黒木 真理 渡邊 俊 塚本 勝巳
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-031, (Released:2022-07-04)

Serious concern about the declining populations of the genus Anguilla and increasing related socioeconomic activities worldwide have led to a rise in the use of unauthorized Japanese names for members of this genus in various fields, as well as in academia. Therefore, it became important to clarify the standard Japanese names of all valid species and subspecies in the genus. Existing standard Japanese names for Anguilla species and subspecies were assessed, and new names proposed for some members, based on their geographical distribution and morphological characteristics, according to the nomenclature guidelines for standard Japanese fish names formulated by the Ichthyological Society of Japan in 2020. Standard Japanese names of three Japanese species and one subspecies were adopted from already-established names (Anguilla japonica, Nihonunagi; A. marmorata, Ō-unagi; A. bicolor pacifica, Nyūginia-unagi; A. luzonensis, Ugumaunagi); two Atlantic species were redefined (A. anguilla, Yōroppa-unagi; A. rostrata, Amerika-unagi); and the remaining eleven species and five subspecies were newly named (A. bicolor, Baikara-unagi; A. bicolor bicolor, Indo-baikara-unagi; A. dieffenbachii, Nyūjīrandoō-unagi; A. australis, Ōsutoraria-unagi; A. australis australis, Ōsutoraria-syōtofin-unagi; A. australis schmidtii, Nyūjīrando-syōtofin-unagi; A. reinhardtii, Ōsutoraria-rongufin-unagi; A. celebesensis, Serebesu-unagi; A. borneensis, Boruneo-unagi; A. interioris, Interia-unagi; A. megastoma, Porineshia-rongufin unagi; A. obscura, Porineshia-syōtofin-unagi; A. bengalensis, Bengaru-unagi; A. bengalensis bengalensis, Indo-bengaru-unagi; A. bengalensis labiata, Afurika-bengaru-unagi; A. mossambica, Mozanbīku-unagi).


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よく読んだらニュージーランドロングフィンウナギなんていなかった(New Zealand longfin eelの和名はニュージーランドオオウナギだった)(なんでや) https://t.co/2sF3WTWfel https://t.co/jvRyYcdxMD
世界に分布するウナギ属魚類の標準和名についての論文が魚類学雑誌にて早期公開されました。どなたでも無料でご覧いただけます。 https://t.co/mu5sG7EOD9
昔、塚本先生の講義を受講したことあるけど、めちゃくちゃ面白かったなー。鰻って食べても美味しいし、生き物としてもオモロい。 世界に分布するウナギ属魚類の標準和名 https://t.co/46MQdVNG5g
全世界に分布するウナギ属魚類の標準和名を基準標本付きで決めた,という論文が出ていた. イントロが全体的に闇が垣間見えるのがアレですね https://t.co/vzgSD55vAf

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