大野 希一 山川 修治 大石 雅之 高橋 康 上野 龍之 井田 貴史
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.50, no.6, pp.535-554, 2005-12-30

A cloud height generated by a volcanic eruption reflects the immensity and/or magnitude of the eruption; thus a measuring of the height's temporal variation during the event is very significant in judging whether the activity will become violent or decline. However, when a volcanic eruption occurs during bad weather, we must take information about the cloud's height by means of the pyroclastic deposits. In general, the total time taken for pyroclastic materials to be ejected and deposited at a given distance from the source vent can be divided into three parts as follows : the time for the eruption cloud to ascend and reach its neutral buoyancy level (T_1); the time for the pyroclastic materials to be transported laterally by the eruption cloud (T_2); and the time for pyroclastic materials to fall and be deposited on the ground (T_3). Since T_3 can be calculated from the settling velocity of pyroclastic materials, if the time that the pyroclastic materials fell at a given locality was observed and a given value for T_1 is assumed, the most suitable wind velocity to explain T_2 can be determined. Thus the height at which pyroclastic materials separate from the eruption cloud can be determined by using the vertical profile of wind velocity around the volcano. These ideas were applied to the eruption occurred at 19:44 (JST) on September 23, 2004, at the Asama volcano, which produced a pyroclastic fall deposit with a minimum weight of 7.2×10^6kg. Because this eruption occurred in bad weather, the pyroclastic materials fell as mud raindrops that were aggregate particles saturated by the rainwater. Based on the depositional mass, the number of impact marks of the mud raindrops in the unit area, and the apparent density and the equivalent diameter of these drops during their fall was estimated to be 2.2-3.1mm, which is consistent with the grain-size distribution of pyroclastic materials. According to some experienced accounts, mud raindrops several millimeters in diameter fell at 20:03 in the Kitakaruizawa area (about 9km north-northeast from the source). Assuming 2-5 minutes for T_1 and 11.5-12.0m/s of average lateral wind velocity, the height at which the mud raindrops separated from the eruption cloud can be estimated at 3,430-3,860m (3,610m on average). From this conclusion, the transportation and depositional process of the pyroclastic materials generated on September 23, 2004, at the Asama volcano can summarized as follows : the explosion occurred at 19:44 and the eruption cloud rose to 3,610m while blowing 2.49km downwind from the source. The cloud moved laterally for 4.51km with generating raindrops. At 19:54, mud raindrops separated from the cloud 7.0km north-northeast from the source, then fell to the ground at 20:03 after being blown 2.0km downwind by a lateral wind.
植木 岳雪 大野 希一 関谷 融 UEKI Takeyuki OHNO Marekazu SEKIYA Toru
研究紀要 (ISSN:2432616X)
no.1, pp.87-93, 2016-12-28

大野 希一

「持続可能な開発目標(Sustainable Development Goals、以降SDGs)」は、2015年9月の国連サミットで採択された国際目標である(外務省のパンフレットより)。この計画では、「持続可能で強靭、そして誰一人取り残さない、経済、社会、環境の総合的向上が実現された未来への先駆者を目指す」ことをビジョンに、国連に加盟している193の国々が2030年までに達成すべき17の目標が掲げられている。この計画の前身である「ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)が、主に発展途上国を対象に設定された目標で、国連の専門家が主導で実施されてきたものであったのに対し、SDGsは先進国自身もこの目標達成に向けて積極的に取り組むことや、国全体で取り組むことが推奨されている、という点が特徴である。17の到達目標は、それぞれがさらに実施すべきターゲットに細分化される。全部で169あるターゲットの中には、ジオパーク地域が取り組んでいる活動に関連する項目も少なくない。たとえば目標6の中のターゲット「6.6 2020年までに山地、森林、湿地、河川、帯水層、湖沼などの水に関連する生態系の保護・回復を行う」、目標8の中のターゲット「8.9 2030年までに、雇用創出、地元の文化・産品の販促につながる持続可能な観光業を促進するための政策を立案し実施する」、目標13の中のターゲット「13.1 すべての国々において、気候変動に起因する危険や自然災害に対するレジリエンス及び適応力を強化する」などは、まさにジオパーク活動と直接的にリンクする。これら以外にも、ターゲットの中には環境保全や地域社会の維持に関する項目が複数掲げられており、防災対策や気候変動対策、循環型社会の構築や新たな市場の創出を通じて、持続可能な開発目標を達成しようという取り組みも、多かれ少なかれジオパーク活動にリンクする要素を含んでいるといえる。SDGsに関わるこれらの取り組みが、地域で展開されているジオパーク活動とどのようにリンクするかを把握することは、特にユネスコ世界ジオパークに認定された地域については今後重要になってくる可能性がある。今回のポスターでは、島原半島ユネスコ世界ジオパークが行っているジオパーク活動が、SDGsとどのような関わりを有しているかを紹介・議論する予定である。
大野 希一 国方 まり 鈴木 正章 西村 裕一 長井 大輔 遠藤 邦彦 千葉 達朗 諸星 真帆
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.47, no.5, pp.619-643, 2002-11-29

The volcanic activities of the Usu 2000 eruption were monitored and reported by many scientists and the mass media. Summarizing these observation results, most of relatively large explosion events occurred during March 31 to April 7, 2000. Around the Nishiyama and Kompira crater groups, the pyroclastic deposits with multi units can be divided into 19 layers on the basis of their visible color, grain size and sedimentary structure; from Layer A to Layer S in ascending order. The eruptive dates of each layer inferred from the wind directions, the eruptive sequence, and the distribution of deposits are summarized as follows; the Layer A, characterized as the light gray color ash fall deposit including in some pumice layers, was generated by March 31 phreatomagmatic explosions occurred at Nishiyama crater group. The Layer B, composed poorly sorted breccia and ash layer with gray color, was generated on March 31 p.m. at Nishiyama craters. The Layer C to the Layer G, dark brown-gray aggregate ash, were derived from the volcanic eruptions occurred on April 1 to 2 in Nishiyama and Kompira crater group. The Layer H to Layer M and Layer O, mainly consist with gray and reddish brown aggregate ash including in lithic fragments, were generated during April 3 and 4 in Kompira crater group. The Layer N, which distributes around N19 crater, generated on April 4. The Layer P, massive ash with gray color, was generated on April 6 in Kompira crater group. After April 7, the Layer S, characterized as light brown aggregate ash, has been generated from the recent minor activities around limited craters. The amount of Layer A fallen in the range from the source to Toyako Onsencho Town is estimated at 1.2×10^8 kg, and total amount of Layer A including in the distal area is 2.4×10^8 kg. On the other hand, amount of other deposits generated during April 1 to 6 (e.g. Layer B, N, and Q) is an order of 10^6-10^7 kg. Total amount of the pyroclastic deposits erupted from the Usu 2000 eruption is more than 6.4×10^8 kg.
中田 節也 長井 雅史 安田 敦 嶋野 岳人 下司 信夫 大野 希一 秋政 貴子 金子 隆之 藤井 敏嗣
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.168-180, 2001-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
41 43

The 2000 eruption of Miyakejima volcano started with a submarine eruption of basaltic andesite on the morning of June 27, which occurred following earthquake swarms during the previous night. The main phase of the summit eruption began, being associated by a sudden subsidence of the summit area on July 8. Continuous collapsing of the summit area that had continued until midAugust, resulted in the formation of a caldera with the volume of about 0.6 km3. Phreatic (or phreatomagmatic) eruptions took places during the growth of the caldera, although the total volume of eruptives was about 11 million m3. which is smaller by one magnitude than the caldera volume. Eruptives are enriched with hydrothermally altered materials such as smectite and kaolinite.The manner of the first collapse suggests the existence of a large open space under the summit just before the subsidence. Judging from geophysical observation results, the open space may have ascended in the manner of stoping. Successive formation of open spaces at deeper levels is likely to have caused the continuous collapse of the summit area. These open spaces may have been generated by magma's migration from under Miyakejima to the west. The migration is considered to have continued by August 18.It is likely that an inflow of underground water to the open spaces generated a hydrothermal system, where the open spaces acted as a sort of pressure cooker that built up overpressure of eruptions. The hydrothermal system was broken by the largest eruption on August 18, and the eruption column rose about 15 km above the summit. A boiling-over type of eruption occurred on August 29, whereby sufficient overpressure of steam was not built up, resulting in the generation of low-temperature ash cloud surges moving very slowly.
遠藤 邦彦 宮地 直道 高橋 正樹 山川 修治 中山 裕則 大野 希一
