中澤 篤史
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.501-517, 2022 (Released:2022-07-07)

The overabundance of extracurricular sports activities in Japan has been called into question. Its symbol is the Nippon Junior High School Tournament held by Nippon Junior High School Physical Culture Association. How was this event established? The purpose of this study was to analyze the process by which the tournament was established and to examine the relationship between education and competition in school sports. Previous studies have sought the reasons for the establishment of the national championships with the relaxation of standards for external competitions in accordance with the demands of sports federations, and have viewed the process as one in which competition disparaged education. This approach assumes that education and competition have a dichotomous relationship that is mutually incompatible, and the conflict between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism has been viewed as a specific issue. However, this view does not allow us to understand why the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, which had been trying to suppress the national championships, turned around and held the Nippon Junior High School Tournament. In this study, we reviewed this issue from the perspective of the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, and clarified the active role it played in reorganizing the national championships in order to solve inherent educational problems, while competing with the sports federations that began holding the national championships. For the Junior High School Physical Culture Association, the process of establishing national championships was not a process in which athletic competition disparaged education, but one in which education was achieved through competition. How did it interpret the conflict between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism? The Junior High School Physical Culture Association did not abandon educative egalitarianism while finding significance in competitive elitism. Rather, it placed more emphasis on the former in order to justify the significance of competitive selection. The national championships must be open to all students equally, not just to a few elite athletes, and they were interpreted as meaningful because the winners were selected after all students had participated. In this way, the conflicts between educative egalitarianism and competitive elitism were overcome, and as a result, the Nippon Junior High School Tournament was established. This was a historical turning point in the “overheating” of junior high school sports.


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中澤先生の昨年の論文 https://t.co/tnlm2LAgQC 全中の成立発展は、先行研究が記す《運動部活の教育的側面が競技的側面によって蔑ろにされるプロセス》ではなく、中体連が生み育んだこじつけ的イデオロギー《教育的平等主義と競技的選抜主義は両立する》によるものではなかったかと刺激的に指摘してる https://t.co/lyllpiSTcp
@runrun121 https://t.co/6jpxQ75seV
中体連3部作その2は… 「全国中学校体育大会の成立過程:中学校体育連盟は教育的平等主義と競技的選抜主義の相克をどう意味づけたのか」『体育学研究』67、2022年。 つぎに、その中体連の主要事業の全中が、どのように始まったのかを分析しました。 https://t.co/XFQZaEjzgf
@ueken_society 元々中体連は、中学生の全国大会を競技団体にさせないために結成された組織です。それが今では…。 こちらの論文に、中体連やその全国大会成立の経緯が載っています。#教師のバトン #中学校 #中体連 #部活 https://t.co/QqCsbcHdTU
これが本当なら,ここから議論しないとね.お前の組織がどうだ!あんたの組織がこうしないと!とか言っても何も変わらないよね. https://t.co/fH1fh25YVF
@1026TETSU ご興味があれば。中澤先生の新しいものです。 https://t.co/OMiI0G1dfI
https://t.co/aX71JDNjkc 論文だ!
関西大学山本雄二教授の「ブルマーの謎 <女子の身体>と戦後日本」に記述ある中体連の件、早稲田大学の中澤篤史教授が論文作成したようです。 参考文献に「ブルマーの謎」記載あったのを確認しました。 https://t.co/6UZplaCwHZ https://t.co/EsIxM1Hm4F
【部活研究者各位】 新作論文がパブリッシュされたのでご報告申し上げます。 「全国中学校体育大会の成立過程:中学校体育連盟は教育的平等主義と競技的選抜主義の相克をどう意味づけたのか」体育学研究67 巻 p. 501-517 https://t.co/XFQZaEACif https://t.co/dsFwv2ii4g

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