Ichimura Takeshi
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.33, no.3, pp.419-432, 1955-12-10

(i) The Gassan Volcano rises up on the boundary between W. Murayama-gun and E. Tagawa-gun or Mogami-gun of Yamagata Prefecture. It is approachable by several courses from various sides. (ii) It is composed of the Ishihane-gawa mud flow, Gassan lavas and ejecta and Sasa-gawa mud flow which successively erupted on the eroded surface of granite (granodiorite), quartz diorite, diorite, liparite, felsophyre, dacite, propylite, basalt and Upper Miocene sediments elevated frequently to 1300m.-1400m. above the sea-level. (iii) The lavas and ejecta including mud flows erupted successively from pre-existing crater and also from the explosion crater. Of these, the pre-existing crater is now obscure, being covered by lavas and ejecta which erupted subsequently, whereas the explosion crater opened northwestwards with a horse-shoe-shaped hollow just beneath the present summit. (iv) Most predominant are the Gassan lavas and ejecta which consist of olivine two-pyroxene andesite, olivine-bearing or olivine-horn-blende-bearing two-pyroxene andesite and their fragments. One of characteristic features indicated by these rocks is the frequent occurrence of olivine phenocryst. This mineral is sometimes found in association with oxyhornblende. (v) The activities of this area began with the eruption of the Ishihane-gawa mud flow and ended with the formation of a big explosion crater which poured forth a large amount of the Sasa-gawa mud flow. (vi) By this enormous explosion, the Gassan Volcano lost its upper half of konide(?) and left behind a quite different from of volcanic body. It has a very gentle slope on the east and is highly cliffed on the west. (vii) The first activity of the Gassan Volcano is supposed to have taken place in the beginning of the Quaternary, but it will be confirmed later in connection with the activities that happened at the Ha-yama volcanic area. In conclusion, the writer's thanks are due to Mr. N. Jimbo and Mr. T. Konda for the valuable suggestions which they offered during his field and laboratory works. The expence of this research was partly defrayed from the fund for the Scientific Research of the Educational Ministry.月山は,山形県の東田川郡,最上郡及西村山郡に跨り,鳥海火山帯の中でも特異な形態を有する火山である.その東側は,アスピーテを思わせる緩傾斜をみせ,西側は,大きな爆裂火口のために物凄い断崖をなしている.この火山は,花崗岩(花崗閃緑岩)石英閃緑岩,閃緑岩,石英粗面岩,珪長斑岩,石英安山岩,変朽安山岩,玄武岩,新第三紀(上部中新世)堆積岩などよりなる基盤岩の侵蝕面上に盛上り,その活動は,石跳川泥流,月山熔岩及砕屑岩,笹川泥流,順次に噴出せしめている.大爆裂火口は,月山熔岩及砕屑岩の噴出後に生じ,これがために旧月山火山の上半部が噴き飛ばされるに至つた.月山の現形態は,この際に生じたものであり,笹川泥流は,爆発に伴つて噴出したものと思われる.月山火山の活動は,恐らく第四紀の初期に始まり,大爆裂火口の生成と笹川泥流の噴出を以て,その終りを告げている.
松田 時彦
vol.13, pp.85-126, 1974-03

The Nobi (Mino-Owari) Earthquake (Table 1) of 1891 is the largest earthquakerecordedi inland in Japan, which was associated with surface faulting of strike-slip type. In this. paper the surface fault localities are reexamined based on Koto (1892), Omori (1894) andi other previous papers and recent field studies. The surface faulting appeard on several pre-existing Quaternary fault line (Figs. 1-3).
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.54, no.2, pp.343-350, 1979-12-25

The Oshima tsunami of Aug. 29, 1741 (Kampo 1) is the largest tsunami (Imamura-Iida scale m=3) generated in the Japan Sea. According to old documents, the wide area (length 500 km) from west Hokkaido, Tsugaru to Sado Is. suffered severe damage by this tsunami. 1,467 persons were drowned at various villages within 120 km (Matsumae to Kumaishi) along the west coast of the Oshima Peninsula. In the temples of Matsumae and Esashi, there are old monuments which were built just after the tsunami to pray for the repose of the tsunami victims. From the present field investigation, these tsunami monuments are illustrated. Considering ground level, inundation heights of the tsunami along the west coast of the Oshima Peninsula seem to have reached 6 to 8 m with the localized run-up maximum of about 15 meters. The eruptions of the Oshima volcano began 11 days before the tsunami generation and the volcanic activity continued for three months, but earthquakes were not recorded. Judging from the tsunami magnitude and the distribution pattern of wave-heights, it seems that the source area of tsunami extends 100 km or more along a bathymetric line of 3,000 m off the Oshima Peninsula.
Rikitake Tsuneji
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.34, no.4, pp.283-289, 1957-01-30

Magneto-hydrodynamic oscillations of a simple mode are studied in relation to the stability condition of the earth's dynamo. The influence of the Coriolis force is found to be considerable. The previous result, that the toroidal magnetic field would not be large in order to have a stable dynamo, should be abandoned when we take the earth's rotation into account. It seems acceptable that strong magnetic fields which have been suggested by E. C. Bullard exist in the earth's core.
萩原 幸男 長沢 工 大久保 修平
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.61, no.3, pp.529-535, 1987-02-10
