石井 辰典
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.30, no.2, pp.154-160, 2023-06-01 (Released:2023-06-15)

Recently, a multi-lab study has become increasingly popular. It’s one of the empirical study methods where researchers from various regions and cultures around the world conduct research at the same time using the same procedures. This paper discusses how to participate in a multi-lab study, the advantages of the participation, and the problems associated with the participation. First, any researchers can be involved in a multi-lab study and its process is not much different from that of traditional international collaborative studies. Next, it is highlighted that multi-lab studies have greater academic implications than meta-analyses and that providing Japanese data increases the significance of it. Finally, the paper points out that the financial and authorship issues associated with the participation in a multi-lab study should be overcome.


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石井(2023) J-STAGE Articles - マルチラボ研究のすすめ:その意義と課題 https://t.co/8LpcUu2jic
各解説へのリンク。敬称略。 オンライン時代の研究コミュニティ運営: ReproducibiliTea Tokyo繁盛記(平石 界, 池田 功毅) https://t.co/YRKjO1rzth マルチラボ研究のすすめ:その意義と課題(石井 辰典) https://t.co/LDi05IebTP ↓

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