梅崎 修 八幡 成美 下村 英雄 田澤 実
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.7, pp.123-134, 2010-02

This thesis explores the relation between the lives of high-school students and their course consideration by conducting the "high-school students' questionnaire survey." In particular, we comprehensively surveyed the social networks of high-school students. Our subsequent analysis clarified the following three points: (1) Social networks of high-school students comprise their schoolmates and peers; these networks are characterized by fewer interpersonal relationships, as compared to those of adults. However, there are large individual variations in these networks. (2) High-school students are content with their interpersonal relationships among the group that they belong to; thus, interpersonal relationships with individuals outside their group are rare. (3) Our statistical analysis assumes that "the high-school students' course consideration" is an explained variable. Therefore, we verify that the quality of a social network has greater influential power on course consideration than its extent. Thus, it can be interpreted that the improvement in course consideration arising from an interaction with a "different person" is greater than that arising from an interaction with a "similar person."


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【CiNii論文】ソーシャルネットワークの構築が進路意識に与える影響 -「高校生のキャリア意識調査」の分析- http://t.co/PcVGJiWm5r

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