飯野 洋一
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.56, no.2, pp.118-128, 2021 (Released:2022-02-24)

目的:東京大学薬学図書館は薬史学文庫を所蔵している.本稿では薬史学文庫の「北支関係・満洲関係」綴の復刻出版の意義を明らかにする. 方法:復刻出版の経緯,刈米達夫の漢薬調査,岸修の阿片資料について述べる. 結果・結論:復刻出版を契機として日中戦争期の興亜院による薬草調査と阿片政策研究が促進されることが期待される.
飯野 洋一
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.92-97, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

The University of Tokyo has 30 libraries and reading rooms, including the Pharmaceutical Sciences Library. Each library and reading room has a large number of collections, and the Pharmaceutical Sciences Library also has a collection named the History of Pharmacy Library. The History of Pharmacy Library was established at the Pharmaceutical Sciences Library at the request of the Japanese Society for History of Pharmacy in March 1998 and was donated by the Japanese Society for History of Pharmacy to the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo in April 1999. Initially, the use guide was enacted and the collection list was made public; however, it then remained unorganized for more than 16 years. At the end of 2015, the collection was finally reorganized in cooperation with the Pharmaceutical Sciences Library and the Japanese Society for History of Pharmacy and became available for research use again. In this paper, the history of the establishment, process of rebuilding, composition of the collection, and future issues to help many researchers make effective use of the History of Pharmacy Library are described.
新井 一郎
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.1, pp.1-6, 2015 (Released:2020-12-02)

PMID: 26427094 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
五位野 政彦
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.218-226, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

序論:薬剤師による最初の救助活動は明治 24 年の濃尾震災でみられた.本稿では明治 43 年の関東大水害において薬剤師がどのような災害救助活動を行ったかを調査した. 方法:次の施設に収蔵されている資料ならびに著者蔵の資料を調査した.東京都公文書館,東京薬科大学図書館,国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 結果・考察:薬剤師が行った活動は 2 つに分類される.1. 医薬品供給 : 府立の治療所からは被災者向けに処方箋が発行され,日本薬剤師会東京支部会員薬局での無料調剤が実施された.2. 飲料水の検査,消毒薬の配布等の衛生薬学活動:飲料水の検査は府の検査員と薬剤師が共同で行った.これらの薬剤師の活動に対して,後日褒賞が行われた.特に神奈川県薬剤師会は,内務大臣からの表彰対象になった.
稲垣 裕美
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.53, no.2, pp.85-90, 2018 (Released:2020-07-15)

The Naito Museum of Pharmaceutical Science and Industry was established in 1971 by Toyoji Naito, founder of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Eisai Co., Ltd. and the Naito Foundation. Mr. Naito decided to establish the museum after observing that Japan has no equivalent of the comprehensive pharmaceutical museums found in Europe and America. If this situation continues, precious artifacts illustrating the development of pharmaceutical science and the pharmaceutical industry will be lost, and that is something future generations will regret. Visited by approximately 40,000 people each year, the museum has received more than 1.6 million visitors to date. Its collection includes 65,000 artifacts and 62,000 books. Focusing on collecting items that would otherwise be lost, the museum has prioritized making them conveniently accessible to the public via its permanent exhibition, special exhibitions, a website and a library. Currently the museum faces several challenges. Its database of books and artifacts is inadequate for present needs because the files, research results, and other items logged in it are not linked to each other, and the storeroom housing three-dimensional artifacts is not properly equipped. The most serious challenge is that, although recent years have seen special exhibitions on cancer, dementia, infectious diseases (neglected tropical diseases) and new drug development, legal restrictions and the status of the company facilities prevent the museum from collecting and exhibiting the excellent pharmaceutical products made by other companies. The museum is working to resolve these challenges, but it is short of staff and equipment. Everyone who visits the museum or uses its books and artifacts helps bring a solution nearer.To ensure its availability to generations 100 or 200 years from now, the museum will continue to cultivate a pharmaceutical culture by disseminating the riches of its collection and providing information to its many users.
夏目 葉子
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.136-151, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:アムリタとは,サンスクリット語で「不死」を意味する語であるとともに,不特定のものに適用される形容辞でもあった.しかし,『インドアーユル・ヴェーダ薬局方』(以下略号 API)では,それを特定の複数の薬用植物の同義語として記載している.本論では,インド医学文献におけるアムリタの用例を分析し,アムリタが特定の薬用植物の同義語として規定されるに至った根拠を考察する. 方法:まず,API でアムリタという同義語をもつ薬用植物の薬効を,薬理学の視点から論じる.次に,古代インド三大医学書,それらから処方を引用している『バウアー写本』,および API の典拠のひとつとされる『バーヴァプラカーシャ』におけるアムリタの記述を原文解読することで,その意味を文献学的に分析する. 結果:古代インド三大医学書と『バウアー写本』におけるアムリタは,グドゥーチー,ハリータキー,アーマラカの別称として用いられていた.なかでも,『バーヴァプラカーシャ』の語彙集に記されたグドゥーチーの薬用植物としての起源は,『ラーマーヤナ』に説かれていた「猿たちの復活」と同様に「生命を取り戻す」ことを意味し,「不死」と関連付けた捉え方をしていた. 結論・考察:API におけるアムリタの記述には,古来のインド神話伝説の系譜が関連している.そのことが,API がアムリタを特定の薬用植物の同義語として規定されるに至った根拠のひとつであると考察した.
成田 研一
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.53, no.2, pp.102-112, 2018 (Released:2020-07-15)

Located in Omori-machi, Oda-shi, Shimane Prefecture, the Iwami-Ginzan Silver Mine was registered as an industrial heritage site and World Heritage site in 2007. A reddish-brown mineral soil found there at the beginning of the 17th century was donated to the Shogunate as a medicinal stone called MUMYOUI. The main component of the soil was believed to be ferric oxide, but it has been elucidated that the main component is manganese dioxide. It is similar to a mineral mined in China and described in HonzoKoumoku. While the minerals are listed as having the same name, MUMYOUI, they have different properties. The reason why the two minerals were confused by being referred to with similar notations at that time is unclear. Iwami-Ginzan halted presentation of MUMYOUI to the Shogunate once in the mid-18th century and began selling it to the general public shortly afterwards. In this thesis, I introduce the appearance of MUMYOUI from Iwami-Ginzan in functional books where it was treated as a noble medicine by the public, and used and transmitted until the end of the Tokugawa Period. In addition, it was found that the medicinal products produced in the region were developed and sold by a chief administrator, resembling processes like a modern pharmaceutical company and introduced as if the business was a community-raising project.
村岡 修 中川 好秋 松本 和男 中辻 慎一
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.57, no.1, pp.20-41, 2022 (Released:2022-07-30)

シリーズその2の続編である本報においては,医薬や農薬開発の基礎となる 20 世紀の薬学分野での有機化学研究について,長井長義を源流として,生薬学,薬化学,薬品製造学に分枝して発展してきたわが国特有の薬学における天然物化学研究を中心とした流れを概観する.また,研究開始初期に習得した有機化学の知識と技能を最大限に駆使して新たな分野を切り開き,その分野で傑出した業績を挙げた2名のノーベル賞受賞者を含む化学者の業績についても紹介する.
指田 豊
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.2, pp.203-209, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

目的:香の 1 種である詹糖香は「神農本草経集注」(502?536),「新修本草」(659)に初めて登場する.前書は樹の傷口から滲出する含油樹脂,後書はミカン類に似た植物の枝葉の煎じ液である.しかし,清代に至るまで基原植物の考察は行われていない.そこで,詹糖香の基原植物を明らかにする目的で研究を行った. 方法: 主として中国の本草書の調査を行った.詹糖香の基原植物と推定される植物については「新修本草」に基づいて濃縮水エキスを作った.エキスの香りは香司が評価した. 結果:唐の高僧,鑑真和上は海南島で詹糖香の樹を見ている.「唐大和上東夷伝」(779)に書かれた樹の特徴はゲッキツ Murraya paniculata(ミカン科)を思わせる.またその特徴は「新修本草」,「本草綱目」の記載と一致する.このように唐代(日本の平安時代)の詹糖香の基原植物はゲッキツである.清代の「植物名実図考」(1848)は詹糖香の基原植物をカナクギノキ Lindera erythrocarpa(クスノキ科)とした.現代の中国はこの説に従っている.しかしカナクギノキはミカン類とは似ていない.そこでゲッキツ,カナクギノのエキスが香として使えるかどうか実験を行った.「新修本草」に準じてエキスを作った.両エキスとも甘い香りがあり,香りの五味もよく似ていた.これらは香として十分使えるものであった. 結論:唐代の詹糖香の基原植物はゲッキツ,清代のそれはカナクギノキである.両植物から得たエキスの香りはよく似ており,香として使えるものであった.カナクギノキはゲッキツを産しない地域でその代用として使われたものと思われる.
孫 一善
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.53, no.1, pp.13-18, 2018 (Released:2020-07-15)

This paper analyzes the activities of Japan Roche Ltd., which sold pharmaceutical products on the Korean peninsula before World War II (WW II). The Keijo (Seoul) branch of Japan Roche was active from 1925 through 1932. Working at the Keijo branch, Yukichi Uemura and Jungjae Lee were members of the first medical representatives (MRs) system, which was similar to that of the one being used in Japan. Mr. Uemura managed the Keijo branch of Roche Japan, being the first president at the time it was established. After leaving Roche in 1932, he founded Uemura Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company in Keijo. A graduate of the Korean Pharmacy School, Mr. Lee was the first Korean MR in the Keijo branch of Japan Roche. In 1931, sales generated by the Keijo branch of Japan Roche reached one-tenth of that of Japan. Popular pharmaceutical drugs sold there were similar to Japan, such as Pantopon, Digalen, Allonal and Sedobrol. In 1932, as a result of closing the Keijo branch just before WW II, many details of Keijo branch of Japan Roche still remain unknown.
桜井 弘
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.1, pp.7-12, 2015 (Released:2020-12-02)

PMID: 26427095 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
成田 研一
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.56, no.1, pp.48-54, 2021 (Released:2021-08-07)

緒言:石見銀山領大森代官所へ 1778(安永 2)年に領民から出された一通の嘆願書,添えられた人参栽培法を記したショート・メモを調査の対象とした. 方法:その栽培法の内容が特異的だったので,先行する他の栽培法と比較検討した. 結果:このショート・メモは「朝鮮人参耕作記 田村藍水:1765」からの簡略な抜粋,図の模写であると考えられた.また,栽培技術に盆栽の手法が応用されていることから,佐渡での人参栽培法の開発が原始であると推測された. 考察:佐渡での人参栽培法の開発から日光へ栽培法が伝えられ,成書となり,三瓶山へも,また全国へも伝えられた可能性があると考えられた.
八木澤 守正 Patrick J. Foster 黒川 達夫
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.2, pp.131-142, 2015 (Released:2020-12-03)

Domestic production of penicillin was initiated in 1946 and that of streptomycin in 1950. In the early days, however, the quality of products was considerably lower and the capacity of production small. Surprisingly, there was a sufficient amount of penicillin preparations, with a purity of 85% or more, satisfying domestic demand within three years (1949). In the case of streptomycin, within three years (1953), preparations with a purity two-fold higher than initially available were produced in amounts sufficient to meet both domestic demand and create a surplus availability for exporting purposes. Such increases in quality and production were considered to be made possible by strict quality control of penicillin and streptomycin preparations, based on Minimum Requirements for Penicillin established in May 1947 and Minimum Requirements for Streptomycin established in December 1949. These requirements were also amended over time in order to provide even higher quality standards in response to the evolving improvements in production processes. Life-threatening diseases such as septicemia and pneumonia were controlled by the sufficient supply of high-quality penicillin preparations and the mortality rate of tuberculosis, regarded as a national disease at the time, markedly decreased by that of streptomycin preparations. Achievements of domestic production of penicillin and streptomycin were considered important factors that contributed greatly to the maintenance of public health in Japan. PMID: 27149779 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
松田 利夫 清水 勝
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.50, no.2, pp.159-164, 2015 (Released:2020-12-03)

Blood components and plasma derivatives are two of the most useful tools in modern medicine. When the Portuguese opened the maritime routes to the Far East in the 16th century. Western medicine traveled to Japan on the trading vessels that carried physicians and barber-surgeons to care for the body and Christian missionaries to care for the soul. Skilled interpreters such as Kogyu Yoshio translated and studied Dutch editions of early medical books, like Lorenz Heister's Chirurgie (Nurnberg, 1719), that illustrate the concept of transfusion. The oldest description of transfusion originating in Japan is a handwritten manuscript entitled Bansui Sensi Chojutsu Shomoku by Masamichi Nishijima, a student of Bansui Otsuki. It is a list of Otsuki's translated works. He described book names and chapter names in the manuscript, and when he finished translation of a chapter, he marked a circle on the chapter name. The transfusion chapter had a circle. That dates the earliest writing on transfusion in Japanese to 1804, shortly after the death of Kogyu. Unfortunately, the manuscript translation no longer exists. In 1814, Shunzo Yoshio, grandson of Kogyu, and in 1820, Tokki Koshimura, translated the figure legends of Chirurgie. Soon afterwards, after the first report of transfusion from human-to-human by James Blundell in London in 1818, Western medical books published on the subject began to arrive. The works of Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, Georg Friedrich Most and Carl Canstatt all mentioning transfusion, albeit without details, were translated by Koan Ogata and Shinryo Tsuboi. During the Edo period, Japan was a closed country; only open to the Dutch through a tiny island in Nagasaki. But Japanese doctors in the Edo period learned about blood transfusion through Dutch-translated versions of Western medical Books. Transfusion began being practiced in Japan in 1919, almost exactly 100 years after the concept was introduced. PMID: 27149781 [Indexed for MEDLINE]