松林 翔太 三輪 和久 寺井 仁
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18018, (Released:2019-06-20)

We often encounter various anomalous behaviors of systems, such as machine failures, unexpected behaviors of intelligent agents, and irregular natural phenomena. In order to predict these anomalous behaviors, it is a useful strategy to infer the causal structure of target domains (the inference-based strategy). However, we assume another strategy, the memory-based strategy, to memorize the anomalous behaviors for the predictions. In the present study, we analyzed the features and benefits of the memory-based strategy using the spatial movement prediction task. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that participants who were instructed to apply the memory-based strategy encoded only the anomalous instances, and not the regular instances. Additionally, the inference-based strategy was more effective for identifying the anomalous instances in a low-complexity task, whereas the memory-based strategy was more effective in a high-complexity task. Experiment 3 revealed that it was difficult to spontaneously select an appropriate strategy based on task complexity and to make benefits of the memory-based strategy for a high-complexity task even if the strategy was applied.


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【「心理学研究」新着早期公開論文(6月分)】変則的挙動に対する記憶ベース方略に関する実験的検討 本文:https://t.co/hxGKS4xVyQ 日本語アブストラクト:https://t.co/1EYVaWXmtF

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