中村 隆夫 中田 節也 岩田 吉左 小野 勤 濵﨑 史生
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.13, no.3, pp.75-86, 2014 (Released:2014-08-15)
2 4

Japan is one of the countries with abundant active volcanoes and has a long history of developing countermeasures to mitigate volcanic disasters. In the field of nuclear energy, it is also necessary to assess safety against volcanic hazards, and in 2009, a voluntary guideline was published as JEAG 4625 in order to set up requirements of site assessments and basic designs of nuclear power plants (NPPs). This guideline has been revised to satisfy the requirements for examining the necessity of considering volcanic phenomena and concrete countermeasures in detailed designs of NPPs. This paper focuses on the background and technical basis of this voluntary guideline and shows the basic policy to ensure the safety of NPPs and the requirements to prevent nuclear hazards due to volcanic phenomena based on the Defense in Depth Concept.
前野 深 新堀 賢志 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣 中田 節也 鎌田 桂子 安田 敦 青柳 正規
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.271-289, 2010-03-29

Burial process of Roman Villa on the northern flank of Mt. Vesuvius, Italy, was reconstructed based on sedimentation processes of laharic deposits newly discovered during 2006-2008 for the extended excavation site in NE to E parts of the Roman Villa. The laharic deposits are distributed on the lower level of the excavation site. The deposits are divided into four subunits, G1-MfL1, G1-DfL1, G1-MfL2, G1-DfL2, based on their sedimentary facies (Mf and Df facies). Mf is characterized by massive and matrix-supported facies, indicating en masse deposition from a laminar flow process, and Df is characterized by stratified and clast supported facies, indicating grain-by-grain aggradation from suspension or traction process. These different types of facies are partially transitional and attributed to variations of sediment/water ratio and internal stress condition inside flows, and may be resulted from an evolutional process, like a flow transformation, of a single debris flow. These laharic deposits directly overlie pyroclastic fallout deposits (G1-Af) in the initial phase of the AD 472 eruption, but are eroded and covered by epiclastic deposits (G1-Mf1, 2, 3, 4 and G1-Df) derived from later- and larger-scale laharic events related to the same eruption. The later laharic deposits include more amounts of basement lava of Mt. Somma, compared with the newly discovered deposits. Characteristics and interpretation of the deposits suggest that lahars just after the 472 eruption came from the north to bury the lower level of buildings and have experienced various types of sedimentation processes. An erosion of the edifice of Mt. Somma may have mainly acted in the later laharic events.
中田 節也
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.1, pp.199-209, 2016-03-31

Deterministic eruption scenarios may mislead taking countermeasures for coming hazards. Preparing the event tree covering all phenomena which may happen in future eruptions even with low probability for the volcano is important not only for forecasting eruptions but also for disaster prevention. Eruption event trees can be prepared in various concepts, for example, eruption type, scale, hazard type, impact direction or area and so on. The probability tree is the event tree equipped with probabilities for the branches. Probability trees by USGS and European scientists include the cumulative trees, trees based on scientists' elicitation and Bayesian trees. Introduction of the eruption event trees into the Japanese volcanologist community began around 2009. Then, event trees were prepared for Izu-Oshima, Miyakejima, Sakurajima, Usu, and Izu-Tobu volcanoes. Reasons for branching and time scales of events were also discussed and shown on the event trees together with probabilities. The event tree for Sinabung volcano, Indonesia, as an example of lava dome-forming eruptions was drawn in 2011, based on the geological study. On-going lava dome/flow eruption at this volcano just followed the most probable scenario. For Sakurajima volcano, a conceptual event tree was drawn for understanding the anomalies controlling the eruption scale.
植田 義夫 小野寺 建英 大谷 康弘 鈴木 晃 中田 節也
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.46, no.4, pp.175-185, 2001-08-30

The Myojin-sho volcano is one of the active submarine volcanos in the northern part of the Izu-Ogasawara arc about 400 km south of Tokyo. This volcano is a somma edifice of the Myojin-sho caldera, 6.5 km×8 km in diameter and 1000 m deep. The topography, seismic profiler, magnetic and gravity surveys around the Myojin-sho caldera were conducted by the Hydrographic Department, Japan (JHD) in 1998 and 1999. The geophysical structures of the caldera were derived, and the possible cause of the caldera formation is discussed. The residual gravity anomalies were calculated from the observed free-air anomalies by subtracting the gravity effect of 2-layer subbottom model structure, which amounts to 10 m Gals in a localized zone from the caldera to the northern somma. Bouguer gravity anomalies with the assumed density of 2.0 and 2.4 g/cm^3 also show the positive anomaly over the same zone, which is accompanied by the acoustic and magnetic basement depression. Moreover, it seems that the sediment volume nearby Myojin-sho caldera cannot compensate the volume loss of caldera (20 to 41 km^3). These features insist that the Myojin-sho caldera is caused by the collapse of the pre-caldera edifice rather than the explosion. The origin of the high gravity caldera may be ascribed to the magma pocket causing the depression, instead of the high density erupted material filling the caldera floor. The magnetization intensity of 4.8-5.3 A/m at the Myojin-sho volcano is derived from the magnetic anomaly, which may claim that the Myojin-sho volcano consists of andesitic to basaltic rock rather than dacitic rock. On the other hand, magnetization of the central cone of Takane-sho volcano is estimated to be 1.1-1.9 A/m, which is consistent with the fact that dacite pumices were sampled.
中田 節也

日本の火山研究者、特に若い科学者は、IAVCEIとIUGGの関係をよく認識していないようだ。その理由は、IAVCEIと比較して、IUGGが彼らには可視的ではないためである。彼らが最初に挑戦することができるという国際会議としてIAVCEIが指導教官から紹介されることが多い。IAVCEIの存在は彼らが会員である日本火山学会(VSJ)でもよく見えている。この100年間、IAVCEIに対しては、久野 久、荒牧重雄、中田節也らの会長など、日本の研究者がIAVCEI理事を務め、IAVCEI学術総会が1962年に東京、1981年に東京・箱根、2013年に鹿児島で開催された。IAVCEIの2番目に大きい会議である火山都市国際会議(COV)は、科学者と非科学者が集って火山災害を軽減するために議論するフォーラムで、1998年以降、IAVCEI総会と学術総会の合間の2年ごとに開催されるものであるが、1988年に鹿児島市で開催された国際火山会議に端を発するものである。2007年には島原市で第5回COVを開催した。IUGG総会は2003年に札幌で開催されたが、それでもIUGGは若い火山研究者、ひょっとしたら中堅の研究者の間でもあまり知られていない。例えば、最近のIAVCEI学術総会は1000人以上の参加者を集めるが、IUGG総会時のIAVCEI総会には300人程度の参加者しかいない。この数は最近のCOVの約1000人の参加者よりはるかに少ない。この理由の1つはIUGG総会では組織される火山巡検がないということがあるかもしれないが、それよりも単純に会議の規模が理由であろう。IUGGの各アソシエーション自体の研究分野が十分に広いので、8アソシエーションの集まりは若い研究者が参加するには分野が広すぎる。彼らは、自分たちの学会では心地よく感じるが、AGUやEGUではビジネスライクに映るかもしれない。これはJpGUと個々の国内学会との関係にも似ているかもしれない。私たちは多くの分野のアソシエーションが集まって会議を開催することのメリットを確認し共有することが必要であろう。さらに、IUGGや国際学術会議(ISC)のような政府が分担金を払う団体の役割についても私たちの間で確認し直すべきである。この場合、会議への参加者数を増やすことが優先課題ではない。地球規模の気候変動、および大地震や火山噴火などの地域の地質学的危害は、リスクを軽減するために世界的に最優先課題となっている。このような状況の下で、国連は2030年までの持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)を明確にしており、政府によって活動が保証されているIUGGやISCの任務はこれらの課題解決でも拡大しているといえる。
中田 節也
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.60, no.2, pp.143-150, 2015-06-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

Statistical treatment of volcanic eruptions clearly shows the regularity of power law between the frequencies and the scales not only in the global scale but also in regional and individual volcano scales. However, ancient smaller eruption events tend to be not recorded, compared with recent data. In the log frequency-VEI plot, incompletely normalized frequency which ignores the time-dependent nature of the database, provides a gentler regression line than when the data time-dependence is considered; that is, the former reflects low numbers of small eruptions insufficiently recorded. The slopes of the regression lines are similar, irrespective of area scales. This regularity may help our understanding about the potential of future large eruptions in not only individual volcanoes but also caldera regions. Volcanic activity in Japan has been quiet recently; no VEI 4 eruptions occurred after the early 20th Century, and no VEI 5 eruptions did since the middle 18th Century. Considering the regularity of volcanic eruptions in the arc scale, it is likely that Japan will experience these large eruptions near future.
前野 深 中田 節也 吉本 充宏 嶋野 岳人 Zaennudin Akhmad Prambada Oktory

スメル火山はインドネシアの中でも最も活動的な火山の一つであるが,噴火履歴については不明な点が多く,活動が活発化した際の推移予測のための基礎データは十分に揃っていない。近年では5-7年毎に比較的規模の大きな火砕流を伴う噴火が発生しているが,過去には噴煙柱を形成する大規模な噴火も発生している。また1884年以降,大規模なラハールが少なくとも5回発生しており,このうち1909年噴火では東方35 kmに位置するルマジャン市が甚大な災害を被った経緯もあり,周辺地域では火山災害も懸念される。本研究では地質学的・岩石学的解析,年代測定,文献調査をもとにスメル火山の噴火履歴および噴火様式・推移の特徴を明らかにし,噴火推移予測のための事象系統樹を作成することを目的としている。スメル火山の主に南東から南西麓,北麓で行った地質調査の結果,山頂または山腹からの比較的規模の大きな爆発的噴火に由来する降下火砕堆積物と火砕流堆積物が複数存在することやそれらの発生年代が明らかになった。11世紀以降現在までは山頂からの安山岩質マグマによる噴火が主体で,このうち15-16世紀頃の活動では南西側に厚い降下スコリアを堆積させ,一連の活動により発生した火砕流がこの地域の遺跡を埋没させた。この時期の堆積物の層序構築には,13世紀のリンジャニ火山噴火に伴う広域テフラも年代指標として重要な役割を果たしている。一方,山腹噴火を示す地形や堆積物が多数存在するが,これらは3-11世紀頃の玄武岩質マグマによる活動によるもので,溶岩流出に続いて爆発的噴火へ移行し山腹でも火砕丘を形成する活動があったことがわかった。またこの時期には山体北側の火砕丘や溶岩流の活動もあったと考えられる。3世紀以前には安山岩質マグマによる爆発的噴火が山頂から発生した。山頂噴火は少なくとも過去およそ2000年間は安山岩質マグマに限られる。このようにスメル火山の活動は,19世紀以前には現在の活動を大きく上回る規模の噴火が繰り返し発生したこと,山腹噴火が噴火様式の重要な一形態であること,安山岩質マグマ(SiO2 56-61 wt.%)と玄武岩質マグマ(SiO2 46-53 wt.%)のバイモーダルな活動により特徴付けられることなどが明らかになった。一方,山体形状や火口地形,溶岩流/ドームの規模の把握は,火砕流の規模やその流下方向を推定する上で重要であるため,衛星画像やドローンによる画像・映像をもとに現在の山体地形の特徴や火口状況を把握し,また過去の火口位置とその移動方向や開口方向の変化についても整理を進めている。噴火事象系統樹は,近年の山頂での繰り返し噴火に加えて,地質学的解析から明らかにした過去の大規模噴火や火口形状や位置についても考慮したものにする必要がある。
中田 節也 鎌田 浩毅
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.33, no.4, pp.273-289, 1988

Volcanism and deposition of volcaniclastic materials within a graben in the Shimabara area, western Kyushu, started in early Pliocene and have continued up to the present. The volcanic products comprise alkalic to high-alkali tholeiitic basalts in addition to calc-alkalic andesites. The basalts are of a member of magmas erupted extensively in NW Kyushu from late Miocene to Recent. Their incompatible-element patterns in spider gram, in which the abundances of Rb, Ba, K, Nb, Zr and Y are normalized to those of MORB, are uniform independently of their eruption-ages, and show positive Ba and Nb anomalies strongly indicative of the marked affinity with ocean-island basalts. These patterns are clearly different from those of island-arc basalts which have negative Nb anomaly, as represented by the Quaternary high-alumina basalts in central Kyushu, and from those of back-arc basin basalts usually showing the same anomaly. It is concluded that basaltic magmas in NW Kyushu were derived from partial melt of fertile mantle with high Nb/Zr. Most of the andesites in the Shimabara area have phenocryst assemblages showing co-existence of magmas with different compositions. This fact and the spidergram pattern without Nb anomaly of the andesites lead us to a magmatic model; the andesite magma originated from mixing of positive-Nb-anomaly basaltic melt with negative-Nb-anomaly acidic partial melt of lower-crust materials which were presumably heated by the former melt. The graben in the Shimabara area seems to have developed in southern periphery of the region under which fertile mantle materials have been rising up from the depth and the subducted oceanic slab has not reached, like the "hot region".
中田 節也 田中 雅人
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.1, pp.113-121, 1991

Unzen Volcano, Kyushu, Japan, has grown since about 0.5 Ma in a graben where N-S tensile stress is dominant. It contains three volcanic cones with individual life times of 10<sup>5</sup>y. Historical eruptions occurred at intervals of several hundred years. The products with the total volume of 103 km<sup>3</sup> are composed mainly of thick lava flows/domes of hornblende biotite dacite and their collapsed deposits. Seismological data indicated relatively low-density materials at 8 to 18 km depth under the youngest volcanic cone, although there is no direct evidence showing a large magma chamber. A focal solution for an earthquake suggested that a vertical, open crack formed in an EW direction at about 10 km depth, implying magma intrusion. These facts give an idea that multiple, small, vertically standing magma plates (lenticular batches) oriented in an EW direction have existed beneath Unzen Volcano like dike swarm. The Unzen volcanic rocks show the evidence for mixing of felsic and mafic magmas just before or during eruption. The phenocryst assemblages estimated for mixing-endmember magmas were not uniform among lavas. The bulk compositions of rocks do not show a simple trend of mixing between two endmembers. It is likely that lavas of Unzen Volcano erupted from separate magma batches in that felsic magmas overlay high-alumina basaltic magmas. The felsic magmas may have been produced both by partial melting of crustal materials and by fractional crystallization of the mafic magmas. As a mass of magma in a small, separate lenticular batch can cool easily in the uppermost crust, the life time of each magma batch may have been as short as several hundred years. Probably, any large, shallow magma chamber has not formed beneath Unzen Volcano. However, magmas rising from the upper mantle may have been tapped successively in a large, flat chamber between the upper and lower crusts, where they evolved into high-alumina basaltic magma through fractional crystallization, mixing, and contamination processes.