五位野 政彦
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.48, no.2, pp.166-168, 2013 (Released:2020-12-30)

The word nyu-bachi (mortar) is seen in Shogaku-Kagaku-sho, a book of chemistry in 1874 but its etymon is unknown. The word ru-bo (nyu-bachi in Japanese) is seen in several ancient books in medicine, art and literature, from the 5th to 18th century. In these books, the usage of ru-bo is written as crush the solids. In 1874, the translator Tosen Hoda did not make a new Japanese word for mortar but used the ancient Chinese word ru-bo (nyu-bachi). This was because he found that the usage of European mortar is the same as that of the ancient Chinese ru-bo. The word nyu has several meanings. The etymon of the word nyu-bachi comes from the female breast nyu, not liquid nyu. The reasons are as follows : 1) the usage of ru-bo (nyu-bachi) is for solids, not liquids, and 2) the word bo (bachi) means hemisphere bowl. It may stand for a kind of humor in ancient Chinese male society.
夏目 葉子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.136-151, 2020

目的:アムリタとは,サンスクリット語で「不死」を意味する語であるとともに,不特定のものに適用される形容辞でもあった.しかし,『インドアーユル・ヴェーダ薬局方』(以下略号 API)では,それを特定の複数の薬用植物の同義語として記載している.本論では,インド医学文献におけるアムリタの用例を分析し,アムリタが特定の薬用植物の同義語として規定されるに至った根拠を考察する.方法:まず,API でアムリタという同義語をもつ薬用植物の薬効を,薬理学の視点から論じる.次に,古代インド三大医学書,それらから処方を引用している『バウアー写本』,および API の典拠のひとつとされる『バーヴァプラカーシャ』におけるアムリタの記述を原文解読することで,その意味を文献学的に分析する.結果:古代インド三大医学書と『バウアー写本』におけるアムリタは,グドゥーチー,ハリータキー,アーマラカの別称として用いられていた.なかでも,『バーヴァプラカーシャ』の語彙集に記されたグドゥーチーの薬用植物としての起源は,『ラーマーヤナ』に説かれていた「猿たちの復活」と同様に「生命を取り戻す」ことを意味し,「不死」と関連付けた捉え方をしていた.結論・考察:API におけるアムリタの記述には,古来のインド神話伝説の系譜が関連している.そのことが,API がアムリタを特定の薬用植物の同義語として規定されるに至った根拠のひとつであると考察した.
Okada Noboru
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.37, no.2, pp.135-146, 2002-12-30
南雲 清二 佐々木 陽平 竹下 一夫
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.47, no.1, pp.21-30, 2012 (Released:2021-07-02)

We are studying how cinchona, one of the most important medicinal plants, was introduced and cultivated in Japan. We already mentioned that in the process, two cultivation attempts were made: the first in Japan in 1882, and the second in the Taiwanese town of Hengchun in approximately 1900, when Taiwan was under Japanese colonial rule. Yasusada Tashiro was behind those two cinchona cultivation attempts; however, they both ended in failure. Later, Tashiro became an employee of Hoshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and in 1922, succeeded for the first time in cultivating cinchona at the company-owned cinchona field in Taiwan. This third challenge for him finally led to success. Hoshi Pharmaceutical went on further to produce cinchona bark from the cultivated tree for the first time in 1934, and also succeeded in extracting quinine from the bark. This was a historic feat in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, completing an entire process from cinchona cultivation to quinine manufacture all within the confines of the country. In this report, we describe the historical background and involvement of Yasusada Tashiro, who was instrumental to the success of cinchona cultivation in the company. Furthermore, we reveal that a log of unknown origin, which had been left untouched for years at Hoshi University, was the cinchona log from the time when Hoshi Pharmaceutical succeeded in the cultivation.
童 德琴
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.2, pp.109-118, 2015 (Released:2020-12-03)

Early Meiji Japan witnessed a boom in Japanese Ginseng exports, but the years between 1880 and 1886 brought a sharp decline. Previous research linked this recession to chaos in domestic production and by illegal imports of Korean Ginseng without presenting data about the actual fluctuation of Ginseng output. Moreover, as the biggest target market of Japanese Ginseng exportation, the situation in Qing, China should be included in any analysis. Based on statistical data collected in China and Japan, this study clarifies the reasons for the sharp decline during the early 1880s. PMID: 27149777 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
柳沢 清久
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.53, no.2, pp.135-149, 2018

As a similar herbal medicine to Angelica Acutilobae Root, there is the Angelic Archangelica Root in Europe. Regarding Angelica Archangelica Root, it disappeared from foreign pharmacopoeia with the inclusion of DABVIIeast (1964). However, in recent years, in foreign pharmacopoeia, Angelica ArchangelicaRoot was again listed in EP beginning with EP4.0 (2002). In compliance with this, it was also listed in BP from BP2002. In regards to the reasoning for this, it is possible that the Angelica Archangelica Root may have been reevaluated in Europe. After that, other herbal medicines of the Angelica genus were also listed in EP and BP. Today, in EP and BP, there are four kinds of Angelica genus herbal medicines: Angelica Archangelica Root, Angelica Dahurica Root, Angelica Pubescens Root, and Angelica Sinensis Root.This time, research was conducted on the standards of and test methods for Angelica Archange Root,Angelica Dahurica Root, Angelica Pubescens Root, and Angelica Sinensis Root in EP4.0 (2002)~EP9.0 (2017) and BP2002~BP2018. For the four standards and test methods, the formats described and test methods, such as identification test, purity test, quantitative analysis, etc., are unified. This clearly revealed the morphological and chemical characteristics of each. Thin-layer chromatography was used for the identification and purity tests. The reference solution used was unified into three kinds : Z-ligustilide, osthole, and imperatorin. For this reason, the test results clearly show the differences between the characteristic ingredients in each variety. For quantitative analysis, Angelica Archangelica Root requires calculation of the essential oil content. Other than that, the components identified were quantified by liquid chromatography to calculate their content. Angelica Dahurica Root is required for imperatorin, Angelica Pubescens Root for osthole, and Angelica Sinensis Root for E-ferulic acid content. It is suggested that these ingredient contents are the chemical quality evaluation criteria that influence the quality and medicinal efficacy of herbal medicines. It was interesting to seek calculation of the content of E-ferulic acid through a quantitative analysis of Angelica Sinensis Root. Ferulic acid has various actions such as the ability to digest active oxygen, and a wide range of health effects could be seen. It was also reported that ferulic acid has an inhibitory effect on the progression of Alzheimer's dementia. Therefore, regarding Angelica Acutilobae Root and Angelica Sinensis Root, it is considered that there was a significant change in value as the result of evaluating quality by obtaining the ferulic acid content.
夏目 葉子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.52, no.2, pp.118-139, 2017 (Released:2020-08-09)

The first part of the Bower Manuscript is called the Lasuna-kalpa because it describes medical formulations that include garlic, or lasuna in Sanskrit, which is believed to refer to Allium sativum L. The aim of this study is to reinterpret the descriptions of garlic in the Lasuna-kalpa and to examine its pharmaceutical contents. This paper begins with a general discussion on ingesting garlic, which was both a religious taboo and a medical treatment in ancient India. Three major medical works-The Caraka-samhita (CS), the Susruta-samhita (SS) and the Astangahrdaya-samhita (AHS)─are then revisited in respect to their description of garlic in order to highlight its medicinal properties. In light of this examination, the specific formulations described in the La?una-kalpa are analyzed from a modern pharmaceutical perspective paying due attention to the second half of the Lasuna-kalpa. The scripture of Brahmanism prohibits the Brahmans from eating garlic because of garlic's growth environment, which was seen as impure, and the behavioral code for the Brahmans renders garlic unclean for them. Some Buddhist scriptures also discourage eating garlic because its smell is considered unspiritual for priests and lay devotees alike. Eating garlic was regarded as an unspiritual act both in- and outside the religious organization. Despite these negative social and religious norms, Brahmanism and Buddhism admitted using garlic for medical purposes. Thus, in ancient India, garlic was given dual attributes of religious taboo and medical utility. Garlic is mentioned in CS for treatments of various diseases, in SS in a diet therapy for the gynecology system, and in AHS for rejuvenation. Garlic decreases vata (air) and kapha (phlegm), while it increases pitta (bile). The Lasuna-kalpa apparently consists of two parts, the first of which describes eight formulations of garlic. Since the second part does not explicitly mention garlic, it can be conjectured that the second part is a later addition in the process of transmission.
米田 該典
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.48, no.2, pp.108-113, 2013

The treasures housed in the Shosoin are said to number over 10,000. They were donated to thegreat Buddha of Todaiji Temple in 756, after the death of Emperor Shomu.The objects given atthat time are noted in a document known as Kokka-Chimpo-Cho and Shuju-yakucho (Memorandum of Medicines) which lists 60 kinds of medicaments. Today, many kinds of medicines can be found in the Shosoin Treasure House.Scientific investigations of the Shosoin medicines were conducted on two occasions. From 1948 to 1952, immediately after World WarII, the first investigation was conducted by a team consisting of Yasuhiko Asahina, as the chief, and 15 other researchers. After this investigation, 38 medicines listed in the Shujuyakucho were found in the Shosoin Treasure House. At that time, chemical studies on the constituents of medicines were not very efficient due to having insufficient knowledge of the chemical principles of traditional drugs, and no techniques or equipment had been developed for chemical analysis. An additionalanalysis was conducted from 1976 to 1986, at which time some drugs were studied by Shoji Shibata, a member of the first investigation. The results were as follows : Ginseng contains total ginsenosides; licorice contains a high yield of Glycyrrhizin as the sweet agent and some flavonoid glycosides; and rhubarb contain Sennoside A and B, some anthraquinone derivatives and their glycosides.From 1994 to 1995, 50 years after the initial research, a second investigation of the Shosoin medicines was conducted. Shoji Shibata was the chief researcher, and worked with an investigation team consisting of six researchers in total. During this investigation, many kinds of plant glycosides were found in Shosoin medicines. As an interesting fact, four kinds of gelsemium alkaloids were found in Yakatsu ,which is a poisonous drug stored in the Shosoin since 756.
小林 照幸
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.2, pp.83-88, 2019

Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as testicular hydrocele and elephantiasis, is one of the neglected tropical disease (NTDs). This infectious disease occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes (in Japan Culex pipiens pallens).Japan is the first country to control lymphatic filariasis and eradicate it. Controlling and eradicating it was mainly based on blood examination and chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine (DEC).In 1962, the government of Japan initiated the National Filariasis Control Program in some areas of Kyushu (e.g., Kagoshima Prefecture including the highly endemic Amami Islands), Shikoku (Ehime Prefecture) and Tokyo (Hachijo-kojima Island in the southern Izu archipelago).The program was extremely successful, and the number of microfilaria carriers decreased quickly.In the highly endemic area of Okinawa, formerly called Ryukyu, which was under U.S. occupation from 1945 to 1972, the eradication program was started in 1965 with the assistance of the Japanese government and the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR).In January 1965, a filariasis control campaign was started on the Miyako Islands based on the dedication of the community inhabitants. This control activity then encouraged campaigns on other islands (Yaeyama and the main island of Okinawa).Lymphatic filariasis was finally eliminated from all Okinawa Islands in 1978. A stone monument commemorating the eradication of filariasis was built in the front garden of the Miyako Health Center on November 25, 1988. The unveiling ceremony also celebrated the completion of filariasis control on Okinawa Islands and throughout all of Japan.Controlling and eradicating lymphatic filariasis in Japan is the result of Japan's world-class pharmacy and medical wisdom, as well as the efforts of industry, government and academia. It is a great drama full of humanism.
野尻 佳与子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.2, pp.196-204, 2015 (Released:2020-12-03)

Holtos is a medicine that was patented by Kan-sei-do, a pharmacy in Osaka, and sold as a Western medicine from the late Edo era to the Meiji era. It is similar to the patented medicine Uluus, which sold well using the katakana brand name. This article introduces HOLTOS products marketed beginning in the late Edo era and makes a comparative study with Uluus products. The features of Holtos include more indications of what the drug can be used to treat in order to emphasize its versatility. There was also a slight increase in size of the tablet sold at the same price as Uluus, and other improvements such as embossing the name Holtos on the surface of the tablet. These reasons lead to the conclusion that Holtos was a patented medicine that imitated Uluus. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that strategic measures were taken by Holtos to outlast competition in the market. PMID: 27149785 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
乾 俊秀 松本 佑子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.1, pp.24-30, 2019

Tanabeya Medicine, a herbal medicine to treat bleeding at the time of childbirth, as well as to treat bruises, was sold in the Tanabeya Store for over 200 years, since its establishment until the middle of the Meiji Era. We compare formulations and indications, and discuss whether or not this medicine was one of the special elixirs introduced by Yoshihiro Shimadzu as a result of his contributions to the Battle of Sekigahara. The Imai Family's ancestry letter, in which records show a close relation between Doyo Tanabeya and Yoshihiro Shimadzu, mentions that Yoshihiro initiated Doyo into two elixir formulations: a medicine for wounds such as rupturing of the muscle and fractures, and a medicine for malposition childbearing. The formulation of Tanabeya Medicine was listed in the application letter for a business license issued in 1882. This paralleled that of Yamada-ryu (Yamada School) Decoction, a medicine for wounds acquired during battle, as recorded by some war medicine doctors during the Warring States Period, and for bleeding at the time of childbirth. That is, Tanabeya Medicine was primarily composed of 10 basic ingredients found in Yamada-ryu Decoction plus the addition of cloves, areca nuts and rhubarb, for which the oxytocic action had an effect on muscle and tendon ruptures. The indications of the medicine are consistent with the content of the Imai Family's ancestry letter. Given that Yoshihiro Shimadzu had a rich knowledge of war medicine, the results suggest that Tanabeya Medicine seems likely to be a special elixir of the Shimadzu Family initiated by Yoshihiro Shimadzu.
武立 啓子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.38-53, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

Mitsuru Uchiyama, former representative director of the Council on Pharmacists Credentials (CPC), passed away in June 2019. He became president of the Japan Pharmacist Training Center (JPEC), which supports and promotes continuing education (CE), and later became the representative director of the newly established independent evaluation agency, CPC, which evaluates and accredits pharmacist certification programs. He explained the necessity of CE and credentials, which are objective proof of the results of CE, and made a great contribution to the development of CE. Purpose: This paper reviews the history of CE for pharmacists in Japan, “in memory of Mitsuru Uchiyama, Ph.D.,” and examines the background and issues leading up to the current situation today. Method: Information on CE for pharmacists and various certification programs are investigated using websites, books, and other materials. Results: The CE for pharmacists in Japan began systematically in 1989 with the establishment of JPEC. CE programs were started in 1994, special training programs were introduced in 1998, and pharmacy specialties programs were added in 2005. After that, based on the needs expressed from the medical side, many academic and professional pharmaceutical organizations have created special training and pharmacy specialties programs in various fields. Currently, the number of programs exceeds 30. CPC, established in 2004, has evaluated and accredits pharmacist credentialing programs that meet the evaluation criteria. To date, it has certified 32 programs, mainly CE programs. Uchiyama carried 70 columns, which can be called the “CE theory” on a website, and made it a message to pharmacists. Conclusion: The CE for pharmacists is developing steadily, but there are several problems. Special training and pharmacy specialties programs have issues regarding the level and uniformity of programs, and independent evaluation is required. The number of credentials in CE programs has increased rapidly in recent years in connection with medical fees. There is a tendency to easily obtain credentials in some pharmacists, so correction is necessary. It is hoped that we pharmacists will learn from the messages left by Uchiyama, such as the basic principles of CE, and utilize them in our own CE.
木村 禎治
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.1-5, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

The population of dementia sufferers is estimated to reach 152 million in 2050. Dementia lays a huge burden on family members, medical staff and caregivers in addition to the sufferers themselves, and could possibly collapse the current social system. To prevent such a catastrophe, drug discovery to fight dementia is an urgent task that should be undertaken by all humanity as the 21st-century equivalent of traveling to the moonshot. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for more than 50% of total dementia, and its three major pathologies are known to be senile plaque composed of amyloid beta (Aβ) aggregates, neurofibrillary tangle made by tau protein aggregates, and neuronal cell death commencing with cholinergic neurons. AD pathogenesis is being elucidated through pathology, genetics and biology, and these studies have led to three hypotheses. Approaches under the choline hypothesis created three acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine) which enhance cholinergic neuronal activity. These three medicines and memantine (NMDA antagonist) are currently available for AD treatment. They temporarily improve cognitive and daily functions but cannot slow down the progression of AD itself. Aimed at disease modification, a number of agents based on the Aβ hypothesis have been investigated in clinical studies, but most of them have failed. Currently a few anti-Aβ antibodies are in the final stage of clinical trials and are expected to be commercialized in the near future. Following on from anti-amyloid therapy, multiple approaches including tau, microglia and synaptic/neuronal regeneration are being actively researched to cure this complex disease. In parallel with drug discovery, less-invasive diagnostics that realize earlier detection and intervention are also being developed and have shown significant progress over the last two years. I believe that dedicated endeavors by the scientists working in the AD field and the thoughtful support of patients in society will bear fruits to actualize healthy longevity by conquering dementia.
服部 昭
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.53, no.1, pp.69-74, 2018 (Released:2020-07-15)

I investigated the Toki Medicine Chest, named after its owner Takanobu Toki (Okayama Prefecture). The Toki Medicine Chest consisted of two boxes, one large and one small. This combination of large and small boxes is similar to that of the Katagiri Medicine Chest reported previously. However, in the case of the Toki Medicine Chest, it is believed that the chest was owned by the same person after confirming an analysis of the contents, which were crude drugs. In terms of medicine chest design, there wasn't any big difference between the Toki Medicine Chest and Katagiri Medicine Chest. Judging from the contents of the drugs found in it, the Toki Medicine Chest was likely used at the beginning of the Meiji era, not Edo. There were different types of medicines in the chest; not only local powdered drugs, but also imported drugs. Moreover, there were a few different drugs in glass bottles. The results reflect modernization of the medicine chest. The Toki Medicine Chest represents the end of the medicine chest era, and this report also reveals the beginning of the medicine cabinet.