石原 優 戸田 光 砂金 信義 太田 隆文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.5, pp.679-684, 2011-05-01 (Released:2011-05-01)
5 6

Furanocoumarins (FCs) such as bergamottin (BG) and 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin (DHBG) contained in grapefruits are known to be cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitors. These are contained in larger quantity in peel than in pulp, and therefore, processed peel products possibly have strong CYP3A4 inhibitory activity. The CYP3A4 inhibitory potency of these processed peel products, however, remains to be elucidated. The FC content and CYP3A inhibitory activities of various processed fruit peel products were investigated. CYP3A inhibitory activities of crystallized grapefruit peel, grapefruit marmalade, lemon peel and bitter orange slice were close to that of 100% grapefruit juice, while the activities of yuzu slice, pomelo (buntan) marmalade and crystallized iyokan peel were very weak, 1/8-1/20 of 100% grapefruit juice. The maximum BG content was 5.6 μg/g in lemon peel. The maximum DHBG content was 7.2 μg/g in crystallized grapefruit peel, about 1/30 that of raw peel. Grapefruit marmalade and crystallized grapefruit peel contained similar amounts of FCs to 100% grapefruit juice, but FCs were not detected in pomelo (buntan) marmalade or crystallized iyokan peel. Good correlation (r=0.78) was observed between the FC contents of these peel products and those CYP3A inhibitory activities. Preparation of homemade grapefruit marmalade and crystallized peel revealed that considerably lower DHBG content in these products and lower CYP3A inhibitory activity than anticipated were attributable to outflow of DHBG to broth during boiling of the raw peel.


外部データベース (DOI)

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@civic55j7d9 @shunmin_2 @doctorK1991 『加熱』より『茹でる』方が影響はあるようです。 @civic55j7d9 さんが送って下さったように、避けたら方がいいですね 【参考】 https://t.co/czsfIBluhD
@bknb_mew https://t.co/4lVYc0vKth グレープフルーツの果皮に多く含まれる成分がCYP3Aを阻害することが問題になります。 添付の先生方の文献では他の柑橘類も含めて加工した場合もどうか?を記載されています。また、薬と同時で無ければ良いのかと思いきや、数日は影響が及ぶ様ですね
果実果皮加工食品のフラノクマリン含有量とCytochrome P450 3A(CYP3A)阻害活性:果皮の加工過程における6',7'-dihydroxybergamottinの流出 https://t.co/Sj1KJ6lFNO
@xiPJ jstageにこんなのも https://t.co/JUK4kugGnP
剛好看到一篇日文研究「葡萄柚類水果的加工品對於藥物的影響程度」,結果加工過的(工廠或手工製作)果醬或果乾,其中所含的furanocoumarin含量還是很高,所以對藥效的影響程度還是很大。 https://t.co/FMIckvgwzQ
1 1 https://t.co/AhFy9gBWoM
https://t.co/gfKXY71O9J グレープフルーツジュース以外のものの活性はこんな感じだそうで https://t.co/b4ACWu53OH

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