ダガン さがの 西嶋 愉一 Duggan Sagano Nishijima Yuichi
外国語教育フォーラム = Forum of Language Instructors (ISSN:18842356)
no.12, pp.105-115, 2018-03

Learning diaries have become common teaching materials in EFL (English as a foreign language) classes, allowing educators and students to better acquire mutual understanding. Such diaries aid student understanding of lessons and facilitate performance improvement vis-à-vis self-review and educators can also use them to track student development. Therefore, we installed learning diaries in selected advanced, intermediate, and beginner classes in TOEIC preparation papers, conducted in Q1 and Q2 2016 at Kanazawa University, to determine their effect on common final tests. We focused on the first category of the learning diary— 'visual check'—covering preliminary tests (pre- and post-) and four quizzes, analysing their interrelations with the common final test. Results generally indicate positive correlations between overall scores concerning pre-, post-, and common final test for both Q1 and Q2. Correlations, however, decline respective to descending class level: advanced classes maintain performance, intermediate and beginner classes exhibit weaker to negative correlations. In light of incorrect answers being logged into learning diaries, we propose the second category— 'Can-do check'—be further leveraged to establish and correct for performance deficiencies. Finally, the third category—'Self-check'—is particularly salient for beginners and should be used in classes containing online learning and further exercises.
橋本 将 HASHIMOTO Masashi
外国語教育フォーラム = Forum of Language Instructors (ISSN:18842356)
no.13, pp.51-58, 2019-03

金沢大学は2016 年度に「TOEIC 準備」科目と「English for Academic Purposes」科目を 1 年生の英語の必修科目として導入した.「TOEIC 準備」科目では,第1 クォーターから第3 ク ォーターの終わりに共通期末試験を,第4 クォーターの終わりにTOEIC L&R IP テストを実施している.本研究では,2017 年度と 2018 年度の第 2 クォーターの共通期末試験について,項目反応理論を用いて共通項目による等化を行った.素点は 2018 年度の方が 2017 年度よりも全体に低かったが,等化によって推定された能力値は2018 年度の方が高かったことがわかった.このことは,2018 年度の第2 クォーターの共通期末試験は2017 年度のものよりも問題が難しくなっていたことを示している.現在の最終成績の計算方法では,最終成績は期末試験の素点に大きく依存しているが,試験問題の難易度によって最終成績が左右されることのないように,最終成績の計算方法の改善策の検討が今後必要であろう.Kanazawa University has made TOEIC Preparation and English for Academic Purposes courses mandatory for its first-year students since academic year 2016/17. In TOEIC Preparation courses, students are required to take a common final examination at the end of Quarters 1 to 3 and a TOEIC L&R IP test at the end of Quarter 4. In this study, the scores of the Quarter 2 (Q2) final examinations administered in 2017 and 2018 were equated by common items using an Item Response Theory-based method. It was found that the examinees of the 2018 Q2 final examination outperformed those of the 2017 Q2 final examination, although the mean of the raw scores of the 2018 Q2 final examination was lower than that of the 2017 Q2 final examination. It indicates that the 2018 Q2 final examination was more difficult than the 2017 Q2 final examination. To reduce the influence of variation of difficulty of examinations on final grades, it would be desirable to develop a grading method which does not heavily rely on unadjusted raw scores of final examinations for the TOEIC Preparation classes.
西嶋 愉一 NISHIJIMA Yuichi
外国語教育フォーラム = Forum of Language Instructors (ISSN:18842356)
no.13, pp.59-65, 2019-03

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test(TOEIC)において、スコアと同時に提供される項目別正答率(Abilities Measured)から受験者の強みと弱みを推測することにより、英語学習指導をより具体的に組み立てることができる。本稿ではその考え方といくつかの例を通して、Abilities Measured を用いた英語学習指導の実践報告を行う。
杉村 安幾子 早川 文人 三上 純子 平松 潤奈 趙 菁 Sugimura Akiko Hayakawa Fumito Mikami Junko Hiramatsu Junna Zhao Jing
外国語教育フォーラム = Forum of Language Instructors (ISSN:18842356)
vol.12, pp.65-103, 2018-03

This article reports the results of a three-year education project (from 2015 to 2017) conducted by the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Science. This project aimed developed an effective education system inside and outside of classes for students preparing to study abroad or continuing learning after coming back from studying abroad. According to the analysis of the investigation into the students’ actual learning requirements, we consider the further possibilities of learning support provided by teachers.