石村 豊穂
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.55, no.3, pp.63-86, 2021-09-25 (Released:2021-09-25)

Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ18O) of carbonates, especially calcium carbonate (CaCO3), have been utilized in geochemical research for more than 60 years because the isotopic values record environmental history at the time of formation. In particular, the stable isotopic compositions of biogenic carbonate record the δ18O (salinity variation and global ice volume) and temperature history of ambient seawater, as well as the δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), which is important as basic information for elucidating carbon cycles and mechanism of environmental changes. In recent years, isotopic analysis of carbonate has been expected to improve the sensitivity for high-resolution environmental analysis, but the progress of analytical techniques has been limited. In such a situation, improvements in the sample preparation and introduction system for stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) have made it possible to determine the stable isotopic composition of carbonate less than 1/100 of the sample amount required by previously reported systems (MICAL: Ishimura et al., 2004, 2008b).In this paper, I described the current progress and problems of stable isotopic analysis of carbonate, then explain the details of the development of analytical method for carbonate in ultra-micro scale, and the applications to various research fields.


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石村(2021) 極微量炭酸塩の高精度安定同位体比分析の実現:ナノグラム領域の新たな環境解析 今でも思い出す、苦手だった炭素・酸素同位体比分析。最初は出力された値の処理もよく分からず、そもそもうまく測ることすら出来なかった。沢山サンプルを測れる人が羨ましかった。 https://t.co/K3hhC8N8zB
研究室の先輩の推しごと。 J-STAGE Articles - 極微量炭酸塩の高精度安定同位体比分析の実現:ナノグラム領域の新たな環境解析 https://t.co/3I8eHkgES9
極微量炭酸塩の高精度安定同位体比分析の実現:ナノグラム領域の新たな環境解析 石村 豊穂 地球化学 2021 年 55 巻 3 号 p. 63-86 https://t.co/wGRoBiO19B
石村 豊穂(2021)極微量炭酸塩の高精度安定同位体比分析の実現:ナノグラム領域の新たな環境解析.地球化学,55,63–86. https://t.co/uvYXDNo6KV

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