石橋 祐子 村上 照夫 湯元 良子 酒井 正彦 新谷 洋通 板羽 秀之 神辺 眞之 益田 慎 夜陣 紘治 木平 健治 高野 幹久
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.11, pp.833-840, 2004 (Released:2004-11-01)
6 6

Burow's solution, or aluminum acetate solution, is effective in inhibiting various microorganisms including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that are commonly observed in chronic suppurative otitis media. It takes several days to prepare Burow's solution using aluminum sulfate, and the pharmaceutical properties of the solution are not fully understood. In this study, the effect of storage (5 months) of Burow's solution prepared according to the Teine-Keijin Hospital manual on its pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities was examined. We also attempted to develop a rapid preparation method of aluminum acetate (or 1.7% aluminum) solution using two commercially available compounds of aluminum acetate basic (Al2O(CH3CO2)4, Al(OH)(CH3CO2)2). The properties of Burow's solution, pH, osmolarity and antibacterial activity, were the same among different preparations and its storage for 5 months at 4°C had no effect on these properties. The antibacterial potency of Burow's solution was dependent on aluminum concentration and its antibacterial potency against S. aureus and several MRSA strains was of the same magnitude. In a rapid preparation, aluminum acetate basic was mixed with appropriate amounts of tartaric acid and acetic acid, and the suspension was boiled for 2—2.5 hr until dissolved. The rapidly prepared aluminum acetate solution showed the same pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities as those of Burow's solution. The newly developed preparation method for aluminum acetate solution is expected to be convenient and feasible for hospital treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media.


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