家永 真幸
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1-17, 2009-07-31 (Released:2014-09-15)

The idea that pandas are the “national symbol” of China is no more than a historically invented notion. However, even within international politics today, debates concerning whether or not these animals are “Chinese” have arisen as a political issue through their connection with the so-called “Taiwan problem” or “Tibet problem”.How is it that pandas have become embroiled in such political controversy, despite not being regarded as important for international politics from a realist perspective? In answering this question, it might be meaningful to reconsider what factors have made the Chinese state legitimate within international society. Therefore, in this article I have tried to reveal how pandas have become a Chinese national symbol, referring to the official archives of the Republic of China opened on Taipei, Nanjing, Chongqing and Chengdu.The Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Nationalist Party first presented pandas to the USA as a part of its “propaganda diplomacy” in 1941, when this animal first became a symbol of friendship between the two countries. This paper reveals that the Nationalist regime used this “panda diplomacy” to forge friendly relations with the USA, while at the same time as attempting to show the “civilized” nature of the Chinese state. Before then, the Chinese government had taken little interest in pandas. This paper also points out that such “panda diplomacy” had been initiated between 1928 and 1949 in the following four historical contexts: (i) the rising significance of the south-west region for the Nationalist regime in the War of Resistance Against Japan; (ii) the rising consciousness of sovereignty in China that insisted that natural resources, including pandas, must be controlled by the Chinese themselves; (iii) the adaptation to the idea of animal protection which had become a criterion of civilized countries; (iv) the demand for widespread support from the US people under wartime diplomacy.In conclusion, I would like to stress that the process by which pandas became a national symbol was nothing more than a process involving China’s adaptation to international society, in which the handling of these animals had the potential of constituting a factor in China’s “external legitimacy”. I believe that this situation is still relevant in regards to the legitimacy of the Chinese state in contemporary East Asia.
家永 真幸

『アジア研究』誌55巻3号に掲載された論文「南京国民政府期における中国『パンダ外交』の形成(1928-1949)」は、1941年に中国国民党中央宣伝部が対外宣伝活動の一環としてアメリカヘパンダ贈呈を行う背景となった歴史の重層的な文脈を明らかにし。その上で、それはパンダに対する振舞いが国家の「外部正統性」を構成する要素となりうるような国際関係に中国が組み込まれていく過程にほかならなかったと結論し、そのような状況は今日まで引き継がれているのではないかと問題提起した。▼同論文の続編として、台湾との交流シンポジウム『Academic Exchange Programme at Komaba Camnpus』で行った口頭報告『Why did pandas come to Japan in 1972?』では、1972年の日中国交正常化に際して行われたパンダ贈呈が、両国間の価値観の共有を前提にしている点や広告塔の存在などの点において、戦前からの中国の対外宣伝の延長上に捉えられるべきであることを指摘した。▼『中国研究月報』誌63巻7号に掲載された書評論文「北京オリンピック2008の歴史的意義-〔書評〕Xu,Guoqi, Olympic dreams : China and sports, 1895-2008, Harvard University Press, 2008.」では、一国内における国家と国民の身体の関係や、国際社会における国家間の関係を、スポーツという考察対象から総体的に捉えようと試みているという点に同書の重要性があることを指摘した。これは書評という場を借りて、報告者自身の問題意識であるところの、国家が国家としての正統性を獲得するプロセスにおいて文化的シンボルが果たす役割を明らかにすることの意義を説明した論考でもある。▼『新明社会学研究』誌に掲載された論考「語られ始めた陳紹馨-『台湾社会学の父』に見る現代史の断絶と連続」は、戦後の脱植民地化が日本ではなく中華民国に代行された台湾において、戦前日本ですでにキャリアを積んでいた台湾人研究者がどのような評価を受けることになったのかを論じたものである。外交や対外宣伝とは直接関わらないテーマであるが、「学知」という一種の文化的シンボルが国家の正統性とどのように関わるのかに関する試論として報告者の研究の中では位置づけられる。
家永 真幸
一般財団法人 アジア政経学会
アジア研究 (ISSN:00449237)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1-17, 2009

The idea that pandas are the "national symbol" of China is no more than a historically invented notion. However, even within international politics today, debates concerning whether or not these animals are "Chinese" have arisen as a political issue through their connection with the so-called "Taiwan problem" or "Tibet problem".<br>How is it that pandas have become embroiled in such political controversy, despite not being regarded as important for international politics from a realist perspective? In answering this question, it might be meaningful to reconsider what factors have made the Chinese state legitimate within international society. Therefore, in this article I have tried to reveal how pandas have become a Chinese national symbol, referring to the official archives of the Republic of China opened on Taipei, Nanjing, Chongqing and Chengdu.<br>The Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Nationalist Party first presented pandas to the USA as a part of its "propaganda diplomacy" in 1941, when this animal first became a symbol of friendship between the two countries. This paper reveals that the Nationalist regime used this "panda diplomacy" to forge friendly relations with the USA, while at the same time as attempting to show the "civilized" nature of the Chinese state. Before then, the Chinese government had taken little interest in pandas. This paper also points out that such "panda diplomacy" had been initiated between 1928 and 1949 in the following four historical contexts: (i) the rising significance of the south-west region for the Nationalist regime in the War of Resistance Against Japan; (ii) the rising consciousness of sovereignty in China that insisted that natural resources, including pandas, must be controlled by the Chinese themselves; (iii) the adaptation to the idea of animal protection which had become a criterion of civilized countries; (iv) the demand for widespread support from the US people under wartime diplomacy.<br>In conclusion, I would like to stress that the process by which pandas became a national symbol was nothing more than a process involving China's adaptation to international society, in which the handling of these animals had the potential of constituting a factor in China's "external legitimacy". I believe that this situation is still relevant in regards to the legitimacy of the Chinese state in contemporary East Asia.