岸上 冬彦 小坂 丈予
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.33, no.1, pp.153-161, 1955-06-25

1953年7月26日箱根早雲山において山津波が発生し,人員及び建造物に対して相当の損害をあたえた(第1図).我々は7月29日, 31日, 8月5日及び11月11日に現地を調査する機会を得たので,その結果を報告する.
境 有紀 田才 晃 隅澤 文俊 柏崎 隆志
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.68, no.3, pp.243-291, 1993

1993年1月15日に,北海道釧路市の沖合深さ107kmを震源とし,マグニチュード7.8の「1993年釧路沖地震」が発生した.震源に近い釧路市では震度6(烈震)の強い揺れに襲われ,北海道から東北南部の太平洋岸にかけての広い地域で震度4(中震)以上を記録した.強震記録によると,釧路地方気象台の地動水平加速度の最大値は気象庁の強震計で922cm/s2,建設省建築研究所の強震計で711cm/s2と非常に大きな値を記録した.震源が深かったために津波は発生しなかったが,器物の落下などにより2名が亡くなり,数百名が重軽傷を負った.被害は北海道から東北の広い範囲にわたり,北海道釧路支庁が最も被害が大きく,十勝支庁,根室支庁,青森県などでも相当程度の被害が生じた.特に釧路市を中心に,港湾,道路,鉄道,橋梁など地盤に起因する土木関連の被害が大きく,ライフラインの被害も大きかった.筆者らは,この地震による被害の概要を把握するため1月19日から23日までの5日間,震央に近い釧路市から帯広市にかけての地域の主として鉄筋コンクリート造公共建物,特に学校建物を中心に被害調査を行なった.その結果,鉄筋コンクリート造建物の被害は,一部崩壊1,一部大破2,中破4,小破10で,ほとんどの建物は軽微な被害であり,1968年十勝沖地震,1978年宮城県沖地震等の過去の大きな被害地震に比べ鉄筋コンクリート造建物の被害は小さかった.非常に大きな地動最大加速度を記録したにもかかわらず,建物の被害が小さかった原因としては,いくつかのことが考えられるが,1つには,地震動の性質があげられる.即ち,釧路地方気象台および建設省建築研究所で記録された強震記録は,非常に短周期が卓越しており,一般に建物は短周期になるほどその保有耐力が大きいことを考えると,地動最大加速度の大きさの割には,建物に対する破壊力は小さかったといえる.このことは,地動最大加速度が必ずしも建物に対する地震動の破壊力指標として適していないことを意味している.The 1993 Kushiro-oki Earthquake which occurred on January 15 offshore Kushiro City with magnitude of 7.8 at the depth of 107 km brought about damage over a wide area from Hokkaido to Tohoku. Very strong shaking(6 on the JMA scale) was observed in Kushiro City near the source of the earthquake, and strong shaking(more than 4 on the JMA scale) was observed over a wide area from Hokkaido to the south of Tohoku which faces the Pacific Ocean.
西山 昭仁
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.85, no.1, pp.33-47, 2010-12-24

A large earthquake, called the"Bunsei Kyoto earthquake,"occurred at about 3 : 00 P.M.-5 : 00 P.M. 2nd day of 7th month, Bunsei 13th (Gregorian calendar: 19 August, 1830) in Kyoto, Kinki district, Japan, causing enormous damage, especially in the central part of Kyoto city. Large structures of representative architecture in Kyoto city at the time such as the Nijo Castle, Imperial Palace, and major temples, as well as the walls (e.g., stone walls or tamped earthen walls) surrounding them were heavily damaged. Further, there were collapses of a number of Machiya, traditional Japanese residential architectural style incorporating workplaces of merchants and craftsmen, which caused many casualties. About 60% of the area of Kyoto city was occupied by such buildings housing merchants and craftsmen in those days. One major contributing factor of the collapses of Machiya is thought to be the rapid diffusion of pantile roofs in the 19th century.
前野 深 新堀 賢志 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣 中田 節也 鎌田 桂子 安田 敦 青柳 正規
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.271-289, 2010-03-29

Burial process of Roman Villa on the northern flank of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, was reconstructed based on sedimentation processes of laharic deposits newly discovered during 2006-2008 for the extended excavation site in NE to E parts of the Roman Villa. The laharic deposits are distributed on the lower level of the excavation site. The deposits are divided into four subunits, G1-MfL1, G1-DfL1, G1-MfL2, G1-DfL2, based on their sedimentary facies (Mf and Df facies). Mf is characterized by massive and matrix-supported facies, indicating en masse deposition from a laminar flow process, and Df is characterized by stratified and clast supported facies, indicating grain-by-grain aggradation from suspension or traction process. These different types of facies are partially transitional and attributed to variations of sediment/water ratio and internal stress condition inside flows, and may be resulted from an evolutional process, like a flow transformation, of a single debris flow. These laharic deposits directly overlie pyroclastic fallout deposits (G1-Af) in the initial phase of the AD 472 eruption, but are eroded and covered by epiclastic deposits (G1-Mf1, 2, 3, 4 and G1-Df) derived from later- and larger-scale laharic events related to the same eruption. The later laharic deposits include more amounts of basement lava of Mt. Somma, compared with the newly discovered deposits. Characteristics and interpretation of the deposits suggest that lahars just after the 472 eruption came from the north to bury the lower level of buildings and have experienced various types of sedimentation processes. An erosion of the edifice of Mt. Somma may have mainly acted in the later laharic events.
秋 教昇 都司 嘉宣 朴 昌業 姜 泰燮
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.1, pp.11-27, 2012-03-26

Recently, it was reported that Mt. Beakdu experienced at least four or five large volcanic eruptions in geological and historical times, and that the lake Cheonji had been formed by the collapse of a part of the mountain's summit (Wei et al., 1998). The last of four eruptions occurred in historical times. Geologists attempted to estimate the period of the eruptions using radio carbon isotope dating, but the results showed a variety of periods ranging from approximately AD 8th to 14th centuries, which are the dates of the Balae and Goryo dynasties. Unfortunately, there are no distinct records of eruptions during this period. In the present study, we suggest that the last great volcanic eruption occurred in winter when there was a strong northwestern seasonal wind, based on the distribution of pumice on satellite images and the thickness of pumice layers measured at sites in relationship to the climatic environment. On the other hand, some researchers interpreted that five events described in the Joseon Dynasty relate to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Baekdu. Those events occurred in 1413, 1593, 1668, 1702, and 1903. Their interpretations are widely cited in journals and books; however, based on critical reviews of historical literature including Joseon-wangjo-sillog ("Chronology of the Joseon Dynasty"), we found that three of the events were not related to volcanic eruptions of Mt. Beakdu. Events in 1413 and 1668 were Asian yellow sand storm. The event in 1903 recorded in Chinese literature (Liu, 1909) was found to be a shower of rain and hail accompanied by thunder and lightning. Only the two events in 1597 and 1702 were confirmed to be related to volcanic activities of Mt. Beakdu. According to Joseon-wangjo-sillog, a large earthquake with the maximum intensity of 9.0 on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI) and its aftershocks occurred at the boulder region of Samsu county, Hamgyeongdo Province, in 1597. The document reveals that they were detected in Hamgyeondo (MMI6) and in Chungcheong-do (MMI5) over three days. The mainshock was accompanied by a volcanic explosion at Wangtian, which is located 35km southwest from Mt. Baekdu. The site is one of the three eruption centers of the Mt.Beakdu volcanic body. A document from China reveals that a large earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.0 and aftershocks occurred in the Gulf of Bohai on the same day as the Samsu earthquakes in Hamgyeongdo province. The shakes and disturbances observed eight times in Hamgyeong-do province might not be directly related to the large earthquake in the Gulf of Bohai. However, two series of earthquakes reported at two locations on the same day imply that there may be close relationships between the genesis of the two events. Based on phenomena observed recently, such as increased frequency of earthquakes, upheaval of ground level, releases of volcanic gases, and increased temperature of hot springs near the summit of Mt. Beakdu, the possibility of eruptions or explosions at the mountain in the near future has been suggested. Recently, scientists from the United States of America, Japan, Canada, and Germany were invited to investigate activity of the mountain. They agreed that the mountain is a dormant volcano and presents a temporal hazard.
島 悦三 柴野 睦郎
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.34, no.1, pp.113-129, 1956-06-25

People in the Futatsui area in Akita Prefecture experienced a severe earthquake at 1h 45 m 33s (G. M. T.) on Oct. 19th, 1955 for the first time in local history. Fortunately to say, the earthquake was only semi-destructive in its intensity, the stricken area being confined to the Futatsui town and the Hibiki village which suffered no less of life and only 4 casualties. Owing perhaps to the structural quality of the houses in the district, only 3 wooden houses were half destroyed. But curiously, the "dozo's" or warehouses sustained severer damage, 310 of them being reported as half-destroyed, while one was totally destroyed.
佃 為成 和田 博夫 酒井 要 伊藤 潔
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.1, pp.1-18, 1994

An M6.6 earthquake occurred on February 7,1993, around a sea rise extending southwest-northeast direction off the northeastern tip of Noto Peninsula. The hypocenters of the mainshock and aftershocks were located using telemetered data from university stations. The aftershocks during the first two days are concentrated in the narrow active fault zone along the northwest side of the rise. Other concentrations occurred along active faults on the southeast side of the rise. Most of the focal depths are 10-15km, consistent with the interpretation of T phases and pP phases recorded at some stations. Northwestward dipping 3-dimensional distributions for large aftershocks suggest two possible fault planes, which coincide well with the two fault planes of the CMT solution. The gross nature of the seismic fault is of a thrust type, which contradicts the strike slip solution estimated from the initial motions. The Noto region is part of the tectonic zone along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea, where zonal shortening due to compression is predominant as in the Japan Sea coast region in northern Honshu, Japan. The alignment of aftershocks along the topographic lineaments and submarine active faults may reflect this tectonism.1993年2月7日の能登半島沖地震は,禄剛崎沖の南西から北東へ伸びる海底の高まり付近で発生した.この余震の分布をできるだけ精密に求めるため京大防災研上宝観測所と東大地震研信越地震観測所の観測網のデータを統合して震源計算した.この地域の構造はきわめて不均質であり,その影響を極力さけるためもっとも震源域に近い観測点を用いて地震決定を行なった.
阿部 邦昭 阿部 勝征 都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.68, no.1, pp.23-70, 1993

1992年9月2日に中米ニカラグア国太平洋側沖合い海域に発生したニカラグア地震と津波の野外調査を行い,ニカラグアの太平洋海岸での震度と津波浸水高の分布図などを得た.沿岸の各集落での改正メルカリ震度階では震度2または3であって,まったく地震動による被害も生じず,揺れは気がつかない人も多数いるほど小さかった.これに対して,津波の浸水高は,南部海岸で100kmの長さにわたって,平均海水面上6~7mにも達したことが明らかとなり,今回の地震が1896年の明治三陸津波の地震と同様の,地震動が小さかった割に津波規模が異常に大きな「津波地震」であることが判明した.本震発生の直後の余震分布から判断すると,震源の広がりは,ニカラグアの太平洋側海岸線に平行に西北西.東南東に走る海溝軸にそった長さ約200km,幅約100kmの海域と判断される.津波の被害を生じたのもほぼこの震源域と相応した海岸区域であった.また地震波の解析からこの地震は,ココスプレートがニカラグア本土を載せたカリブプレートに沈み込む際の,両プレートの境界面でのずれのよって生じた低角の逆断層型の地震であることが判明しているが,ニカラグアの2ヵ所で得られた検潮記録,および引き波から始まったと各地で証言されている津波初動の傾向はこの地震メカニズムと調和的である.検潮記録,証言,および津波伝播の数値計算結果によると,津波は地震が発生して44~70分後に,まず小さな引き波が来て,その直後に大きな押し波が押し寄せるという形で海岸を襲った.沿岸各地では15分周期で2ないし3波継続したと証言されている.また津波の被害に関しては,浸水高が4mを越すと急激に人的被害が増加すること,津波による建築物の被害の割に死者数が少なかったこと,死者数のうち子どもの占める割合が大きいことが今回の津波被害の特徴であった.A survey study of the Nicaragua Earthquake and Tsunami on September 2, 1992 was carried out on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Interviews of the residents and measurements of tsunami trace height revealed only a small seismic intensity in a sharp contrast with a large tsunami. Tsunami height of 2-10 meters above mean sea level was obtained along the whole Nicaraguan coast, although the seismic intensity was only 2 or 3 in the modified Mercalli scale. The small seismic intensity suggests that the present event was a tsunami earthquake characterized by small excitation of short period seismic wave in comparison with large excitation of the tsunami.
小竹 美子
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.75, no.3, pp.229-334, 2000

The western Pacific to eastern Asia region is an area where several mega-plates including Eurasian, Pacific, Indian-Australian, and North American plates converge. A variety of geodynamic phenomena occur in this area such as continental collisions in the Himalayan area and large-scale intraplate deformation in Chinese continent, subduction of oceanic plates and backarc spreading behind the subducting plates, as well as instantaneous events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Although geological plate motion models have been proposed for these large plates such as NUVEL-1 (DEMETS et al, 1990) to investigate tectonics in this region, these large-scale models lack smaller scale plates such as Amurian plate, Okhotsk plate, and Caroline plates.西太平洋・東アジア地域は太平洋プレート,ユーラシアプレート,インド・オーストラリアプレートなど大きなプレートが互いに沈み込み,衝突しあう収束の場である.このため,この地域では複雑・多様な地学現象が発生する.たとえば,インド大陸の衝突によるヒマラヤ山脈の隆起,チベット高原~中国大陸に至る地殻の変形,インドネシア~フィリピンの複雑なテクトニクス,背弧海盆の拡大や太平洋プレート,フィリピン海プレートの沈み込みによる日本列島の変形など多くの興味深い現象が指摘されている.これらのプレートに関しては,海洋底磁気異常の縞模様などから,地質学的な時間スケールでの剛体的なプレート運動モデルが提唱されている.一方,この地域ではアムールプレートをはじめとする,いくつかのマイクロプレートが提唱されているが,これらのプレートの運動や境界は必ずしも明確になっていない.そこでこの地域のテクトニクスを解明するためには,まず計測に基づく現在のプレート相対運動モデルを確立することが必要である.プレートモデルが確定すれば,さらに詳細な観測事実からプレートの内部や境界における変動場を検出することが可能になり,そこからプレート間相互作用を推定してテクトニクスをより詳しく知ることが可能になるであろう.このような,現在のプレート相対運動と内部変形の精密な解明のためには宇宙測地技術を用いることが必要であり,わけても上記のような目的のためにはGPSを用いることがもっとも適切と考えられる.そこで本研究では地震研究所が中心となって実施してきたこの地域のGPS観測のデータを解析して以下のことを解明しようと試みた: 1)西太平洋~アジア地域の変位速度場を明らかにする. 2)精密なフィリピン海プレートの運動に基づいて,マリアナの背弧拡大やヤップパラオ地域の変位速度場を明らかにする.使用したデータは当地域における1995年7月から1998年6月までのWING, IGS, GSIによる連続観測データおよび沖の鳥島,マリアナ,ヤップ・パラウにおける1992年以降のキャンペーンデータである.連続観測点は解析当初においては十数点にすぎなかったが,その後増加して1998年には38点にのぼった.解析にはBernese software v4.0 (ROTHACHER and MERVART, 1996)を用いfiducial-freeの方法を適用した.基線長が2000kmを越える長基線も含まれるので,初期位相不確定の解決にはMelbourne-Wuebbena一次結合も導入した.座標系はHEKI (1996)によるKinematic Reference Frameを採用して,ユーラシア安定地塊に対する変位を求めた.まず,西太平洋~東アジアにおけるGPS連続観測データの解析結果から以下のことが判明した;1)太平洋プレートやフィリピン海プレートなどの海洋プレート上の観測点,たとえば南鳥島,トラック島などプレート境界から隔たった内部の観測点は,剛体プレートモデルから予測される速度と調和的である. 2)石垣島やグアムなど,プレート境界で背弧拡大を示唆する観測点がある. 3)ユーラシア大陸地殻上の観測点,ラサ,西安,武漢,上海などでは大規模なプレート内変形が進行し,インド大陸の衝突の影響が東方へ伝搬していく様子を示している.次に,沖の鳥島の繰り返し観測データに地理院の南大東島,父島,八丈島の観測データをあわせてフィリピン海プレートの回転運動を求めた.繰形最小二乗法を用いることで,Euler vectorは(41.55N±0.42, 152.46E±0.43, -1.50±0.04deg/my)と精度良く求められた.第三に,フィリピン海プレート内部で顕著な変形を示すマリアナトラフの背弧拡大の解明を試みた.グアム島を含む北マリアナ諸島のGPS繰り返し観測のデータを解析し,以下の結論を得た; 1)マリアナ諸島はフィリピン海プレートの主要部分に対し近似的には1つのブロックとして回転している, 2)マリアナトラフの拡大速度はグアム島付近で約6cm/yrに達するが,その速度は緯度に依存して北に行くほど遅くなる.これは,海底磁気異常データから得られる速度と定量的にも調和的である, 3)マリアナ小プレートの剛体的モデルから推定される運動と観測値を比較すると,北部のパガン島,ググアン島,アナタハン島はわずかに北向きにずれており,南部のサイパン,グアムではほぼ一致する.マリアナ小プレートは北緯16度近傍において南北に分かれている可能性があり,提唱されているセグメント化の考えと調和的である.最後に,フィリピン海南端に位置するヤップ.パラウ付近の変位速度場について考察した.パラウの連続観測に基づく変位速度の観測値(約2年)とモデル値は有意に異なっており,その原因は明らかでない.そこで太平洋プレート側のウリシ島・ファイス島を含むこの地域で実施された繰り返し観測のデータ(1992~1996)を解析して,より長期間の変動を調査したところ,以下のことが明らかとなった; 1)ヤップ島の変位速度はモデル値よりも22~25%遅くその差は有意であると思われる. 2)ヤップ海溝で両側のプレートはおよそ1cm/yrの速度で収束していることが示唆される. 3)ウリシ島・ファイス島の変位速度は太平洋プレートのNUVEL-1Aの速度とほぼ一致する.またトラック島とウリシ島・ファイス島間の距離に有意な変化はなく,カロリンリッジはこの地域では変形していないと考えられる.すなわち,台湾で観察されるような沈み込み(衝突)直前の海洋プレートの変形は,ここでは観測されない. 4)パラウ島では観測された変位速度はモデルに比較して35%程度遅いが,連続観測による推定値と非調和的であり,さらに観測と解析を継続する必要がある.
Santo Tetsuo A.
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.37, no.2, pp.307-325, 1959-08-25

Kishinouye Fuyuhiko
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.35, no.2, pp.377-380, 1957-09-25

川北 優子 酒井 慎一
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.127-139, 2010-01-28

The Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area has been ongoing (2007−2012). Under this project, the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net), which consists of about 400 observation sites, has been constructed. The correlations of waveform from local and teleseismic events are high because observation sites are deployed at about 2 or 3-km intervals. In addition, the later phase is easily identified although artificial noise is very intense. However, we are attempting to improve quality by characterizing the various types of noise. In the metropolitan area, various human activities are observed that generate noise such as trains, automobiles, aircrafts, factories, and electrical power. These adversely affect our observations. We recognize various types of noise from continuous records. A spectral graph and a spectrogram in each station are useful for characterizing signals and noise. We also discovered a form of system noise obtained from the relationship between sensor and electrical circuit. We named it Aurora Noise. The strength of Aurora Noise was reduced by improving the electrical circuit. Our study will lead to improving the quality of observed data, and contribute to a new assessment of seismic hazard in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area in Japan.
笠原 敬司 酒井 慎一 森田 裕一 平田 直 鶴岡 弘 中川 茂樹 楠城 一嘉 小原 一成
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.71-88, 2010-01-28

To better assess the seismic hazards produced by a magnitude 7 or greater (M 7+) earthquake in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we have launched the Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Tokyo Metropolitan area (2007−2011). This requires establishing a highly dense seismic-array observation network in and around Tokyo to monitor ongoing micro-earthquakes with relatively high precision even if noise levels are generally high. We have started developing the Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net). Deployment of MeSO-net seismic stations is currently underway. The number of observatories at project termination will be 400 with a 2−5km interval in space. In this paper, we summarize how we solved technically difficult and practical problems involved in MeSO-net construction. We start with a review of related work to better understand the technical difficulties involved in deploying stations in metropolitan areas such as Tokyo. Next, we explain our approach to verifying a meaningful design of an observatory and its deployment at local sites. We further describe our decision-making process in practice for implementing station deployment. We hope that establishing the MeSO-net will support a new assessment of the seismic hazards produced by M 7+ earthquakes in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.291-298, 2010-03-29

At 2 PM, on 7th December 1828, a major earthquake occurred at Kanagawa post town, in Yokohama city. In the present study, using historical documents describing this event, we obtain a detailed map of the distribution of seismic intensity. It is clarified that the area of seismic intensity 6 to 7 (JMA scale) covers the main areas of Yokohama city. The area of intensity 5 covers whole part of Tokyo city zone, the eastern part of Kanagawa prefecture. The magnitude of this event was estimated at 6.4 using the area of intensity 5.
松本 利松
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.37, no.3, pp.531-544, 1959-10-20

An earthquake having a magnitude of 6.2 occurred in the neighbourhood of Tesikaga-town, Hokkaido, at 5h 39m (G.M.T.) on January 31, 1959. The location of the hypocenter of this shock is determined as 43°26'N, 144°23'E, and 20km depth by Japan Meteorological Agency. The aftershocks were observed at Tesikaga and Okusyunbetu wich the electromagnetic seismographs during the period of Feb. 14 to Mar. 1.