内田 力
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.97, pp.87-104, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-09-26)

In the publishing world in the 1980s, as the number of publicationsincreased, visual expression came to be more pronounced in both magazinesand books. How did this change in publishing media affect the content of thepublications and their authors? By focusing on the case of Amino Yoshihiko(1928-2004)―a historian on the Japanese Middle Ages―this articleexamines the relationship between published media in the 1980s and thevisualization of history. In particular, it explores the extent to which Amino’scommitment to visualizing history was of his own accord. This article analyzes publications by Amino from the 1980s to elucidatehow his history books were connected with visual expression in the process oftheir production. After receiving opportunities to write in a PR magazine published by a company, he began to write on the subject of color and costumein history. Afterward, he acquired knowledge on historical paintings whileproofreading the Pictopedia of Everyday Life in Medieval Japan, New Edition(1984), and he made the best use of this experience to write his own bookThe Grotesque Emperor( 1986), which became one of his primary works.After writing The Grotesque Emperor, he collaborated with a painter toproduce a picture book for children and participated in two large-scaleprojects featuring visual expression. This article reveals that although he wasreluctant to commit to the work of visualizing history initially, he deepenedhis understanding of the subject through various publishing projects.Additionally, the publishing projects that he participated in grew in scale andrequired more initiative. This article also found that Amino collaborated witheditors as well as at times a painter to complete all of his works, as early asthe proposal stage.


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J-STAGE Articles - 日本中世史家網野善彦による歴史の視覚化 https://t.co/ZltkdbCip8
呉座勇一氏の言う通り、網野善彦はスター 『岩波講座日本通史』 『週刊朝日百科日本の歴史』朝日新聞社 『いまは昔 むかしは今』福音館書店 日本中世史家網野善彦による歴史の視覚化 1980 年代の出版メディアと歴史研究者,内田 力,マス・コミュニケーション研究2020,97 巻 https://t.co/OV26r4a2Xc https://t.co/ey5OOZzff8
後で読む。 何かと役に立つj-stage。 グラフィケーションとはモノの見せ方。 https://t.co/pA7hqDZ97L https://t.co/8chR2G3md3

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