立花 綾香 加地 剛 七條 あつ子 高橋 洋平 中山 聡一朗 中川 竜二 前田 和寿 早渕 康信 香美 祥二 苛原 稔
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 (ISSN:1348964X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.155-159, 2016-05

純型肺動脈閉鎖(pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum:以下PAIVS)の治療方針の決定には右室の大きさ,肺動脈の閉鎖様式に加え,冠動脈が右室内腔と繋がる異常交通(類洞交通)の有無や程度が重要とされる.今回胎児期に類洞交通を評価できたPAIVSの一例を経験したので報告する.超音波検査にて胎児の右室が小さいことを指摘され妊娠23週に紹介となった.初診時の超音波検査にてPAIVSと診断した.また右室心尖部に心筋を貫通する両方向性血流を認め,類洞交通の存在が疑われた.その後冠動脈を起始部から系統的に描出することで,左冠動脈前下行枝からの大きな類洞交通であることを確認した.右室が高度の低形成でかつ大きな類洞交通があることから単心室修復が必要となることが予想された.児は出生後,心臓超音波検査,心臓血管造影にて同様の診断がなされ,単心室修復に至った.胎児超音波で冠動脈を起始部から系統的に観察することで,類洞交通の評価が可能となりそれにより,出生前から治療方針の検討ができ,家族への説明に有用であった.
山田 尚之 窪田 和幸 河上 麻美 中山 聡 鈴木 榮一郎
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.52, no.2, pp.25-30, 2008 (Released:2009-12-04)

Genomics and proteomics have been useful in many different areas of medicine and health science as an aid to discover new biomarker for disease diagnosis or staging and as a tool to predict or monitor treatment response or toxicity. Human serum albumin (HSA) exists in both reduced and oxidized forms, and the percentage of oxidized albumin increases in several diseases. However, little is known regarding the pathological and physiological significance of oxidation due to poor characterization of the precise structural and functional properties of oxidized HSA. Here, we characterize both the structural and functional differences between reduced and oxidized HSA. Using LC-ESI TOF MS and FT MS analysis, we determined that the major structural change in oxidized HSA in healthy human plasma is a disulfide-bonded cysteine at the thiol of Cys34 of reduced HSA. Based on this structural information, we prepared standard samples of purified HSA, e.g. non-oxidized (intact purified HSA which mainly exists in reduced form), mildly oxidized and highly oxidized HSA. Using these standards, we demonstrated several differences in functional properties of HSA including protease susceptibility, ligand-binding affinity and antioxidant activity. From these observations, we conclude that an increased level of oxidized HSA may impair HSA function in a number of pathological conditions. In addition, we determined blood and plasma sampling conditions for the accurate measurement of the oxidized albumin ratio in plasma by using EST-TOF MS screening.