従事者にも活用してもらうことで意見を収集し、電子地図に掲載する情報の見直しを行っていく。【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】本研究に関しては、事前に当院の倫理委員会にて承認を受けて実施している。
Katsuyuki MORISHITA Hiroshi KARASUNO Yuka YOKOI Kazunori MOROZUMI Hisayoshi OGIHARA Toshikazu ITO Takayuki FUJIWARA Tetsuya FUJIMOTO Koji ABE
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (ISSN:13441272)
vol.17, no.1, pp.1-7, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the effects of therapeutic ultrasound on intramuscular local blood circulation (and oxygen dynamics) using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Participants: The participants were 11 healthy males. Methods: All participants performed all three trials; (1) the ultrasound (US group), (2) without powered ultrasound (placebo group), and (3) rest (control group). Ultrasound was applied at 3 MHz, 1.0 W/cm2, and 100% duty cycle for 10 minutes. Evaluation index were oxygenated, deoxygenated, and total hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in the intramuscular and skin surface temperature (SST). The experimental protocol was a total of 40 minutes, that is, 10 minutes before trial (rest), 10 minutes during the trial (ultrasound, placebo, and control), and 20 minutes after trial (rest). The NIRS and SST data collected before and after the trial were divided into 5 minutes intervals for further analysis. Results: Oxygenated and total hemoglobin levels were significantly higher in the US group than in the placebo and control groups for the 20 minutes after ultrasound ( p < 0.01). The SST was significantly higher in the US group than in the control for 15 minutes after ultrasound ( p < 0.05), while it was significantly lower in the placebo group than in the US and control groups for 20 minutes after the trials ( p < 0.01). Conclusion: The effects of ultrasound were maintained for 20 minutes after the trial on intramuscular blood circulation and oxygen dynamics. These effects were caused by a combination of thermal and mechanical effects of the ultrasound.
中山 裕子 大西 秀明 中林 美代子 大山 峰生 石川 知志
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.35, no.6, pp.292-298, 2008

須釜 聡 立野 勝彦 灰田 信英
理学療法学 = The Journal of Japanese Physical Therapy Association (ISSN:02893770)
vol.23, no.2, pp.72-79, 1996-03-31

金沢大学大学院医学系研究科機能障害学関節拘縮発生にはコラーゲン中の架橋結合が関与し,この架橋結合はコラーゲンの可溶性に影響を及ぼす。今回我々は,ラットの足関節を7週間固定し筋および腱組織の可溶性の変化を検索しコラーゲン線維内の架橋結合の変化を推察した。その結果,ヒラメ筋については塩可溶コラーゲンとペプシン可溶化率に有意な減少を認めたが,アキレス腱については塩可溶コラーゲンに有意な減少を認めたのみであった。以上の結果から,7週間の固定により,コラーゲン線維内の架橋結合について,筋組織では架橋結合の数や強度の増加が推察されるが,腱組織では架橋結合の変化も少ないものと推察される。このことから,固定による影響は筋組織コラーゲンの方が大きいことが示唆され,組織の柔軟性の低下へつながる方向へ移行しているものと考えられる。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the change in solubility of 7 weeks immobilized Soleus muscle and Achilles tendon collagen. Left hind limb of six rats were immobilized for 7 weeks. Hydroxyproline was determined for the estimation of the collagen content in neutral salt soluble, acid soluble and insoluble collagen. In addition, insoluble collagen was digested with pepsin to determine solubility of insoluble collagen. In the case of Soleus muscle, collagen content to represent as a percent of wet weight was increased significantly during 7-week immobilization. In the case of Achilles tendon, collagen content to represent as a percent of wet weight did not change during the immobilization. In the case of Soleus muscle, the percentage of the salt solbule collagen to the total collagen was decreased significantly during 7-week immobilization. The percentage of the acid soluble and insoluble collagen to the total collagen did not change significantly during the immobilization. In the insoluble collagen, a rate of solubility with pepsin was decreased significantly. In the case of Achilles tendon, the percentage of the salt soluble collagen to the total collagen was decreased significantly during 7-weerk immobilization. The percentage of the acid soluble and insoluble collagen to the total collagen did not change significantly during the immobilization. In the insoluble collagen, a rate of solubility with pepsin did not change significantly. These results suggest that: 1) Solubility of Soleus muscle collagen, affected by intra and intermolecular crosslinks, changes during 7-week immobilization. 2) Solubility of Achilles tendon collagen, affected by intra and intermolecular cross-links, does not change remarkably during 7-week immobilization.
Yoshiyuki YOSHIKAWA Masaharu SUGIMOTO Noriaki MAESHIGE Mikiko UEMURA Atsushi TAKAO Kazuhiro MATSUDA Hiroto TERASHI
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (ISSN:13441272)
vol.17, no.1, pp.52-52, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of low-intensity direct current (LIDC) with electrode placement of negative poles at wound site on pressure ulcer healing. Subject: The subjects were elderly patients having a pressure ulcer (sacrum, 2 cases; thoracic supine, 2 cases; ilium, 1 case; greater trochanter, 1 case; lateral malleolus, 1 case), and healings of these ulcers had been retarded. The DESIGN-R of these ulcers were between 13 and 19. Methods: The negative electrode of silver chloride was inserted into the foam dressing on the wound surface, and the positive pole was attached on intact skin around the wound. Electrical stimulation (intensity: 80 µA; frequency: 2 Hz; pulse length: 250 msec; duration: 40 minutes) were administrated five times per week. On every treatment, opposite electrodes were shunted by electrical cable after the stimulation. Result: Size reductions were observed on all ulcers treated with LIDC and these ulcers were healed completely at 5 ~10 weeks after the beginning of LIDC stimulation. Conclusion: The pressure ulcer healings were promoted by negative LIDC stimulation. It is suggested that LIDC stimulation with consideration for electrical polarity could be effective for shortening of the pressure ulcer healing period.
貝谷 誠久 大西 竜哉 弘本 律子 田中 秀和 生駒 一憲
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.26, no.6, pp.265-269, 1999

Cid Andre Fidelis de Paula GOMES Yasmin El-HAGE Ana Paula AMARAL Carolina Marciela HERPICH Fabiano POLITTI Sandra Kalil-BUSSADORI Tabajara de Oliveira GONZALEZ Daniela Aparecida Biasotto-GONZALEZ
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (ISSN:13441272)
pp.Vol18_001, (Released:2015-02-24)
2 15

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of massage therapy on the masticatory muscles and occlusal splint usage on quality of life and pain in individuals with sleep bruxism. Method: A randomized, controlled, blinded, clinical trial was conducted involving 78 volunteers aged 18 to 40 years with sleep bruxism. Quality of life and pain assessments were performed. Results: Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found on the physical functioning, general health state, vitality, role emotional and mental health subscales. A large effect size was found for all treatment protocols with regard to pain. The largest effect was found in the combined treatment group. Conclusions: The findings of the present study reveal that the occlusal splint usage alone led to improvements in components of quality of life among individuals with sleep bruxism. Moreover, both treatments (occlusal splint usage and massage therapy on the masticatory muscles) led to a reduction in pain.
Gemma Victoria Espí-López Anna Arnal-Gómez Teresa Arbós-Berenguer Ángel Arturo López González Teófila Vicente-Herrero
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (ISSN:13441272)
pp.Vol17_005, (Released:2014-08-13)
2 25

Background: Tension-type headache (TTH) is a disease with a great incidence on quality of life and with a significant socioeconomic impact. Objectives: The aim of this review is to determine the effectiveness of physical therapy by using manual therapy (MT) for the relief of TTH. Data sources: A review was done identifying randomized controlled trials through searches in MEDLINE, PEDro, Cochrane and CINAHL (January 2002 - April 2012). Study selection: English-language studies, with adult patients and number of subjects not under 11, diagnosed with episodic tension-type headache (ETTH) and chronic tension-type headache (CTTH) were included. Data extraction: Initial search was undertaken with the words Effectiveness, Tension-type headache, and Manual therapy (39 studies). In addition, a search which included terms related to treatments such as physiotherapy, physical therapy, spinal manipulation was performed (25 studies). Results: From the two searches 9 studies met the inclusion criteria and were analysed finding statistically significant results: 1) myofascial release, cervical traction, neck muscles trigger points in cervical thoracic muscles and stretching; 2) Superficial heat and massage, connective tissue manipulation and vertebral Cyriax mobilization; 3) cervical or thoracic spinal manipulation and cervical chin-occipital manual traction; 4) massage, progressive relaxation and gentle stretching, program of active exercises of shoulder, neck and pericranial muscles; 5) massage, passive rhythmic mobilization techniques, cervical, thoracic and lumbopelvic postural correction and cranio-cervical exercises; 6) progressive muscular relaxation combined with joint mobilization, functional, muscle energy, and strain/counterstrain techniques, and cranial osteopathic treatment; 7) massage focused on relieving myofascial trigger point activity; 8) pressure release and muscle energy in suboccipital muscles; 9) combination of mobilizations of the cervical and thoracic spine, exercises and postural correction. All studies used a combination of different techniques and none analyzed treatments separately, also all the studies have assessed aspects related to TTH beyond frequency and intensity of pain. Conclusions: The findings from these studies showed evidence that physiotherapy with articulatory MT, combined with cervical muscle stretching and massage are effective for this disease in different aspects related with TTH. No evidence was found of the effectiveness of the techniques applied separately.