根本 哲夫 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.69, no.5, pp.823-828, 2006-03-27
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Tama New Town Development Plan based upon the natural topography that was proposed in 1965 and abandoned afterwards was examined in this study in terms of (1) relationship between structure of the natural topography and land use pattern, (2) allocation of open space, pedestrian ways and their networking system, and (3) several noted aspects of functional system to sustain the overall space organization in the developed area. A comparative study with the realized development plan, which required higher amount of landform transformation, revealed some significant contemporary meanings of the plan based upon the natural topography as follows. The most basic structure of the natural topography in hilly area represented by ridgelines and valley areas was applied to articulate numerous land use units in the developed area, to create a network of open spaces and pedestrian ways rich in experience of natural environment, and to function as a physical elements that realize an optimum organization of residential districts and other facilities. In this sense, the area would have been preserving substantial resources for the future restoration based on the infrastructure of natural environment.
篠沢 健太
日本緑化工学会誌 (ISSN:09167439)
vol.33, no.4, pp.545-547, 2008-05-30

河川水辺のエコトーンの自然再生について,ランドスケープデザインをする立場から,また「市民参加」で公園を作る立場から紹介する。対象は大阪府南部を流れる大和川支流の1級河川石川に整備中の石川河川公園「自然ゾーン」である。石川河川公園は,石川の堤外地11.6km, 172.6haに広がる府営公園であり,公園区域のうち中流域の約1.6kmの区間が「自然ゾーン」に指定されている。この区間は他と比べて川幅が広く,連続した低水護岸が整備されておらず,河畔林や高茎草原などの河原の植生が残っている。河川敷に公園が整備される場合,通常,河川水辺は治水を担当する河川関連部局の管轄となり,公園は河川敷(高水敷)の土地を占有して整備されることが多い。しかし石川河川公園の場合,河川と公園を明確に分ける区切りが存在せず,よく言えば一体的な管轄のもとに整備が進められている。一方水辺エコトーンの整備に関して,さまざまな課題も生じている。私は学生時代から河川環境や水辺の公園整備について学んできた。当時は,周辺地域の地形と河川の関係や河川微地形の入れ替わりと植生の単位性について考えていた。安藝皎一が「河相論」で示した,流域の地形・地質と河川水流が生みだす河川の「個性」について,荒川水系や入間川において把握した。また微地形が洪水によって移動して入れ替わると同時に,その上に生育する植生も洪水の頻度や地下水位の影響を受け,河川敷に特徴的な「微地形-植生」の組み合わせが生じることを,鬼怒川水系小貝川や矢作川水系乙川で検討してきた。ただし,それぞれの内容は学術的な研究としては端緒に過ぎず,十分検討できてはいない。芸術大学に勤めるようになって,これらの経験は生態学的な調査・研究としてよりも, 「デザインする」際のコンセプトとして,私のなかで大きな意味をもって現在に至っている。石川河川公園「自然ゾーン」で河川整備に取り組むようになったのは2000年頃からである。以前は通勤途中にその姿を眺め,休日に公園を訪れて,その整備に疑問を持ってはいたが5),河川整備に主体的に取り組むには至っていなかった。縁あって石川流域で自然保全活動をする市民団体と知り合い,当初は一市民として公園行政担当者との会議に参加,やがて石川で自然観察や保全活動をするNPO石川自然クラブの一員となり,現在では大阪府が主催する管理運営協議会に学識経験者として参加するようになった。立場はさまざまであるが,これまでに石川河川公園において私が関わってきた取り組みを紹介したい。
根本 哲夫 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太 岩本 芙美代
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.809-814, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)
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Primary purpose of this paper is to show how the regional structure of natural environment was integrated into planning and design of open spaces through the process of land development for collective housing in hilly areas of suburban districts. A case study was made in Tsurumai district of Nara City that was developed in mid 1960s. Extensive research in land formation process and its results based on the information generated by overlaying grading plans upon the original topography indicates the following points. (1) land formation in the housing site followed basic structure of the original micro topography and generated variety of land form which was identified as a fractal elements found in the regional structures of natural environment. (2) The variety of land forms provided spaces for parks, pedestrian spaces, parking lots and other public facilities, and altogether they support the entire system of spatial organization in the housing site. Also, by a comparative study of existing vegetation and those of the original planting plan, it was indicated that environmental stock represented by existing vegetation was developed mostly in the spaces generated by the land formation process in the site.
霜田 亮祐 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.73, no.5, pp.625-630, 2010 (Released:2011-07-22)
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the process of improve method of land use condition in block development collective housing during 1970s as an environmental infrastructure for future urban development on Koto delta area. The swash along canals on Koto delta area had been heavily industrialized since 1880s. Serious land subsidence and land infrastructure development by the industrial area created continuous artificial levee along the canals. The levee has varied form affected by each block urban development after 1970s. Block-development collective housing by Japan Housing Corporation is one of such redevelopment. The quantitative study and verification of planning theory of intensive landscape facilities especially mounded planting area provided a prospect that process of the improvement of land use condition has enhanced both urban environmental structure and residents amenity especially for lowland development in post industrial area.
霜田 亮祐 宮城 俊作 篠沢 健太
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.72, no.5, pp.709-714, 2009 (Released:2010-06-24)
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of urban environmental structure on Koto delta area, a part of Arakawa river basin, through the review of land infrastructure development based on watershed development and transition of the artificial topographic change. On alluvial plain of Arakawa river basin, which used be tidal wetland before Edo period, large industrial area had been developed since around 1880s and their overuse of groundwater caused serious land subsidence. About 80% of Koto delta area is still below Tokyo Peil (T.P.) . Current landform is unveiled in the area below T.P. by the information of digital elevation model. Through the chronological study of topographic map overlaying the elevation model, relationship between urbanization and its land condition is inferred. Although entire ground level on Koto delta area was depressed, the range of land subsidence of an area by canals is low. On the other hand, in the other areas between plural canals, which were rapidly developed in early 1900s, the range is high. The difference of urbanization speed and scale affect the land condition and the range of land subsidence. Those land characteristics by canals is evaluated as "Artificial levee" which could be an urban environmental structure on Koto delta area.
千葉 教代 篠沢 健太 宮城 俊作
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.66, no.5, pp.753-758, 2003 (Released:2003-09-24)
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This study illustrates a process of citizen participation in planning, design and maintenance of Ishikawa River Park in Osaka Prefecture paying specific attention to consensus building among the participants and the administration. Core members of the citizen groups, most of them are from several sects that had opposed to the plan prepared by the administration, played an important role throughout the process. They worked as facilitators to enhance discussion and collaboration within local communities to reach the agreement for conservation of riparian landscape developed along the river. Based upon results of the case study at Ishikawa River Park, it is pointed out that the primary issues of citizen participation process are in attributes of participants and small groups of citizen are more eligible for promoting planning and design of the park, while new members with vitality and expertise are necessary to enhance efficiency in participation.
篠沢 健太 武内 和彦
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.57, no.5, pp.403-408, 1994

Development process of large-scale urban parks since the establishment of the Urban Park Law in 1956 is outlined in Greater Tokyo and Osaka, wherein greenbelt zoning was unsuccessfully applied. Urban parks with the area of 10ha or more are investigated regarding methods of park construction, geomorpholic location and the contents of park development. For each category, trends of park developments are studied. Through this study, the following findings are obtained: 1) There are two types of park construction, park construction only for the park and that associated with the other development plan. 2) In both areas, the parks on hilly lands have been increasing and that on lowlands decreasing. 3) The conservational ways of park developments increase, particularly on hilly lands and the transforming way increased in riverside area.
篠沢 健太 宮城 俊作 根本 哲夫
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.71, no.5, pp.773-778, 2008-03-31 (Released:2009-05-08)
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Primary purpose of this research is to show how the regional structure of natural environment was integrated into the planning and design of parks and green spaces in the process of suburban new town developed in a hilly topographical area. The following studies were made for parks and green spaces in Senri New Town located in city of Suita and Toyonaka of Osaka Prefecture ; (1) how the location and functional zoning of large parks and green spaces are related to structure of natural environment by examining a series of articles and documents prepared through the development process, (2) how the condition of natural environment affected design and planning of regional parks and neighborhood parks in residential area by comparing original drawings of park plan and topographical maps with those in the present time.Among the findings,in particular, it was noted that natural vegetation areas on the hillside slope and irrigation ponds preserved in the developed areas critically affected space composition of the parks. Design and planning of parks were implemented through adaptable process to change size of park facilities and relocate some functional spaces to other parks and green spaces in order to enhance the effects of natural environment on the site.