宇陀 則彦 松村 敦 阪口 哲男 三森 弘 水嶋 英治 逸村 裕
vol.2013, no.6, pp.1-8, 2013-09-19

本稿は、筑波大学図書館情報メディア系のプロジェクト研究 「図書館情報専門職の歴史的資料の保存と利用に関する総合的研究:図書館情報学アーカイブの構築に向けて」 を進めるにあたり、デジタルアーカイブの意味を再考した。その結果、アーカイブズ学におけるデジタルアーカイブとは、原本が基本であること、したがって、「出所原則」 「原秩序尊重原則」 「原形保存原則」 がデジタルアーカイブ上でも容易に理解可能であること、また、永久保存を意識したマイグレーションが行われていることが条件であるとした。さらに、今後、アーカイブズ学におけるデジタルアーカイブを構築するためには、情報アーキテクチャの方法論を用いて設計することが重要であることを指摘した。This paper reconsidered "digital archives" to progress the project "Study on archives and use of historical records of library and information professionals: construction of library and information science archives". As a result, digital archives are defined as mapping of original archives, which have principle of provenance, respect for original order, preservation of original shape, and permanent preservation. The real digital archive must be constructed based on methodology of information architecture.
三森 弘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.24, no.56, pp.441-446, 2018 (Released:2018-02-20)
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Daikou Campus of Nagoya University was established based on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Daikou Factory, which had been used as arsenal since World War II.The Factory had been destroyed by bombing in 1944 but the part of the main building still exists in Daikou Campus.In this study, I thought that the selection of the location and the way of using under the premise of saving the building of historical value.Therefore, the study also clarified the repair of the factory after it has been destroyed in the bombing.
三森 弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.753, pp.2141-2150, 2018 (Released:2018-11-30)

The Nagoya University Daikou Campus is originated from the Daikou plant of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the former aircraft related war plant and the building which was used in those days is left at the campus now. The Daikou plant was the plant that took an important and central role in the development of fighter planes including Zero fighter plane, and these technological accumulations have been applied and developed in later aerospace industry, etc., and it has contributed to the rapid economic growth against the background of post-war technological superiority. In this report, I used literature documents related to Jiro Horikoshi (known for design and development of Zero fighter plane) and Junji Fukao (known for engine development), I clarified the characteristics and significance of the Daikou plant and the former main building by studying from the planned and historic process. As a result, (1) From the "Rocket Research Meeting" documents, it became clear that it was estimated and confirmed that Jiro Horikoshi had a connection with the Daikou plant and the former main building, and that building has a significance from the aircraft industry history aspects. (2) As a background, it was mentioned that Daiko plant has played a role as an important base for aircraft development and manufacturing along with the Oye plant, under the war situation. Also, from the documents of Junji Fukao, etc. (3) The high probability that the former main building is the building where the design room is located, (4)Participants of the rocket research group were stakeholders in the design department located in this design room, It was led to the estimation of (1) that it was confirmed that intimate exchanges with the design staff of the Daikou plant to which Jiro Horikoshi belonged. (5)In addition, it became clear that the Daikou plant had incorporated an advanced architectural philosophy that overturned the general plant concept at the time, based on overseas visits by Junji Fukao, and its characteristics of the former main building are contributed to estimation of (1). The reason for that is the same as the background of held the previous Rocket Research Meeting, with the expansion and deterioration of the war situation at the time, it became clear that the idea of getting out of position as a technologically backward country was reflected by improving technical capabilities with the trends of Western countries kept in mind and preparing a rational and efficient environment.
三森 弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.753, pp.2141-2150, 2018-11

&nbsp;The Nagoya University Daikou Campus is originated from the Daikou plant of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the former aircraft related war plant and the building which was used in those days is left at the campus now.<br>&nbsp;The Daikou plant was the plant that took an important and central role in the development of fighter planes including Zero fighter plane, and these technological accumulations have been applied and developed in later aerospace industry, etc., and it has contributed to the rapid economic growth against the background of post-war technological superiority.<br>&nbsp;In this report, I used literature documents related to Jiro Horikoshi (known for design and development of Zero fighter plane) and Junji Fukao (known for engine development), I clarified the characteristics and significance of the Daikou plant and the former main building by studying from the planned and historic process.<br>&nbsp;As a result,<br>&nbsp;(1) From the "Rocket Research Meeting" documents, it became clear that it was estimated and confirmed that Jiro Horikoshi had a connection with the Daikou plant and the former main building, and that building has a significance from the aircraft industry history aspects. (2) As a background, it was mentioned that Daiko plant has played a role as an important base for aircraft development and manufacturing along with the Oye plant, under the war situation.<br>&nbsp;Also, from the documents of Junji Fukao, etc. (3) The high probability that the former main building is the building where the design room is located, (4)Participants of the rocket research group were stakeholders in the design department located in this design room, It was led to the estimation of (1) that it was confirmed that intimate exchanges with the design staff of the Daikou plant to which Jiro Horikoshi belonged.<br>&nbsp;(5)In addition, it became clear that the Daikou plant had incorporated an advanced architectural philosophy that overturned the general plant concept at the time, based on overseas visits by Junji Fukao, and its characteristics of the former main building are contributed to estimation of (1). The reason for that is the same as the background of held the previous Rocket Research Meeting, with the expansion and deterioration of the war situation at the time, it became clear that the idea of getting out of position as a technologically backward country was reflected by improving technical capabilities with the trends of Western countries kept in mind and preparing a rational and efficient environment.
三森 弘
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.25, no.61, pp.1373-1378, 2019-10-20 (Released:2019-10-20)

In accordance with the joint development of individual wagons with manufacturers accompanying free-addressing at university research facilities, this study examined the characteristics of each proposal from candidate manufacturers and factors contributing to the user’s wagon selection. Specifically, this study clarified (1) conditions and purposes underlying candidate manufacturers’ proposals and (2) questionnaire respondents’ decisive factors in selecting wagons.
三森 弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.732, pp.393-402, 2017 (Released:2017-02-28)

This study, targeting private library, has made clear the role of the social capital which help establish the activities of the private library. Private library aims to increase the communication and gradually contributes to regional vitalization by turning vacant stores and space into libraries. Spreads of the activity is seen originally from the city of Funabashi, based on the support of the local residents and volunteers. This study focuses on the current conditions of the private library and the details of motivations since its early establishment stage, followed by the examinations of possible social capital that leads to the expansion of the private library. This research covers the outlines of 29 private libraries, including the year in which the library was opened, the function and the address. It also looks into the motivation and the process of how the private library was opened as well as the media who have had acknowledge of private library. The research is then followed by an analysis on the characteristics of each library and the relationship between each other chronologically. As a result, (1)private library has expanded gradually with the support of those who have sympathy to the activity. (2)Moreover, in terms of the motivations, some private library is opened because of the physical circumstances such as increasing demands for a place to stalk endless books as well as for the solutions to hazards coming along with the vacant stores. While in other private library such as some complex that accommodates both library and store inside, the motivation is seen to have responded to the community revitalization, the latency time for little kids while their parents are having a long conversation and the increasing number of the visiting guests. It can thus be assumed that those motivations are closely related to the function of the annex facilities. (3)On the other hand, in terms of the media which have acknowledge of the private libraries, the contents of it has been shifted from newspapers and lectures to introductions and hearsays via neighboring acquaintance and other real time experience. Thus Through the expansion of the sympathy and the spontaneous involvement, private library has become a center that forms the social capital as well as that contributes to the community revitalization
三森 弘

筑波大学博士 (デザイン学) 学位論文・平成25年3月25日授与 (甲第6643号)