河合 忠
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.48, no.3, pp.81-84, 2004-09-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

Protein science has been advanced with new development of various separation and analytical techniques, and one of the most useful techniques at the beginning was various electrophoretic fractionation. In 1973, Watson & Crick reported on a structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, and then molecular biology has progressed rapidly. In 1991, the international cooperative project on human genome started, and ended in 2003, reporting more than 99% of the whole base sequence of human genome. However, the project has left most of human genes functionally unknown. Currently the major research in life science is aiming to determine biological functions of individual proteins as well as regulatory networks among many proteins, namely “proteomics”.
伊藤 喜久
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.49, no.2, pp.31-35, 2005-06-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

Urine should be a most valuable routine sample in clinical laboratory. Laboratory data in urine are, however, more or less influenced by many known or unknown, pre-renal, renal and post-renal factors, thus giving the measured value complex and equivocal. In relevance with physicochemical properties and structure of individual proteins, the present author reviewed the factors and their effects on laboratory data in the framework of quality assurance system. Taking properties of individual proteins into considerations we must need to strengthen their clinical significance continuously by investigating and eliminating what are affected by the participating factors.
酒井 栄一 田中 勉 森 光子 中川原 寛一
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.45, no.1, pp.11-16, 2001-03-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

If I classify roughly for the quantification method of mRNA, there are the following 5 kinds. 1. Northern and dot hybridization, 2. RNase protection assay, 3. RT-PCR (the use of internal control), 4. competitive RT-PCR (the use of competitor), 5. real time monitoring PCR. In these methods, 3-5 employ PCR. Though 3, 4 are a method to quantify at an exponential increase term, it is different point that 5 is quantification method by means of PCR cycle number to exceed a detection limit of PCR product, just before entering an exponential increase term. Recently, a quantification method by the real time monitoring PCR basks in attention. Not only this method isn't necessary to confirm a cycle number of an exponential increase term in advance but have the wide quantification range in comparison to the method to quantify at an exponential increase term, there are many merits. I introduce LightCyclerTM system (Roche Diagnostics) with this draft as an equipment to be able to do a realtime monitoring.
山本(前田) 万里
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.53, no.2, pp.37-40, 2009 (Released:2009-12-04)
1 1

O-Methylated (−)-epigallocatechin gallates (EGCGs) have an anti-allergic action, and the Japanese tea cultivar ‘Benifuuki’ is rich in EGCG3''Me, which is lost due to processing in black tea. Oral administration of O-methylated EGCGs significantly and dose-dependently inhibited type I allergic reactions in mice. O-methylated EGCGs also strongly inhibited mast cell activation through the prevention of tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular protein and high-affinity IgE receptor expression, as well as histamine/leukotriene release. Over a one-month period, drinking ‘Benifuuki’ green tea was useful to reduce some of the symptoms of Japanese cedar pollinosis, and did not affect any normal immune response in subjects with seasonal rhinitis. The AUC (area under the drug concentration time curve) of EGCG3''Me was 6.4 times that of EGCG in healthy human volunteers. Furthermore, many foods and household goods used ‘Benifuuki’ green tea were developed and sold by several manufacturers.
島尾 和男
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-11, 1997-02-15 (Released:2009-03-31)
1 3
豊田 実 鈴木 拓 篠村 恭久 今井 浩三
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.52, no.4, pp.189-192, 2008 (Released:2009-12-04)

DNA methylation plays an important role in silencing cancer related genes. Recent studies have revealed that genes involved in cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, DNA repair, invasion, metastasis, and immune response, are shown to be aberrantly methylated in cancers. Subsets of cancers show simultaneous methylation of multiple genes, indicating that these tumors have CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). Colorectal and gastric cancers with CIMP show distinct clinicopathological features, and appear to be caused by increased rate of de novo methylation. DNA methylation changes can be detected with a high degree of sensitivity, and can potentially be important for diagnosis of cancer. Various types of cancer can be detected by analyzing methylation in DNA obtained from serum, stool, and pancreatic juice. Because DNA methylation is an epigenetic change, expression of silenced genes can be reversed by treating cells with DNA methyltransferase inhibitors such as 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (decitabine).
鈴木 潤
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.50, no.2, pp.67-70, 2006-06-15 (Released:2009-03-31)
1 1

The microbial environment is an essential aspect of the discussion of“genvironment and health”, due to our close coexistence with microorganisms. Furthermore, on a daily basis, bacteria cause food poisoning in humans through food intake, with as many as 90% of food poisoning cases being of bacterial origin. In addition, the Food Hygiene Law classifies etiological agents responsible for food poisoning into 16 types, many of which produce hemolytic toxins as pathogenic factors. Since these toxins are protein toxins, their properties can be determined by electrophoresis analysis. The toxin properties have also been analyzed by conducting osmotic protection and hemolysis inhibition experiments, as well as through determination of their ultrastructure and hemolytic efficiency. Hemolytic efficiency is expressed numerically as a function of streptolysin O (SLO) concentration and hemolysis level, or in other words, the concentration dependency of SLO from the lowest hemolysis level to complete hemolysis. These findings will contribute to the treatment and prevention of food poisoning.
小泉 昭夫
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.41, no.3, pp.145-148, 1997-06-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

遺伝的に肥満を発症するob/obとdb/dbマウスの発見は, 肥満の分子生物学的検討を可能にし, レプチンとその受容体の発見へと導いた. レプチンと, レプチン受容体, および関連するシグナル介在物質は, ネットワークを形成し, 体脂肪量をある先見的に決められたセットポイントに保つように協調している. レプチンはシグナルとして脂肪組織から大脳へ情報を伝達し, エネルギーの摂取と消費のバランスを取っている. エネルギー摂取の制御は食欲を介し, 消費の制御は熱産生を制御することで行っている. レプチンにより肥満が解消できるのはほんのわずかの人々であると予想されるが, この発見は抗肥満薬として多くの人々に希望を与えており, この驚異のやせ薬は, 近年現実のものになりつつある.
石田 敦彦 亀下 勇
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.58, no.2, pp.62-64, 2014-10-22 (Released:2014-10-31)
新井 雅信 中津 雅美 袖山 信幸 三條 伸夫 三谷 雅人 小林 一成 織茂 智之 芝 紀代子
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.38, no.4, pp.243-248, 1994

著者らはα<sub>1</sub>-antichymotrypsin (ACT) の糖鎖の違いが疾患特異的に存在するか否かを検討する目的で, 交差親和免疫電気泳動法 (CIAE) に着目した. CIAEは一次元, 二次元とも支持体に1%アガロース, 親和性リガンドにはコンカナバリンA (Con A) を用いた. 基礎的検討から一次元ゲルのCon A濃度は0.1%, 二次元ゲルの抗ACT抗体濃度は0.3%, 染色法は4-methoxy-1-naphthol 法が最も優れていることが判明した. 数例の対照群, アルツハイマー型痴呆 (DAT) 患者, パーキンソン病 (PD) 患者の血清, 髄液を本法に適用した. いずれのサンプルも類似した4本より構成されるピークが認められたので, 最も陰極側のピークからACT1~4と名づけた. 血清ACT4は対照群に比べ, PD, DATでは増加傾向を示し, 髄液ACT1, ACT4では対照群に比べDATで低下傾向を示した. 本法は蛋白濃度の低い体液の糖蛋白の検討に有用と思われた.
舩渡 忠男 藤巻 慎一 佐藤 淳子 小澤 鹿子 賀来 満夫
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.45, no.2, pp.149-152, 2001-06-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

Rapid advances in the field of molecular genetics have led to the need for a analytical assay. A number of methods have devised for this purpose, a material used the most widely is used the leukocytes DNA. In this study, we have reported the cases of three types. First, we found the cases who were heterozygotes for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene mutations with APRT deficiency. Second, we evaluated the usefulness of a real-time reversed transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) system to detect minimal residual diseases. This method was applied a case who had t (8; 21) chimeric transcript in peripheral blood. Third, we evaluated a method to determine human cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA levels in blood cells in a case transplaned liver. Thus, these methods were indicated possible applications for analysis using blood leukocytes.
真鍋 恵子 真鍋 満久 須藤 加代子 菅野 剛史
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.26, no.6, pp.457-462, 1982-12-25

The physico-chemical and kinetical properties of abnormal pseudocholinesterase (p-ChE) in two families (J. T. and K. K.) were studied and discussed. The p-ChE levels of the patient J. T. an d K. K. were 10% and 3% of the lower limit of normal ranges, respectively. The p-ChE of patient J.T . was classified as homozygote for atypical gene by the inhibition studies. However, the p-ChE of K. K. showed much larger Km values for several substrate s than normal controls and the Hill's number of the patient's p-ChE was 1. 10, though the v alues less than 1.0 were usually obtained from normal control. Therefore, the p-ChE of K. K. have not the allosteric property with negative cooperativity, as was the nature of normal one. Further studies by isoelectric focusing and slab PAG electrophoresis revealed the traces of the activity of p-ChE in the patient J.T ., but any activity band was not detected in the patient K. K. These results indicated that the patient J. T. was homozygote of atypical gene and that the patient K. K. was hom ozygote for silent gene. It was suggested that the analysis of Hill's number, additional to the c onventional inhibition studies, might be useful for the detection of the silent gene of p-ChE in deta ils.
八木 美智子 山口 虎雄
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.42, no.1, pp.35-47, 1998-02-15 (Released:2009-03-31)

We investigated the increase in body mass and growth of tumors in rat exposed to negative and positive corona discharges (e-- and e+-ions) and high voltage electric fields (HVE) to determine any influence on body mass and tumor growth of electric fields, voltage, currents and electro magnetic fields. Tumor growth was evaluated by histological findings and analysis of the logistic curves (growth curve) determining the stabilized initial size of tumors (10cm3) corresponding to the synchronization of cultured cells. The histology of benzo (a) pyrene (BP)-stimulated tumor cells showed fibrosarcoma cells with abundant progressive pleomorphism and atypical cells in the control rats, and fibroblastic tumor cells with histiocytic and apoptotic cells with loss of pleomorphic and atypical cells in both e--ion and e+-ion and HVE groups. The logistic curves (growth curve) of tumor growth were represented by Hill's components, and reflected histological features. The tumor growth curve has two or three inflection points (x'') on the growth curve. Exposure of rats to both negative and positive corona discharges delayed tumor growth. While, body mass and tumor were activated by negative corona discharge (e--ion) and they grew 1.5 to 1.7-fold (body mass) and 1.2-fold (tumor) greater than in the respective control groups, finally. The effects of e--ion on growth may be via an induced chronic depolarizing response. Tumors in the e--ion group were cylindrical, extending toward the head, and these animals showed internal hemorrhaging after long term exposure. Rats exposed to the positive corona discharge (e+-ion) showed decreased body and tumor growth and survival. The circular tumors in the e+-ion group contained fibroblastic cells and a few apoptotic cells. These effects of e+-ion were thought to be due to a chronic hyperpolarizing response. Tumor growth under high voltage (HVE) showed a positive cooperative response (burst type cooperativity), which triggered at an early stage of tumor growth, and all internal organs merged mutually due to oppression by HVE. Therefore, the effects of electric fields, currents and high voltages, appear to be a stimulation of growth in the short term, but over the long term serious effects on health were seen.
三谷 康正
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.52, no.4, pp.183-187, 2008 (Released:2009-12-04)

We developed a simple and rapid single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection system named SMart Amplification Process (SMAP). SMAP is an isothermal nucleic acid amplification method, which uses novel Aac DNA Polymerase isolated from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. Aac DNA Polymerase is in particular suitable isothermal amplification processes having a strand displacement activity. Moreover, SMAP employs an asymmetrical primer design and uses Thermus aquaticus MutS (Taq MutS). Taq MutS is a mismatch binding protein providing a highly effective approach to achieving complete suppression of background amplification derived from mis-amplified DNA. Therefore DNA amplification only occurs with a perfect primer match, and amplification alone is sufficient to identify the target allele. These features of SMAP enable us to perform rapid and precise SNP detection assays. SMAP has immense potential for the development of medical diagnostic products, as for example, to rapidly detect EGFR or K-ras gene mutations at high accuracy. The development of molecular diagnostics along with an increasing knowledge about genomic information has caused a paradigm shift away from the standard protocol of medical care towards pharmacogenomics. This new field of medical science is based on the growing knowledge about genetic alterations and their relationship to specific phenotypes, such as disease predisposition, drug metabolism, and disease development. Due to its ability for high-throughput gene analysis and SNP detection, SMAP is certain to have significant impact in this field.
原田 勝二
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.41, no.3, pp.111-116, 1997-06-15 (Released:2009-03-31)
松尾 雄志
Japanese Electrophoresis Society
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.50, no.1, pp.9-11, 2006-03-15 (Released:2009-03-31)