成瀬 厚
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.70, no.3, pp.156-166, 1997-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
2 2

Discussions about “geopolitics” have flourished within the field of geography in recent years. In Japan, where geopolitics (chiseigaku) had been associated with empire expansion as well as German Geopolitik, the critical issues in geopolitics were not for their own features, but how they reveal ambivalent aspects of geography in general. In particular, two critical issues in geopolitics, political intentions and subjective interpretations of the world, make us realize that geographical descriptions may inevitably be political. Today, the term “geopolitics” is not used to designate a branch of study, but has a variety of contents at the general level. In this paper, by referring to the definition of “orientalism” by Said (1978), I suggest the necessity of analyzing geopolitical texts from the standpoint of criticism. An author of a geopolitical text is not an individual subject. Whether (s)he is a politician or an editor of mass media, (s)he represents the government or nation under a wider umbrella of ideology. From such a viewpoint, we could establish a research agenda that critically examines various geographical descriptions under the term “geopolitics.”


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「地理学評論 Ser. A」先月の月間アクセス数上位論文をご紹介します。 地政学的意識と批評 成瀬 厚 https://t.co/zED8apBbWk
私の批判地政学との出会いはこちら。もう四半世紀前になりますね。 https://t.co/tKobIwMef8
次にテリー・イーグルトン『文芸批評とイデオロギーーーマルクス主義文学理論のために』(岩波書店,1980年) 『マルクス主義と文芸批評』(国書刊行会,1987年)も読みましたが,『文芸批評とイデオロギー』の方が好き。こちらで論じています。 https://t.co/tKobIwu510
1997年は私の論文が3つの学会誌に掲載され,私の唯一の英文論文も所属していた大学の紀要に掲載された年だった。今回,取り上げるのはこちら。 成瀬 厚(1997):地政学的意識と批評.地理学評論 70: 156-166. 修士論文の序章部分を活かしたもの。 https://t.co/tKobIwu510
@kchr こちらになります〜! https://t.co/Ac0ZdjKd4P

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