"Ainu Monogatari" by TAKEKUMA Tokusaburo (1896-1951), the first book on Ainu written by a native Ainu. John Batchelor, an Anglican missionary, wrote the preface. #Ainu https://t.co/yfKvjBpBR9 https://t.co/3TisspoB6A
@schrift_sprache @JPRidgeway There were many practical handbooks in Edo + Meiji about how to pronounce Noh, and contemporary scholars draw on them a lot. I can't think of a book offhand now, but e.g. https://t.co/IISgbI7f83
This Chinese language dictionary/phrasebook for Japanese soldiers, published same month as outbreak of first Sino-Japanese war 1894, is pretty much as awful as you might expect.『兵要支那語』 I’ll post comments and translations at @froginawellnet soon https://t.co/GsZhgSxj6h https://t.co/DDcKAsIq4K