霜田 亮祐 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.709-714, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)
2 3

The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of urban environmental structure on Koto delta area, a part of Arakawa river basin, through the review of land infrastructure development based on watershed development and transition of the artificial topographic change. On alluvial plain of Arakawa river basin, which used be tidal wetland before Edo period, large industrial area had been developed since around 1880s and their overuse of groundwater caused serious land subsidence. About 80% of Koto delta area is still below Tokyo Peil (T.P.) . Current landform is unveiled in the area below T.P. by the information of digital elevation model. Through the chronological study of topographic map overlaying the elevation model, relationship between urbanization and its land condition is inferred. Although entire ground level on Koto delta area was depressed, the range of land subsidence of an area by canals is low. On the other hand, in the other areas between plural canals, which were rapidly developed in early 1900s, the range is high. The difference of urbanization speed and scale affect the land condition and the range of land subsidence. Those land characteristics by canals is evaluated as "Artificial levee" which could be an urban environmental structure on Koto delta area.


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