井田 博史 福原 和伸 高橋 まどか 石井 源信 井上 哲理
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-11, 2010 (Released:2010-04-15)
3 2

The Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), which is a computer-simulated 3D virtual reality (VR) system, is expected to provide sport learners with interactive and immersive learning materials. The purpose of this study was to reveal perceptual characteristics of tennis players when they viewed the tennis ball flight reconstructed in CAVE. The visual stimuli of this study were reconstructed based on the actual measured values of the tennis court and the ball flight. Perceptual performances, subjective impression scoring and shot type discrimination (flat, topspin and slice), were assessed by varying the conditions of three visual VR settings: binocular disparity, screen number, and viewpoint. The augmented-disparity setting was likely to induce a higher sense of discomfort than the no-disparity and normal-disparity settings. The four-screen condition was more likely to induce a correct response than the one-screen condition. The viewpoint of the umpire induced a significantly higher sense of discomfort than the field player viewpoints, and the viewpoint close to the approaching ball made it more difficult to discriminate the shot type. This research was a pilot study on sport perception in VR, and the results will contribute to the construction of sport-simulating VR systems.


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没入型3次元映像呈示におけるテニス打球に対する知覚(井田ら 2010) VRを用いたトレーニングがどの程度有効か検討した研究 https://t.co/gyWwCZNNqt
井田 博史, 福原 和伸, 高橋 まどか, 石井 源信, 井上 哲理,没入型3次元映像呈示におけるテニス打球に対する知覚,スポーツ心理学研究,37(1) ,1-11 (2010) https://t.co/SN6BsmYchJ

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