河野 健一
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2002, no.31, pp.91-106, 2002 (Released:2010-05-31)

NATO's air campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 is first ever “humanitarian intervention” launched without prior authorization of UN Security Council. Though the bombing led by US eventually forced Mirocevic to pull out of Kosovo, it incurred fierce debates over its legality and legitimacy, and over its failure in preventing escalation of abuse of human rights during the campaign. Military wisdom of having resorted solely to air bombing was also challenged.After September 11th 2001 we have been witnessing fundamental changes taking place in the way force is used in international relations. The wars in Afghanistan and then in Iraq compels us to ponder upon a grave question. Can and should force replace diplomacy in dealing with regimes considered to be undemocratic and hostile to established norms and regulations?Notwithstanding differences in political background NATO's armed intervention in Kosovo and the US-led war with Sadam's Iraq have one thing in common. In both cases military force was used in massive scale bypassing UN Security Council. Thus UN's role and authority as guardian of international peace and human rights has come to be seriously contested.In this paper the author tried, by re-examining the political and military aspects of NATO's bombing operation, to draw lessons for building a security architecture which is more widely acceptable and yet better workable in the changed international environment.The gist of lessons drawn is as follows;(1) The UN Charter must be revised to give legality to legitimate humanitarian intervention. An independent committee should work out principled guidelines for legitimate intervention.(2) Resort to force is to be considered only after other peaceful means have fully been exhausted. Use of force should be legitimatized solely by prior approval of UN.(3) The UN organs, in particular Security Council, need to be reformed to enable a fair, quick and effective crisis management.(4) Democratization and economic development are key to regional stability. EU's assistance to and future admittance of the whole of Balkan should be closely observed. It is a test case of proving that soft power rather than hard power plays vital a role in establishing a sustainable peace in regions traditionally vulnerable to chauvinistic nationalism and of war-ridden history.


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@avr2vfr いつ誰が奪ったん? 「ドネツク人民共和国」と「ルガンスク人民共和国」は進行前からあって、Kievは支配していなかったけど コソボ紛争でNATOが何したか知ってる? https://t.co/iN7cHom9W9
さっき呟いた論文、月間アクセス数ランキング2位みたい。長すぎないのでぜひー https://t.co/o3tmv0Clia
https://t.co/cZEee2SopN https://t.co/VQBJYHwsBC https://t.co/MKenNx6c17
NATOに よ る コ ソ ボ 紛 争 介 入 の 教 訓 ―政 治 と軍 事 の 視 点 か ら― 河 野 健 一 https://t.co/oFAyd2AbZJ
@kincade1918 この5ページ目にあるようにユーゴ空爆ではNATO軍による運行中の列車の通った鉄橋や難民の車列への爆撃、中国大使館への爆撃などがありました。 https://t.co/VtmHKcOC4z
読んだメモ: NATOによるコソボ紛争介入の教訓 ―政治と軍事の視点から―(PDF) ロシア・東欧研究 第31号2002年版 県立長崎シーボルト大学 国際情報学部 教授 河野 健一 https://t.co/7zayIxASys なるほど根源はこれね (なお、人がやらかしたからといって自分もやらかしていいと思うのは違う)
対話をせずに癇癪を起こして「違法ではあるが正当性のある介入」「民謡と軍用を兼ねているという理屈で全土爆撃」「人道目的であれば違法だろうが目を瞑る」と暴力に訴えたNATOと米軍という奴が居まして。 https://t.co/VtmHKcOC4z https://t.co/O5knKNlDch https://t.co/C9jSeDWLwy
NATOの人道介入(コソボ空爆)も、国連憲章との関連で合法性と正当性が散々問題になったわけだが、今回の露の「侵攻」それに「クリミア再統一」も、そうした視点から考え得る必要があると思ってる https://t.co/nrMmaNwDnT https://t.co/bqlKhvXf7b
NATOによるコソボ紛争介入の教訓。河野健一。 https://t.co/psJ19IEEDK ←コソボ、コソヴォ、Kosovo、Kosovaに関心のある人は必読。

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