岡田 猛 横地 早和子 難波 久美子 石橋 健太郎 植田 一博
vol.14, no.3, pp.303-321, 2007

The goal of this case study was to describe creation processes of contemporary artists from the perspective of Cognitive Science. We focused on the interaction among activities that affect long term processes of expertise and those that affect shorter term processes as the artist creates a series of work. We conducted retrospective interviews with two contemporary artists in their 40's using the portfolios of their past works so that they could recall their creation processes in detail. We found that the artists used an analogical modification process to produce a new series of artwork. Analogical modification is a cognitive process similar to analogical mapping, but modifies major features of the source structure while mapping it to the target. Artistic vision, which is formed through many years of creative activities and consists of main themes and goals for creation, plays an important role in guiding the usage of analogical modification. Analogical modification correspondingly appeared to deepen artistic vision.


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岡田先生は、自分の博士論文の副査で、創造性に関する考え方からコラボレーションプロセスの評価方法まで、沢山の影響を受けた研究者です。改めて論文を読み直してるけど、面白すぎる。|現代美術の創作における「ずらし」のプロセスと創作ビジョン https://t.co/ohpYj2l6fM

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