成瀬 厚
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.67, no.1, pp.1-23, 2012-01-28

In this paper, I focused on a town, Shimokitazawa. By examining the activities of musicians there, I considered the relationship between the urban user and the place. A pop musician's occupation is singing her/his songs repeatedly. As the facilities where they play their music are scattered around the city, they move around as mobile laborers in a similar manner like nomads. Therefore, the audiences who appreciate the performance of the musicians are called mobile consumers. To understand some of these actual situations, I investigated the facilities that hold such music performances in Shimokitazawa and the behaviors of three musicians who give these performances around the town and an audience. I considered the relationship between the musicians and Shimokitazawa by focusing on the former's practices in their music performances, especially in 2005 and the musical landscape depicted in their songs. The upsurge of the redevelopment problem was observed in Shimokitazawa around 2005. As a result, it can be said that music played the significant role in the development of people's connections with the musicians, and of positive associations of the musicians with the town.


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論文 to #弾き語り 路上演奏者の公共感覚:心斎橋の弾き語りシンガーを事例として https://t.co/buWCFqj7dr 街で音を奏でること : 2005年あたりの下北沢 https://t.co/xtadkm6I98 「歌が私たちの呼吸する空気になった」 ── 一九六〇年代のソ連の弾き語り文化 https://t.co/SzJQzsUwHJ
全文検索の方で「岡村靖幸」と入れてCiNii ったら、なんかこんな論文が出てきた。地理学の論文なんやって。 成瀬厚(2012)「街で音を奏でることー2005年あたりの下北沢ー」, 『地理科学』67(1), pp.1-23 https://t.co/GlHPwUyBan
成瀬厚さんの下北沢論「街で音を奏でること」 http://t.co/jQjdAu17EP を読み返しているのだけれど、「研究対象への接近の容易さと再現可能性を基本」とするアプローチが、書き手に「ある程度の一般的な消費者の立場を体現」させるという自己規定はおもしろいな。

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