木村 貴昭 山中 昇 九鬼 清典 林 泰弘 斉藤 匡人 木下 和也 田村 真司 赤城 ゆかり 山本 良一 玉置 かおり 高野 郁晴 保富 宗城 戸川 彰久 山室 日出子 島田 純 藤原 啓次 寒川 高男 神人 崇
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.1, pp.121-130, 1997-01-01

A comparative study was performed for the purposes of studying the prophylactic effectiveness of an antecedent treatment for Japanese cedar pollinosis with DAREN<sup>®</sup> (emedastine difumarate), an anti-allergic drug. Thirty-five cases (A group) received the drug at 4mg/day at least 2-4 weeks before the day when the pollen began to scatter. Another thirty-nine patients received the treatment after the scattering (B group). A significant inter group difference was observed in the global improvement rate for pollinosis. These findings suggest that DAREN<sup>®</sup> produces a slow, long-acting effect such as the inhibition of the release of chemical mediators. Prophylactic medication seems to be suitable for the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis, because sufficient anti-allergic action is obtained a few weeks later. Side effects occurred in 6.9% of all of the cases, but the incidence was lower than with any other anti-allergic drug previously reported.<br>In summary, a prophylactic treatment with DAREN<sup>®</sup> is effective in treating Japanese cedar pollinosis.


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こんな論文どうですか? スギ花粉症に対するダレン^<【○!R】>の臨床効果-予防および治療効果の検討-(木村 貴昭ほか),1997 http://id.CiNii.jp/VGb1B

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