Our achievement led by Rodi got published in <i>Analytical Sciences</i>! "Untargeted LC-MS metabolomics for the analysis of micro-scaled extracellular metabolites from <i>hepatocytes</i>"https://t.co/28aQbPPOzg
We report the visualization and quantification of PGE2 secreted by epithelial cells. A single calcium spike causes a cell to secrete 0.25 fmol PGE2, or 150 million PGE2, which activates PKA in 1000 neighboring cells. https://t.co/jOaX6cM9VZ
Professor Miko Furuse has published an excellent original article as the first author. He showed the redundancy and specificity of claudin proteins by using quintriplet knock-out MDCK cells. Congratulations!
北大 角五先生の研究室のZakiaさん(現分子研)が執筆した「分子群ロボット」に関する英語解説記事(葛谷が共著)が、「生物物理」誌に掲載されました:Molecular Swarm Robot Realized by the Intelligence of a Biomolecular Motor System and DNA https://t.co/k4LzGgbwWs
電気学会誌9月号の特集にレビューが掲載されました。"DNAナノテクノロジーによる細胞型分子ロボットの構築", 佐藤&瀧ノ上 / Our review on DNA molecular robots has been published in IEEJ Journal.
https://t.co/nL3mwavfHR https://t.co/gMr1aRjsvE