森岡 次郎
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.93, pp.102-121, 2006

The purpose of this paper is to examine new eugenics and education.<BR>For the last several years, such ideas as "Designers Baby" and "Perfect Baby" have been discussed in terms of "New Eugenics". This idea means the artificial production of babies by genetic technology according to the desire of parents. If educational values can be realized to some extent by genetic technology, new eugenics will necessitate our views on education to change. From this perspective, this paper examines the implications of new eugenics for education.<BR>First of all, the history of eugenics is surveyed and new eugenics is positioned historically. Here, new eugenics can be positioned in an eugenical trend after the 1970s. Next, the theoretical features of new eugenics are clarified in its contrast to old eugenics. This makes it clear that new eugenics is based on the principle of selfdetermination and on the principle of scientific validity. (2) <BR>Then, the criticisms of new eugenics are reviewed. Here, by considering Glen McGee's and others' arguments, it becomes clear that any fatal criticism of new eugenics does not exist yet. However, in the argument by Jürgen Habermas, education and new eugenics are distinguished in view of the existence of "others." It enables us to find out a positive value to the conditions of "others" in education that cannot be fully satisfied. (3) <BR>Finally, it is clarified from the standpoint of the system theory of Niklas Luhmann that children as "others" are indispensable as the media in an educational system. Based on Emmanuel Levinas' concept of "désir", I present the point of view of "the desire for others", one that gives a positive value to the "existence of others". (4) <BR>"New eugenics" and education have affinity in terms of operational intervention in children. However, from the point of view of "the desire for others", it becomes clear that both are fundamentally in conflict.
松浦 良充
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.94, pp.128-136, 2006

下司 晶
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.79, pp.93-109, 1999

Anna Freud-Melanie Klein controversies over child analysis made up a turning point for psychoanalysis. Even today there remains a wide gap between the Freudian ego-psychology and the Kleinian psychoanalysis. This division can be traced to a series of dispute on child-analysis in 1927 and to the Controversial Discussions that took place in the British Psycho-Analytical Society between 1941 and 1945.<BR>These controversies centered on the nature of infantile super-ego as well as of early object relationships. Because these controversies unfolded around child development, they have been interpreted as conflicts of different theories of child development. In contrast, this paper attempts to explain these controversies as those concerning epistemological foundations in understanding children's mind, and it tries to show how two different, even opposing, metapsychologies arose simultaneously.<BR>Their theories of child development were guided by distinctive perspectives of the treatment of children, and their observations in turn relied on their theories. Their theories as well as their perspectives of treatment were caught respectively in a vicious circle.<BR>Anna Freud pursued the relations between children and their enviroments. Since her perspectives included not only children but also external objects, she did not have to conceptualize early unconscious relationships. In contrast, because Klein analyzed children's unconsciousness alone without considering their surroundings, she discovered and theorized inevitably infantile super-ego and early object-relationships.<BR>These two models of meta-psychology are rooted in different emphases : one, on external realities, and the other, on inner realities.<BR>We can trace the origins of these two types of the explanation of mind to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Inquiring into patients' pasts and childhood experiences, he concluded that an early trauma could lead to a neurosis. In child analysis, however, iansmuch as analysists can observe a child as it is, Anna Freud and Melanie Klein would build two meta-psychological theories-one, from external environments and the other, from inner realities.
田浦 武雄
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.31, pp.68-73, 1975

上寺 常和
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.54, pp.98-101, 1986
