永瀬 開
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.15, no.1, pp.35-44, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)

Previous studies have noted the in emotion regulation difficulties of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present review aimed to explore trends in the process of emotion regulation among individuals with ASD. According to previous studies, emotion regulation involves strategies of reappraisal and suppression. The findings were that (a) individuals with ASD experience difficulty in using reappraisal strategies, (b) individuals with ASD exhibit the maladaptive behaviors, so they experience difficulty in using the emotion regulation strategies, (c) individuals with ASD exhibit psychiatric symptoms, so that they experience difficulty in using reappraisal strategies, and (d) emotion regulation intervention for in individuals with ASD involves cognitive behavioral therapy. These findings suggested that further studies are needed to investigate the effectiveness of the psychodramatic method in using reappraisal strategies for individuals with ASD.


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